Do you charge family $$

I let them finish talking and then I tell them they need a new computer.
The age of the computer was just to emphasize the problem. My point is that being a computer programmer doesn't make me any more qualified to fix OS/virus problems then the average home PC user. I never deal with that crap at work. That's the tedious crap that the IT department is for. That's like saying to a cab driver......hey, you work with cars, can you help me diagnose the mechanical problem with my car?
so tell em that.

As for the original question....I don't charge friends and family for the stuff I do if it's just my time. I would pay out of pocket/material costs at the very least, if someone was helping me and would expect the same in return. A buddy is a mechanic, I drive almost a hour to go to him for stuff I can't do and pay him what I can get him to take.
Last time i worked on my FIL's computer it was a good 5 hour ordeal. Windows 7. A fight between the antivirus and some malicious adware (that was added by a third party download site to a program that should have been downloaded direct from the manufacturer).

Would you consider just yanking the drive out, copying off their cat pictures & resignation letters, slapping the drive back in and doing a restore? Successfully exorcising malware can be done, but if it takes five hours can be a Pyrrhic victory
Doing Marine or Car mechanic, welding or general joe jobs... it all depends on the amount of time and who its for. A good friend I'll help for free, certain family members I'll help for free, but if you're a friend of a friend or the job takes a few days then I will charge them time + materials.

You know who is going to be there when you need them and who will give you some sob story as to why they cant make it, just use that info to make your decision.
Pay for Materials if its way too much. Payment for labour in food and beer!
I blew a valve on my Daytona before (previous owner didn't adjust valves properly) and my buddy took the engine apart, replaced the vale, put everything back together, adjusted the valves, etc. I paid for the parts and threw him like 300-400 bucks. I can't remember how much but I'm sure if I took it to a shop the bill would have been 2-3 times that. He didn't ask but I think if it's a big job it's only fair to offer. He's not family but close friend.
Would you consider just yanking the drive out, copying off their cat pictures & resignation letters, slapping the drive back in and doing a restore? Successfully exorcising malware can be done, but if it takes five hours can be a Pyrrhic victory

Depends on the issue. Most of that 5 hours was waiting.
Nobody should be expected to cover materials, but I dont charge family or close friends money. One way or the other it all works out.
I have a reverse story....getting work done by a family member. If I needed something done by my brother I would 'attempt' it myself and f' it all up at the beginning on purpose. When he came over I would tell him what I was going to do and show him what I had done so far. He would immediately say it was wrong an proceed to fix my mistake and finish the job. He would be fed and supplied with beer while working and had the satisfaction of telling me the whole time how bad I was and showing me how good he was. I would sit back, watch, drink beer and smile. It took him 4 fair size jobs before he figured out I was scamming him.
charge family, WTF is wrong with ppl, I don't even charge friends for work.

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I have a reverse story....getting work done by a family member. If I needed something done by my brother I would 'attempt' it myself and f' it all up at the beginning on purpose. When he came over I would tell him what I was going to do and show him what I had done so far. He would immediately say it was wrong an proceed to fix my mistake and finish the job. He would be fed and supplied with beer while working and had the satisfaction of telling me the whole time how bad I was and showing me how good he was. I would sit back, watch, drink beer and smile. It took him 4 fair size jobs before he figured out I was scamming him.
Sounds like an older brother
Let's say you're a plumber, electrician, bricklayer, accountant, lawyer etc and you do a small job for a close family member do you charge them or is it "Family"?
It is Family
Origin of “Blood is Thicker Than Water”: This is one that’s completely flipped its meaning over the centuries. In the beginning, it meant something to the effect of “a bond or covenant I’ve made with someone I’ve shed or shared blood with (sometimes literally) is stronger than one I have with someone I’ve shared the womb with.” Obviously today it’s interpreted the other way, that the bond between family members or blood relations is stronger than one between people only connected by water.

The phrase is thought to have its origins either in blood rituals made between people, forming a bond or covenant with one another by shedding blood, or between soldiers who fought and whether literally or figuratively shed blood together on the battlefield.
Heavens to Betsy there has to be a right answer! The suspense is killing me!
Who's Karma?
She works the pole with her friend Cinnamon in a duo show at a club in Mississauga. After a refreshing beverage I get all my important life decisions cleared through these two. They have a life balance of commitment to work, family and substance abuse.
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