A typical group ride would have a group of 2-8 riders share the same lane, in a stagger formation. The group wouldn't be split among different lanes unless there is an emergency.They probably did.. but the pic doesn't show that.
I think splitting and filtering are okay.. but the board doesn't want to hear it.
no group rides.. side by side sometimes.. split and filter whenever I want.

I also approve of splitting/filtering, within limits of safety, but am calling out the ones who'd be writing regular peons tickets for doing what they do in public.
I imagine they'd call a tow truck and impound vehicles if they were going to write a ticket. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Pretty sure that Long Branch (Etobicoke), isn't Peel region, so they might be out of their jurisdiction, unless that's been changed.
That's a US concept. A Peel cop could write me a ticket in Paulatuk if they wanted to. Imagine 2 different cagers at the same time muscling into the lane-space occupied by a motorcycle rider. Now that could be anything from a minor, 3-demerit ticket to full on stunting, depending on the cop's mood. If I were a cop and some random cager endangered my safety, I'd take the time even if it means waiting for a tow truck.