
I've got to assume that there will be huge financial penalties for breaking contracts with developers (again assuming contracts were already drawn up) ... or maybe they get preferential treatment when the next huge plot of land get's developed further away??
If you want to look tall, hang out with short people.
If you want to look young, hang out with old people.
If you want to look smart, hang out with Doug Ford.
You can say what you like, but you just heard an apology from a senior politician. That almost never happens, so take note. Even IF he got his hand caught in the cookie jar, he probably owned it as well as anyone could.
I've got to assume that there will be huge financial penalties for breaking contracts with developers (again assuming contracts were already drawn up) ... or maybe they get preferential treatment when the next huge plot of land get's developed further away??

This whole mess is likely gonna get swept under the carpet. They don't want the public finding out who spoke to who and who got what fat envelope handed to them.

I suspect everyone just takes an L on this and moves on.
I welcome the computerized AI goverment, maybe Ai will be good for something, it's gotta be better then these jokers in our Gov.
How do you train AI government? Look at all existing government policies and do the opposite of that as the better approach?
Probably a good start.
Shouldn't be to complicated if a ex teacher, ex druglord, and what instagram influencer (ya our gov is the intro of a joke) can do it so can Ai.

Pretty much this
You can say what you like, but you just heard an apology from a senior politician. That almost never happens, so take note. Even IF he got his hand caught in the cookie jar, he probably owned it as well as anyone could.
Buck-a-beer, gas pump stickers, Ontario Place giveaway, HWY 413, where does it end ? Let the RCMP conduct a full investigation, then we can make an educated decision.
Buck-a-beer, gas pump stickers, Ontario Place giveaway, HWY 413, where does it end ? Let the RCMP conduct a full investigation, then we can make an educated decision.
I mean, you say that like this trainwreck of a province started with Doug, i would argue not.

Face it, we aren't ever going to get a 'good' politician, because the sheep (us) don't want to hear the truth.
Buck-a-beer, gas pump stickers, Ontario Place giveaway, HWY 413, where does it end ? Let the RCMP conduct a full investigation, then we can make an educated decision.
While I welcome a third party review, RCMP are quite possibly more corrupt and inept than all of our politicians. They protect their fiefdom at all costs. They have very little will to keep to truth and/or law.
I mean, you say that like this trainwreck of a province started with Doug, i would argue not.

Face it, we aren't ever going to get a 'good' politician, because the sheep (us) don't want to hear the truth.
Or we know the truth and there really are no options for the people to fix the way gov is allowed to operate?
Or we know the truth and there really are no options for the people to fix the way gov is allowed to operate?
power corrupts, that has been the truth since the dawn of civilization. so first, you need to understand that whoever you put there is going to line their pockets and their friends' pockets. put someone in a position to provide generational wealth for their family...and well, I'm not a parent, but i find it hard to believe the average person would not jump at the chance to see their great-great grandkids never have to work a day in their life to put food on the table.

lastly, people will not vote for a naysayer. "well i probably can't fix this **** in 4 years, but i'll try not to make it worse" never going to get voted in.

"i'll turn it all around, put the feds in their place and lower all your living costs'. that's what people want to hear, even if they should know better.
I mean, you say that like this trainwreck of a province started with Doug, i would argue not.

Face it, we aren't ever going to get a 'good' politician, because the sheep (us) don't want to hear the truth.
Do you vote, are you a member of a political party, do you take an ACTIVE interest in what's going on ?
If you do, I applaud you, if you don't then you're part of the problem.
Hold their feet to the fire - let your MP or MPP know how you feel.
Big Party politics have always been like this - you end up trying to choose the 'least worst'.
I'm afraid it's Doug's turn in the barrel - he's betrayed trust. I'm interested to see how far this goes.
It could be way worse - think about what's going on in the Excited States of America.
Do you vote, are you a member of a political party, do you take an ACTIVE interest in what's going on ?
If you do, I applaud you, if you don't then you're part of the problem.
Hold their feet to the fire - let your MP or MPP know how you feel.
i'll bring my con membership to the next burgeRR meetup.


even while i agree somewhat; 'you don't get to complain if you aren't invested'. it doesn't change the reality of our situation in general, imo.
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