I'm surprised to hear how so few of you get sick....I wonder if there's a correlation between riding a motorcycle and having a stronger immune system. You're exposed to more elements, have higher rates of interaction with people and bacteria, wear gear that harbours bacteria (even if you're a germaphobe like me), etc.
You don't start building an immune system at the age of 16+ when you can ride bikes; it starts when you're still in your mother's womb and, once you're out, it becomes better as you are subjected to different germs that are commonly found around us.
Just an FYI for anyone reading this:
In a world of humans without germs, humans will die in a couple days.
In a world of germs without humans, they continue living and aren't affected by our absense.
There are some germs that can only live on the human body. These are
good germs. There are many many types of good germs. They help by fighting other germs that may land on you throughout your day. All these sanitizing products kill these good germs who are simply protecting you.
I understand there's different levels of germophopes and you said you're working on it. That's great to hear and I tip my hat to you.
I personally think germophobes generally have the weakest immune systems because they need sanitizers to live.
Your example of not putting your bag down in a public washroom isn't a germophobe move, it's just a
good idea.
No matter how healthy a person is, don't put your stuff down in a cocktail of urine, feces and God knows what else lol.
I only remember getting the flu shot once, and I didn't really have a choice. I was a kid and my parents signed the paper for them to give it to me when they came to the school to do it.
I didn't get sick from it. I also didn't get (flu) sick every other year of my life either (without the shot).
As a kid I played outside a lot, probably had too many mud pies for your liking, extended the 5 second rule to something like 2 minutes, shared candy/lollipops/gum with other kids, ate my boogers and stuff like that.
The first time I've ever been sick to the point where I missed school/work is probably around 21 years old, and probably twice more since then.
It was never the seasonal flu.