These don't sound like the kind of people I'd want to shoot around.
I hear ya...... but they've been at it for 30 yrs now - only fatalities have been 4 legged
These don't sound like the kind of people I'd want to shoot around.
I hear ya...... but they've been at it for 30 yrs now - only fatalities have been 4 legged
Regarding bleeding out, it's the same as when you shoot them. They usually die from the trauma and ther's no point in trying. The only animals that it seems critical to bleed out (unless you're Kosher) are pigs for some reason. I came upon the roadkill a couple of minutes after it was hit, and it was already dead. The older gentleman that hit it did not want it, so I loaded it into the back of my van (luckily the seats had been taken out to make room for lumber) and took it to my buddy's place. He has a drive-in fridge and freezer for his fur operation (1000s of mink) and we gutted it and skinned it out in his grinding room. Hung it in the fridge for 10 days and cut it up on his meat bandsaw. Wrapped it in butcher paper (National Grocer has that) and put it in the freezer. You just need to remove the really bruised parts and toss them. You may find hidden damage, but that's fine, you can just grind that up later for burgers, or throw it in a stew.
I deer hunt with my compound bow. Shotgun just seems cheap to me for some reason.
My 14 year old sister took one on the opening weekend of archery.
I'll start this weekend I've been busy shooting ducks so far.
I choke'em out with a rear naked choke then rip out their throat with my teeth..anything else just seems cheap to me..
Maintaining that chokehold, might have been an issue though
Good thing I'm bad-***.. My folks had a family of 3 living in the back yard last year..and they had 4 bears at the same time a few months ago..after they saw the arm-bar lock I put the big boy in the other bears skeedaddled..
Sort of on topic... Hunting Beagle shot while tracking.
I do care, and that's why I said I'm glad I didn't have to actually make the choice. During hunting (gun) season, I wouldn't shoot the dog as it's just doing it's job, as GreyGhost mentioned. Also, during a gun season, the dog is not doing anything illegal, except tresspassing, and it doesn't know any better. When it is not in season, the owner is breaking the law by letting it's dogs run free to chase deer. I live near many dog owners that use them to hunt, and they accept that they may be shot if they get free and run deer out of season. That's why they keep them well contained. The dogs chasing the deer I mentioned were just lapdogs however and they shouldn't have been out there.