Dear potheads, Merry Christmas!

I'd rather have cannabis in front of me than a frontal canvas canopy.
And what exactly is wrong with taking a new source of taxes (and yes, probably a "cash cow" one at that) and using it in a very targeted way (probably minimizing waste) for the betterment of society?

Would you rather they just dump it into general revenue so it can be ****** away at the provincial level installing more $3000 receptacles in school libraries ( or some more golden toilet seats in a provincial parliament building somewhere?

I'm confident this is just an initial plan, and I'm also confident this will turn into an even bigger cash cow than most anticipate, and I think Trideau is as smart as a fox and knows this right out of the gate. But, the perception needs to be formed now before anything happens and this puts a good initial face on the push for all the "the world is going to end" crowd to chew on for a while.

Your argument is with him not me. Im not the one who is saying its NOT a cash cow. I know it is. he is the one hiding behind all this BS about helping drug addicts with the revenue and ...

I know its a cash cow.
So Sharon Kerr, potential TDSB future trustee, wants to ban the sale of pot in a 500 meter radius of a school. So she's out gathering 1000 signatures today.

When asked on 1010 this morning WHY she thought that this was a danger to kids 5 times she couldn't even answer the question.

Instead she makes a link to the developing brain and how it is affected by pot, but still does not answer the question how this will affect kids if pot is for sale at the LCBO.

If this woman isn't the definition of brain dead I don't know what is. Further, if this woman makes it as a TRUSTEE I would be even more scared.

She avoids many things:
1: where is the connection between the sale of something and it's consumption? She related this to cigarettes and how convenience stores sell to kids, but as a teenager I can tell you that those guys didn't ID teens buying smokes at a store. Every time I've gone to the LCBO I've been ID.

2: pot is already IN schools, that's a problem that has to be dealt with but having LCBO not sell pot near schools does not either remedy or cause this problem...

3: 500 meters? Is she out of her mind? Why should we ruin sales because you want to hide in a shelter for your whole life.

Her interview on 1010 was so sad, she was like a deer in headlights. She wasn't able to answer anything or provide reason, and this woman is going to be a trustee? That's scary.
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Wonder where she got the 500m from and why it would matter. She shouldn't have a problem getting 1000 signatures, just ring a Conservative supporter's doorbell.

It's not like pot will be sold out in the open, nor do I know of any LCBO within a 500m radius to begin with. Just another person who has the mentality that pot is the worst thing a person can possibly do - In Stephen Harper's words, "infinitely worse than tobacco".

Like you mentioned Boots, in the 2 high schools I've been to, there has been a convenience store within walking distance that doesn't ID for cigarettes even though it is painfully obvious that the person is under 18. I have never smoked a cigarette myself and I knew this.

Pot was being circulated by the groups that we're trying to phase out by legalization. By creating that boundary, it keeps the 'black market' alive and likely charging a higher premium of what they sell it at now in the same place. Most of the people I knew that smoked pot in school primarily got it from people that attend the school.

Just because people have access to certain drugs, doesn't mean that they're going to do it. I had access to cigarettes, pot, and alcohol since I was 13 yet never smoked a cigarette, didn't smoke pot until I was 20, and only drank alcohol occasionally when I was 19. I find that putting all these barriers further draw the curiosity of young people which would be better off educating them in school of the effects of these drugs rather than the whole scare tactic of "These are drugs, if you do them, you will be addicted and die a horrible death" from grade school. After all, in grade 6, I was taught that pot, cocaine, and heroin "were bad" and no further explanation of the drugs were explained through school. They didn't even touch on the topic of cigarettes and alcohol.

Had I not done my own research, I would have seen pot at the same level as cocaine and heroin. I would then see someone else smoking pot regularly and see that they're okay. Then that would mean that they're probably lying about cocaine and heroin right? Everybody smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol and seem okay too!
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She shouldn't have a problem getting 1000 signatures, just ring a Conservative supporter's doorbell.

