Did they legalize lane-splitting/filtering or is it 'do as I say...'?

They probably did.. but the pic doesn't show that.
I think splitting and filtering are okay.. but the board doesn't want to hear it.
no group rides.. side by side sometimes.. split and filter whenever I want.
A typical group ride would have a group of 2-8 riders share the same lane, in a stagger formation. The group wouldn't be split among different lanes unless there is an emergency.


I also approve of splitting/filtering, within limits of safety, but am calling out the ones who'd be writing regular peons tickets for doing what they do in public.

I imagine they'd call a tow truck and impound vehicles if they were going to write a ticket. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Pretty sure that Long Branch (Etobicoke), isn't Peel region, so they might be out of their jurisdiction, unless that's been changed.

That's a US concept. A Peel cop could write me a ticket in Paulatuk if they wanted to. Imagine 2 different cagers at the same time muscling into the lane-space occupied by a motorcycle rider. Now that could be anything from a minor, 3-demerit ticket to full on stunting, depending on the cop's mood. If I were a cop and some random cager endangered my safety, I'd take the time even if it means waiting for a tow truck.
If the bike cop was already stopped in that position.. and the kia pulled up beside him like that.. I'm not sure it would be breaking a law...
or.. vice versa.. if the kia was stopped first.
At first glance, it does look like the Kia is more to the left of center and the Audi is more to the right of center, but when you look closer, the Kia actually has all 4 wheels on the tracks, so the driver could have been tramlining. No idea what's going on with the Audi nut it doesn't appear to be right up to the line.

As for vehicle brand stereotypes, there's one for everything. You just need to be made aware, and then suddenly you'll notice it. I never thought twice about Range Rover drivers until a friend mentioned it, and now I notice them all the time. The power of suggestion is real.
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there really need to be public inquiry on how police behaves....

was in a cage myself the other day in Scarborough... went from Hwy 7 to Sheppard on Kennedy... and whenever he's at a stop light.. he would turn on his police lights to either 1) get to the front of the traffic... and/or 2) signal the traffic to move for him... and at multiple occasion... he would pull the left turn OR right turn lane turn on his lights and signal to move to the front of the traffic.... he did ALL this to pull into a McDs in Kennedy Commons... how'd I know? I literally was driving speed limit... 50km/h all the way... and went to McDs as well.... fat cop and his fat date really needed that Big Mac....
there really need to be public inquiry on how police behaves....

was in a cage myself the other day in Scarborough... went from Hwy 7 to Sheppard on Kennedy... and whenever he's at a stop light.. he would turn on his police lights to either 1) get to the front of the traffic... and/or 2) signal the traffic to move for him... and at multiple occasion... he would pull the left turn OR right turn lane turn on his lights and signal to move to the front of the traffic.... he did ALL this to pull into a McDs in Kennedy Commons... how'd I know? I literally was driving speed limit... 50km/h all the way... and went to McDs as well.... fat cop and his fat date really needed that Big Mac....
Many years ago I saw a cop go lights and sirens into Tim hortons and go into the store. Back out again a few minutes later and lights and sirens towards the cop shop. Bastards. Well above the law.
While all vehicles are potentially driven by idiots, my eyeball average indicates that certain personality types are attracted to certain brands and vehicles. Most kia drivers don't give a crap about driving and have little situational awareness ime. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they saw a hole left of the bike and pulled into it.
There is alot of kia's out there 😜
Lane filtering is becoming a fact of (road) life now.
While on the bike, a cabbie driving a van "filtered" past me - my fault, as I was maintaining lane safety (riding on the right side of the lane).
While in a car, a guy on a Duc going down between two lanes to get to the front, unsafe as it was a narrow corridor but I guess Mr. Duc assumed he had the right and considered himself an export (yes, "export", not "expert" )
Question though. When I'm the first one in the right most lane at the light I keep myself at the left and front as much as possible so the car turning right has enough gap to take the turn. Is this allowed or do I have a chance of getting ticketed of a cop hovers by?

I only do this if the traffic behind me is far or there's one with the blinker on.
Question though. When I'm the first one in the right most lane at the light I keep myself at the left and front as much as possible so the car turning right has enough gap to take the turn. Is this allowed or do I have a chance of getting ticketed of a cop hovers by?

I only do this if the traffic behind me is far or there's one with the blinker on.
If anything, the car committed an infraction for sharing a lane with you.

I do that too. Keeps traffic moving. If there isn't enough space for them to safely get by I block so nobody tries.
Anyone get ticketed for lane filtering during stopped traffic on the DVP? Asking for a friend...

Also, why can't use use the DVP HOV lanes? Busses and motorcycles makes sense to me!
Anyone get ticketed for lane filtering during stopped traffic on the DVP? Asking for a friend...

Also, why can't use use the DVP HOV lanes? Busses and motorcycles makes sense to me!
A rider has gotten a 172 ticket on the Gardiner for filtering before. They had to sell their bike to cover the costs.

As for hov a solitary bike uses just as much space as a single occupant cage. Bikes only take up less space in a group. There is no great justification for bikes in hov lane other than we want access.
A rider has gotten a 172 ticket on the Gardiner for filtering before. They had to sell their bike to cover the costs.

As for hov a solitary bike uses just as much space as a single occupant cage. Bikes only take up less space in a group. There is no great justification for bikes in hov lane other than we want access.

What was the outcome of the case?
Anyone get ticketed for lane filtering during stopped traffic on the DVP? Asking for a friend...

Also, why can't use use the DVP HOV lanes? Busses and motorcycles makes sense to me!
I thought you can use any HOV lane, no?
Anyone get ticketed for lane filtering during stopped traffic on the DVP? Asking for a friend...

Also, why can't use use the DVP HOV lanes? Busses and motorcycles makes sense to me!

Are there HOV lanes on the Don Valley Parkway? There is a southbound bus only lane, but HOV? I don't use the DVP often, perhaps there's been a change?

HOV lanes are present on Hwy. 404 and we can use 'em.
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