Dear potheads, Merry Christmas!

They usually give high cbd strains to children or cancer patients.

People like Nancy grace will never understand how these children or cancer patients rarely if ever feel high.

Instead they ignorantly advocate for the use of synthetically made thc in the pill form (very dangerous) without realizing that this synthetically made thc is only going to get the person high and not necessarily deliver a dose of cbd to ease some pain.
apparently its like a see-saw and the more THC content in comparison to CBD the higher you get. Bud that is 20% THC and 10% CBD will get you stoned. something that's an even 15% of both will get you a mild mellow buzz. If its more CBD than THC a seasoned to occasional user will likely only get the pain relief and therapeutic affects.

I'm going to order a couple ounces and get 4-5 different strains to experiment the first time around. I've also laid off of it for a couple weeks and will do so until my order comes in. Then I will actually get the full affect and be able to properly differentiate between the strains.
If you're vaporizing for the purpose of getting cbd you might have to use a higher setting. I'm pretty sure cbd vaporizes at a different temp than thc. Thc can vaporize much lower.

Just throwing that out there because ei think I remember reading that you're vaping.
first off I have to say I love the fear mongering that goes on with a topic like this...

I just got my prescription today so I figure I'd come talk a bit about it. I've been using for almost 10 years now, still did pretty good in school, went to uni. All I've really wanted a card for is so I don't have worry about smoking (vaporizing mostly) weed wherever I feel like. I do it pretty much wherever and whenever I please yet in 10 years have only ever had one interaction when I was still a teen with cops in which weed was involved. They just took it away so I'd say it ended up going pretty well...I've never had a single incident driving/riding due to it, in fact I've had about a dozen speeding tickets on my 250 and after hitting some kush is the only time I don't ride like a goon. Every other time 120 feels like I can just jump off and start running...

I don't know wtf Justin Trudeau has been up to on his legalization process but I figured **** it, I'ma go get this **** on my own!! I was unfortunate to have had a fall which resulted in a fractured wrist back in 2014 and recently had the screws removed. I lost some good riding time over it but thought I might as well get some good out of it and use it as an excuse to make a case for a weed card. I found a clinic that deals in "alternative pain management" and they just happened to be running a study on medical marijuana. I fit the criteria and printed out a referral sheet and went to my family dr, I didn't tell him I was going for the weed study just in case he had any inhibitions. I just told him its a pain management clinic and some bs about how my wrist has constantly been in chronic pain post surgery. In the end I have the right to see a specialist and he signed off on the referral and I faxed it off myself.

Today was my appointment and it went pretty smooth. The clinic is your regular medical clinic and deals with all sorts of patients and conditions, it wasn't some dopey joint and was pretty packed, I went in and filled in some questionnaires about my pain and how it affects my quality of life, previous meds, alcohol/drug use etc. I was asked for a urine sample that tested for your typical street drugs; meth, coke, fentanyl, benzosomething, opiates all that **** I was clean on everything other than THC obviously. I was then called in by a pre-med student and given a little talk about how the program works and how marijuana can affect you...I literally started laughing and schooling her after she was trying to tell me what's good. I told her how much I use, how I ingest all that...she explained to me the ordering process and the legalities/policies of the study.

Then I finally got too see the dr, he seemed pretty chill looked over all the notes from the pre-med and asked me how much I use, how I've been using. In the end he prescribed me 3 grams a day. I have to go for a follow up every 3 months and renew my card, I'm allowed to order up to ones months supply at a time so I can get 3 oz!! That's a ****load, probably more than even I can go through. Buds range from $7-15 a gram and THC and CBD content is listed for everything. THC gets you high and is a good pain killer CBD is a great anti-inflammatory but doesn't get you buzzing so you can really tailor it to your tastes. You can also pick between sativas and indicas or hybrids and oils will soon be available, I've yet to make my first order but was explained the process in detail.

Now the final step is to wait for the supplier to call me with my patient #. I then use that to register on their website and order from there, 2 days express shipping and enjoy! If any of you guys have had chronic pain from injuries or just want a card, have a condition to get you in the door and think you can bull**** your way around it and are interested PM me and I will give you details on the clinic. I know many of us think no dr will prescribe me or I'll be looked down upon, **** that. Don't worry, all you need is your dr to just sign off on the referral and not even tell him anything about marijuana if you don't want. At the end of the day the family dr is not the one prescribing it anyways so he has nothing to worry about, and the dr that is running this study is really legit.

Come home from docs appt about options for pain management ( 16 screws and two steel plates spiral fracture 20 peices along with knee torn or smashed -acl-mcl and meniscus gonzo) and he give me the REFFERAL looks like I am a couple weeks behind ya.

I like that there will be control of quality of strains and just knowing it hasnt been grown by some hillbilly in his basement growing unethically.

Ever wonder why that hydroponic shiet will not burn??? Dumbass growers not leeching weed last few days before chopping therefore you are smoking all those yummy chemicals

Calcium nitrate

2.Potassium sulfate

3.Potassium nitrate

4.Mono potassium phosphate

5.Magnesium sulfate(epsom salts)

6.Trace elements

The best, cleanest weeds i've smoked came from hillbillys in their basement.
Some of the worst crap came from a large for profit medical producer.
And you don't need any chemicals to grow it if you aren't trying to once again "grow for profit"
Just saying.

