I'd rather have cannabis in front of me than a frontal canvas canopy.
And what exactly is wrong with taking a new source of taxes (and yes, probably a "cash cow" one at that) and using it in a very targeted way (probably minimizing waste) for the betterment of society?
Would you rather they just dump it into general revenue so it can be ****** away at the provincial level installing more $3000 receptacles in school libraries (http://m.thestar.com/#/article/news...g_down_on_fraud_and_waste_in_maintenance.html) or some more golden toilet seats in a provincial parliament building somewhere?
I'm confident this is just an initial plan, and I'm also confident this will turn into an even bigger cash cow than most anticipate, and I think Trideau is as smart as a fox and knows this right out of the gate. But, the perception needs to be formed now before anything happens and this puts a good initial face on the push for all the "the world is going to end" crowd to chew on for a while.
She shouldn't have a problem getting 1000 signatures, just ring a Conservative supporter's doorbell.
What's all this talk about money and taxes? Cannabis grows for free.
This is why everyone is so lost in space here, too busy yapping about insignificant details and creating a problem that shouldn't exist.
Like any organic thing on earth, you take a seed, put it in the dirt and it grows, all by itself, imagine that!
If everyone grew 10 plants in their garden, guess how much weed would be worth?
Exactly ZERO dollars, you couldn't give it away if everyone has a huge bag.
You would trade for different kinds, or give it away for free! Cause it is free!
Brainwashed money slaves, over analyzing
Bingo.. Agave gots it ..... a sheet of plywood.....plastic over to drain to plastic drum...small pump on timer... three 400 watt bulbs... order seeds plant and mother 1 for unlimited clones and 1.5 - 2 lbs every 30 days all the weed you could smoke along with 6 or 10 friends.
Like tobacco, cannabis is relatively easy to grow, but some people would not put in the effort do so. Of all the cigarette smokers, I think I can comfortably say, less than 1% of smokers would grow their own tobacco to save themselves $.
The same could be said for making your own wine, or brewing your own beer.
Far more people smoke cigarettes than weed? Do you have a link? I'm curious because I know a lot of people who smoke weed and have never touched tobacco.
I think you figured it out for us. You put drive in by mistake instead of driving and it got me thinking about the perfect spot check for high drivers....the drive through!I think it's a little like putting the horse before the cart. Have the thought about how they will enforce drive in while high.
I Have no problem about someone getting stoned in their living room or back yard. I don't want to be sharing the road with a stoner or snow blower
Not going to happen anytime soon.They are hoping to have this finalized by Wednesday April 20th, 2016.
Other provinces will be green with envy if Ontario is first.
Gonna look into max. CBD min. THC product. Seriously. Probably still go kooky but w/e.