This is a good thread. It's always good to mentally prepare for these sort of things and carefully plan. Because if you don't you'll just end up splurging and going broke 2-5 years later and back to where you started.
The very first thing I'll do is quit my job and create an opening for those who actually need to work to survive in this world.
I'd do something similar to chillers at the very first page. I've been living as a minimalist recently, so for me to go from minimalist to splurging into a life of luxury doesn't add up.
If I buy my own place I'll have to make sure it's no bigger than 200 square feet. I've been researching small apartment living solutions for many years. Like this place for example:
Less land I take up, more land for everyone else to go around. Truth is, we all share this planet, there's only a finite amount of land and resources to go around. So, no mega mansion for me.
1 Car, 1 motorcycle, both electric. No excessive show boat garage full of exotic cars.
I'd put in a lot of money into building an exoskeleton armour similar to that of ironman, that doubles up as a motorcycle suit. I need to protect myself at all costs. The money is no good if I'm dead at an early age.
Honestly, I say all this now. But when it happens who knows if I'll stay true to my words. I'll have to be in that position to truly see. People go through life style inflation. I just hope I don't fall victim to it.