Do we need an official gun thread?


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It seems every time someone get shot somewhere the thread sets the pro guns against the anti guns.

The key restrictions would be that one can't refer to studies mainly because most studies are paid for by biased organizations and only released if they are favourable to the guy writing the check. Statistics based on guns per person are bogus as well because they don't take into account other social factors.

My biggest objection is that if the pro guns get the laws relaxed to US standards and the whole thing backfires how does the pro gun lobby reverse the situation after a million Glocks cross the border?

It's a devil you know instead of the one you don't situation and Canada is a pretty safe devil right now.

What does it cost the gun owner is there are more dead bodies. If their lobby became successful and backfired what would it cost them compared the the losses suffered by the victims? Do the gun lobbyist say "Shucks, we were wrong" and walk away with a freeby? What do they put on the line? Nothing to lose.

Fire away (Pun intended)
We need a gun related "subsection"
debate, but don't use any facts. go.

The key restrictions would be that one can't refer to studies mainly because most studies are paid for by biased organizations and only released if they are favourable to the guy writing the check. .......

OK so show me just one study that concludes that tighter gun laws work. Just one.
Yeah, and a no guns allowed law isnt exactly a fair law.
Canada isnt Europe I'm sorry to inform you guys. There is a way of life outside of the GTA
No real point in this debate.

The only ones that take part have already made up their minds for or against private firearms ownership, and neither side is gonna give any ground. The rest of the members roll their eyes and skip ahead to a different thread that they might actually enjoy reading.
debate, but don't use any facts. go.

The hard part is defining a fact. What people think will happen is not a fact. What might happen in the future is not a fact. Surveys are a collection of opinions not facts.

We are left with studies. Studies cost money so one funds a study for one of two reasons. It either makes the funder money or the funder has strong personal feelings on the subject and is therefore biased.

We can also speculate. What would have happened with the Polytech massacre if some students were carrying?
Would Lepine be the only death or would it have been worse with amateurs having a gunfight, not knowing who was the bad guy.

I opened this thread with a bias based on prefering the devil I know. If we were to relax the laws and it backfired how would we reverse the bus? What meaningful compensation could the pro gun lobby offer the families of victims?

In reality the thread is about the free test ride the pro gun lobby wants. If it crashes what does it cost them?
OK so show me just one study that concludes that tighter gun laws work. Just one.

The problem with studies is that one tends to find what one wants to find.

Plagiarizing Bob Newhart, if you put an infinite number of researchers in an infinite number of labs one will eventually turn out a report that supports the pre-chosen conclusion.
What we need is a "Legitimate Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancies" thread!!
quoting Europe simply doesnt cant look at statistics and go AHA, gun crime is lower in Europe so it MUST help...Criminals will just find other ways to hurt you, simple as that...and you've taken away citizens one way of leveling the field. You should be looking at the overall crime rate.

Look at riots in LA of the early 90's...Asian community banded together and protected their stores using firearms, not one of those store were looted or pillaged.

The way some of you think is: ALL GUNS BAD, when a single individual does something bad....why dont you think that way about cars? knives? baseball bats?

The worst part is, most of the anti-gun people know for one, jack **** about the rules and regulations of owning one, and two, have never handled or fired a firearm.
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