Actually her approach is right out of a typical liberal gun grabber playbook which simply plays on emotion and is short on any facts or logical application process.

The only thing with her is it seems she hadn't learned to vehemently lie in the face of obvious factual opposition as indicated by "deer in the headlights" 1010 interview. I'm sure she'll get there in time though, they always do........
I want to find out if I could download the 1010 interview. I might have it recorded on my dashcam but you'll hear me grunting in the background at how stupid she is.

It's honestly embarrassing and cringe worthy. This is just the basis of anti pot advocates, no logic, no reason, just sentiments.
What's all this talk about money and taxes? Cannabis grows for free.
This is why everyone is so lost in space here, too busy yapping about insignificant details and creating a problem that shouldn't exist.
Like any organic thing on earth, you take a seed, put it in the dirt and it grows, all by itself, imagine that!
If everyone grew 10 plants in their garden, guess how much weed would be worth?
Exactly ZERO dollars, you couldn't give it away if everyone has a huge bag.
You would trade for different kinds, or give it away for free! Cause it is free!
Brainwashed money slaves, over analyzing

Bingo.. Agave gots it ..... a sheet of plywood.....plastic over to drain to plastic drum...small pump on timer... three 400 watt bulbs... order seeds plant and mother 1 for unlimited clones and 1.5 - 2 lbs every 30 days all the weed you could smoke along with 6 or 10 friends.

Ahhhhh the good old days :D
Bingo.. Agave gots it ..... a sheet of plywood.....plastic over to drain to plastic drum...small pump on timer... three 400 watt bulbs... order seeds plant and mother 1 for unlimited clones and 1.5 - 2 lbs every 30 days all the weed you could smoke along with 6 or 10 friends.

Actually, I think Plau's followup was way more on target.

Like tobacco, cannabis is relatively easy to grow, but some people would not put in the effort do so. Of all the cigarette smokers, I think I can comfortably say, less than 1% of smokers would grow their own tobacco to save themselves $.

The same could be said for making your own wine, or brewing your own beer.

Far more people smoke cigarettes vs weed. How many do you know grow their own?
Far more people smoke cigarettes than weed? Do you have a link? I'm curious because I know a lot of people who smoke weed and have never touched tobacco.

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Never touched a cigarette, I smoke pot occasionally. But based on observations I would confirm what he said. I could see that changing in the near future though with all this vaping stuff and the legalization of pot and further stigmatization of cigarettes. It's bound to happen.

I wouldn't mind seeing the numbers, if they exist, as well.
Far more people smoke cigarettes than weed? Do you have a link? I'm curious because I know a lot of people who smoke weed and have never touched tobacco.

Oh, now...c'mon, really? One only needs to use their observational powers to see that there's a metric crapton of cigarette smokers amongst us still, and I would find it a stretch to believe that there's more pot smokers than them. If that was the case one would be smelling it (primary indicator to me) a LOT more than I do. I can't get through a day in public without walking through a cloud of someone else's cigarette smoke or smelling someone's clothing or hair that stinks of their last butt, usually multiple times in a day...but I might go a week or more before smelling the pot equivalent.

Yes, more people probably smoke pot at home vs in public, but I still think it's a big stretch to suggest there's more pot smokers than cigarette smokers. In the caribbean, perhaps...not here. ;)
I think it's a little like putting the horse before the cart. Have the thought about how they will enforce drive in while high.

I Have no problem about someone getting stoned in their living room or back yard. I don't want to be sharing the road with a stoner or snow blower
I think you figured it out for us. You put drive in by mistake instead of driving and it got me thinking about the perfect spot check for high drivers....the drive through!
first off I have to say I love the fear mongering that goes on with a topic like this...

