Doorhanger - do you read them?

When these door hangers are left on your door.. do you read them?

  • Yes - I read them and keep them to use the coupons etc

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • Yes - I read them and then thow them out

    Votes: 6 9.5%
  • No - I just throw them out

    Votes: 35 55.6%
  • No - chase after the guy/girl who left it and strangle them with it.

    Votes: 17 27.0%

  • Total voters
You admit that he was doing a good job, but you fired him for advertising his services to your neighboors? Did you think you were his only client?

I can see if he had talked someone out of buying your home and into the neighboor's or something like that.. but firing him for trying to expand his business while still satisfying your needs is a YOU problem.. I see nothing wrong with what he did and would do it myself.
I agree with what vociferous did and would do it myself. Now it's a vociferous problem AND an EngineerJoe problem... look at the response of this poll and you'll quickly see that this is going to be a quick progression towards a YOU problem.

Mind you, I'd make sure to hire a realtor that DIDN'T advertise with hangers...

I love how people think telling me their personal over reactions are going to sway my opinion.. In life and in advertising you can't please everyone.

This is a simple poll to find out what percentage of people DO read them.. if you don't, check that.. if you they send you into a flying rage.. check that.. but it's not about you. What you don't like someone else will, and what someones else doesn't like you might.. If you only hire agents that don't do any advertising at all.. also your choice, but guess what, if they aren't trying very hard to build their business they probably won't be trying very hard to sell your home either..

We have already established that vociferous had numerous good reasons to find a new agent that had nothing to do with his PERSONAL advertising methods, but if you are a person who would fire, or choose not to hire an agent for that reason.. that's your right. But guess what.. I don't want to work with you either, so it's a win/win!

I work very hard for my clients, and anyone who has ever worked with me can vouch for that. I endevour to respect their wishes, and if someone had a problem with a methode that I choose to advertise their home or something to that affect, that is certainly something we would discuss, but if someone has a problem with the way I run my business in area's that have nothing to do with them.. we just aren't a good fit to work together. If you didn't fire me.. I would fire you. :)
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Part of the strong reactions stem from your first reply in the thread, where you took the poll to mean a possible 25% conversion rate on the door hangers, as opposed to 75% of people are annoyed by them.
I love how people think telling me their personal over reactions are going to sway my opinion.. In life and in advertising you can't please everyone.
You're right, just don't get miffed when you ask for my opinion and I give it. If you don't want opinions, why are you using a forum in the first place? (That's a rhetorical question, I can't read your replies anymore)
Part of the strong reactions stem from your first reply in the thread, where you took the poll to mean a possible 25% conversion rate on the door hangers, as opposed to 75% of people are annoyed by them.

I don't agree that 75% of people are annoyed by them.. If I thought that was the case I certainly wouldn't be considering using such an advertising vehicle. Major said it well above.. those in favor don't bother to respond. I would say it's more like 70% of people don't care (will just toss them out).. 20% are in favor (would consider reading them if something caught their eye) and 5% get irrationally offended by them..

Do I wish to offend anyone? of course not.. but no matter what you do someone will be upset.

You're right, just don't get miffed when you ask for my opinion and I give it. If you don't want opinions, why are you using a forum in the first place? (That's a rhetorical question, I can't read your replies anymore)

I am not in the slightest miffed about your opinion.. I believe I even said you were entitled to it. However I am also entitled to find your opinion humorous. That said, an opinion was asked on a yes/no poll about whether or not you read these.. you offered to go past that and state how angry they make you and how you would fire someone for it.. and still.. I'm not miffed. I just find it a little funny, and mostly don't care.

Happy trails..
Overall I would have to agree that an almost 7% hit rate, base don this small sample, isn't all that bad in advertising terms.
Overall I would have to agree that an almost 7% hit rate, base don this small sample, isn't all that bad in advertising terms.

I don't really want to question one of the few people who are agreeing with me here, but how do you get 7%? i'm seeing over 16%..
Your question, however, was do people make any use of door hangers, not if they are effective for real estate advertising.

I hate door hangers for the reasons stated above -- that it makes it quite obvious if I go away for a couple of days.

Other than that, I might glance at any advertising that comes through to see if there are any decent deals, i.e. 2 for 1 dinners is about the only coupon I use.

Real estate agents, as far as I am concerned, are just wasting their money advertising door to door. I get door hangers and mail box stuffers from agents all the time and I have only looked at them long enough to realize they are garbage and toss them. There is not a chance I will remember either the name or real estate company from any of them.

When I moved to the GTA I found my agent by calling agents that had properties listed on MLS that I was interested in. Their action or inaction from when I contacted them allowed me to decide who I would consider working with and who I would not. I managed to find an excellent agent using this method, and unless he retires before I move I plan to use him next time as he is smart, communicates well, and doesn't do much to piss me off. No where in any of that searching would door hangers, car wraps, or any other crap do anything for me as far as realtors go.
I use door hanger for beer coasters as they are often laminated paper and hold up well :).
Try putting a chick in a bikini on your advertisement, or the slogan "free beer", at least then your guaranteed more people will at least look at it :).
I knew that you did, but that 7%, now 8%, is a rather telling stat.

Agreed. Anything over 2% is actually considered pretty good for print media.

Your question, however, was do people make any use of door hangers, not if they are effective for real estate advertising.

I hate door hangers for the reasons stated above -- that it makes it quite obvious if I go away for a couple of days.

Other than that, I might glance at any advertising that comes through to see if there are any decent deals, i.e. 2 for 1 dinners is about the only coupon I use.

Real estate agents, as far as I am concerned, are just wasting their money advertising door to door. I get door hangers and mail box stuffers from agents all the time and I have only looked at them long enough to realize they are garbage and toss them. There is not a chance I will remember either the name or real estate company from any of them.

When I moved to the GTA I found my agent by calling agents that had properties listed on MLS that I was interested in. Their action or inaction from when I contacted them allowed me to decide who I would consider working with and who I would not. I managed to find an excellent agent using this method, and unless he retires before I move I plan to use him next time as he is smart, communicates well, and doesn't do much to piss me off. No where in any of that searching would door hangers, car wraps, or any other crap do anything for me as far as realtors go.

I appreciate your insight Diesel. I agree that two for one dinners and the like get a lot more traction on these things.. but I think if you happened to get one from a realtor with a good deal on (free home inspection, 500 off your legal fee's, first mortgage payment made for you etc etc.) right at the tme you were considering moving.. it would have caught your attention.. for the 90% of people who get one when they aren't moving.. absolutely they'l go in the trash.

As for just calling agents with listings on the MLS.. agreed that's great. BUT some agents choose only to work with buyers and thus rarely to ever have anything listed, doesn't mean they aren't good agents!

I use door hanger for beer coasters as they are often laminated paper and hold up well :icon_smile:.
Try putting a chick in a bikini on your advertisement, or the slogan "free beer", at least then your guaranteed more people will at least look at it :icon_smile:.

I would love for them to be used as beer coasters! Especially with someone who drinks like you do.. they'll get seen a lot! hahaha :)
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