Got a massage this morning. Back was tight.
meh creatine can't really hurt tbhstill working on building on some more muscle mass before trying to lift heavy again. Spent all 2023 on a powerlifting program trying to hit my goals. Got 1/3 lifts there but just not making the other two.
got some good info on youtube about the big differences between building strength and hypotrophy (muscle gains). rep ranges, fatigues differences.
better game plan for 2024 hopefully and will finally achieve my 1000lbs goal.
also back on creatine after possibly a decade. will see if this combination helps or not.
Yup! Trying to keep to my every other day workout schedule and so far it's working well. Doing about 4 exercises per muscle group, and right now light enough to do 3x12 for each, but as things progress I'll be going to failure.
I guess 'failure' is the best way to go, and it doesn't matter whether it's 10-12-20 long as you go to failure.
No. 3 diff days and 2 diff body groups on each day.are you doing fullbody workouts every other day?
dumbbells are the best. Both your hands are forced to balance the weights independently