As for the "only government approved medical weed from the clinic is ok" type comments, i have terrible news for you, where do you think they get all those different strains of buds from? That's right, most comes from small private independent growers, not some magical government warehouse.
The best, cleanest weeds i've smoked came from hillbillys in their basement.
Some of the worst crap came from a large for profit medical producer.
And you don't need any chemicals to grow it if you aren't trying to once again "grow for profit"
Just saying.

As for the "only government approved medical weed from the clinic is ok" type comments, i have terrible news for y, where do you think they get all those different strains of buds from? That's right, most comes from small private independent growers, not some magical government warehouse.

I dont know what kind of source you have but for most regular folk like myself it is usually a crap shoot what your provider has at that particular moment as in quality and next day.. hour.. minute it can change as in he runs out and restocks and next batch may suck but the show must go on. Also storage becomes an issue of course cause most street vendors will maintain moisture equalling heavier product = more $ and then comes mould and just bad weed.

As for the grow for profit...... I dont know many hillbillies growing in their basement that are NOT growing for sale. If NOT growing for sale you gotta be pretty stupid. Definitely not worth the risk to get caught and have popo sniffing around in your FINANCIALS to see if any gains have been made to take your house on the procceeds of crime thingy.

Now if growing became legal I would probably be like Sinz with his bike doin the circuit.:D

BTW the strain of plant of course is the most important factor for end product but no revelance if the best strain on the planet is improperly grown dried or leeched properly before cosumption. Of course government growers will have to purchase their seeds somewhere to start which would be same suppliers but once the operation is establishe their is no need for seeds as everything is done through a cloning process for the same bud forever therefore maintaining a set standard

Agave once my first shipment comes in you are most welcome to test first hand to see if it meets your high standards. NOW to find a way for my insurance to foot the bill :rolleyes:
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I get from an older guy/couple. They only sell to 2 people. Grown for themselves for decades... and only started selling to us a while back to make bills. We don't buy from them, they don't make their month.
It's been the same weed for as long as I can remember.
As I've said before.... I will never pay tax on it. I'd pay a grand an ounce... before I paid a single cent in tax.
For me I dont like smoking the same product for longer then a few weeks as I find tolerence grows to the point big fatties give ya same feel as pinner when starting that particular strain. Just like alcohol why would someone want to drink same drink forever....boring.
In a perfect world every joint would be a different strain, but alas not possible.
I got np paying taxes on it for the trade off of not feeling like a criminal getting and consuming.
I get from an older guy/couple. They only sell to 2 people. Grown for themselves for decades... and only started selling to us a while back to make bills. We don't buy from them, they don't make their month.
It's been the same weed for as long as I can remember.
As I've said before.... I will never pay tax on it. I'd pay a grand an ounce... before I paid a single cent in tax.

good thing prescriptions aren't taxed...
Loneronin do you actually get a prescription and if so will insurance cover it. I beleive it has to be assigned a drug identification number (DIN) in order for my drug insurance to cover

They don't give you a physical prescription like the family doc would, they send your papers off to the distributor who then sends you your bud with a card that has all your info and your daily prescribed dosage, 3 grams in my case. That's technically your 'weed card' I guess and its what you need to show authorities if you're ever in that type of a situation . As far as insurance goes I'm not sure about the DIN stuff, I've just got coverage from my school that covers up to $1000 per semester, the clinic will fax them whatever papers they need and I just submit the receipt. I know for a fact prescription stuff isn't taxed because of my family business, we've got a couple optical stores and we're not charged from suppliers nor do we tax on prescription frames, lenses or contacts.
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They don't give you a physical prescription like the family doc would, they send your papers off to the distributor who then sends you your bud with a card that has all your info and your daily prescribed dosage, 3 grams in my case. That's technically your 'weed card' I guess and its what you need to show authorities if you're ever in that type of a situation . As far as insurance goes I'm not sure about the DIN stuff, I've just got coverage from my school that covers up to $1000 per semester, the clinic will fax them whatever papers they need and I just submit the receipt. I know for a fact prescription stuff isn't taxed because of my family business, we've got a couple optical stores and we're not charged from suppliers nor do we tax on prescription frames, lenses or contacts.
Do you mind pming me with the info of that clinic and all the financial details that go along with it. I'm kind of interested.
That's huge. I know a lot of people were protesting this, and I'm glad it worked out in their favor.
And then this useless, rusty, crooked, bent up tool shows up again. :rolleyes:

Yes, yes billy, lets keep ruining peoples lives and charging them with crimes against themselves, if everyone was like you the world would be perfect eh?
Maybe if you fell off a cliff.

There's only one crime taking place and he doesn't want you to know about it, in fact he probably takes bribes from big pharma devils.
Keep pumping out those perfectly safe pills you fools, you should be able to reduce the youth population by at least 20% with fenthanol alone.
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