I just got my prescription today so I figure I'd come talk a bit about it. I've been using for almost 10 years now, still did pretty good in school, went to uni. All I've really wanted a card for is so I don't have worry about smoking (vaporizing mostly) weed wherever I feel like. I do it pretty much wherever and whenever I please yet in 10 years have only ever had one interaction when I was still a teen with cops in which weed was involved. They just took it away so I'd say it ended up going pretty well...I've never had a single incident driving/riding due to it, in fact I've had about a dozen speeding tickets on my 250 and after hitting some kush is the only time I don't ride like a goon. Every other time 120 feels like I can just jump off and start running...

I don't know wtf Justin Trudeau has been up to on his legalization process but I figured **** it, I'ma go get this **** on my own!! I was unfortunate to have had a fall which resulted in a fractured wrist back in 2014 and recently had the screws removed. I lost some good riding time over it but thought I might as well get some good out of it and use it as an excuse to make a case for a weed card. I found a clinic that deals in "alternative pain management" and they just happened to be running a study on medical marijuana. I fit the criteria and printed out a referral sheet and went to my family dr, I didn't tell him I was going for the weed study just in case he had any inhibitions. I just told him its a pain management clinic and some bs about how my wrist has constantly been in chronic pain post surgery. In the end I have the right to see a specialist and he signed off on the referral and I faxed it off myself.

Today was my appointment and it went pretty smooth. The clinic is your regular medical clinic and deals with all sorts of patients and conditions, it wasn't some dopey joint and was pretty packed, I went in and filled in some questionnaires about my pain and how it affects my quality of life, previous meds, alcohol/drug use etc. I was asked for a urine sample that tested for your typical street drugs; meth, coke, fentanyl, benzosomething, opiates all that **** I was clean on everything other than THC obviously. I was then called in by a pre-med student and given a little talk about how the program works and how marijuana can affect you...I literally started laughing and schooling her after she was trying to tell me what's good. I told her how much I use, how I ingest all that...she explained to me the ordering process and the legalities/policies of the study.

Then I finally got too see the dr, he seemed pretty chill looked over all the notes from the pre-med and asked me how much I use, how I've been using. In the end he prescribed me 3 grams a day. I have to go for a follow up every 3 months and renew my card, I'm allowed to order up to ones months supply at a time so I can get 3 oz!! That's a ****load, probably more than even I can go through. Buds range from $7-15 a gram and THC and CBD content is listed for everything. THC gets you high and is a good pain killer CBD is a great anti-inflammatory but doesn't get you buzzing so you can really tailor it to your tastes. You can also pick between sativas and indicas or hybrids and oils will soon be available, I've yet to make my first order but was explained the process in detail.

Now the final step is to wait for the supplier to call me with my patient #. I then use that to register on their website and order from there, 2 days express shipping and enjoy! If any of you guys have had chronic pain from injuries or just want a card, have a condition to get you in the door and think you can bull**** your way around it and are interested PM me and I will give you details on the clinic. I know many of us think no dr will prescribe me or I'll be looked down upon, **** that. Don't worry, all you need is your dr to just sign off on the referral and not even tell him anything about marijuana if you don't want. At the end of the day the family dr is not the one prescribing it anyways so he has nothing to worry about, and the dr that is running this study is really legit.
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I've always wanted to get a card for those nights I can't sleep. None, well very few, of these guys who sell know if they have an indica or sativa and most of them don't know the cbd or thc content either.

At least medically you know what you're getting and it's catered to your specific conditions
Gonna look into max. CBD min. THC product. Seriously. Probably still go kooky but w/e.
Gonna look into max. CBD min. THC product. Seriously. Probably still go kooky but w/e.

apparently its like a see-saw and the more THC content in comparison to CBD the higher you get. Bud that is 20% THC and 10% CBD will get you stoned. something that's an even 15% of both will get you a mild mellow buzz. If its more CBD than THC a seasoned to occasional user will likely only get the pain relief and therapeutic affects.

I'm going to order a couple ounces and get 4-5 different strains to experiment the first time around. I've also laid off of it for a couple weeks and will do so until my order comes in. Then I will actually get the full affect and be able to properly differentiate between the strains.
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