Dealer Trade In's

you don't avoid the whole taxes, you only pay tax on the part you pay. so if trading in a 30k car to buy a 40k car, you only pay taxes on the 10k.
exactamundo, you save tax on the difference.
At my dealership we are paying stupid money for trades....and then selling them for even more stupid prices. I tell people all the time that if they can wait for their Tacoma I will sell them a new one for less than the 2 year old one they are looking for.....but not everyone can wait.

As for trade ins. We will re-evaluate EVERYTHING at the time of delivery. Our guests know that unless they hand us the keys in the first 30 days of an appraisal that it will be looked at again. Having said that this backorder problem will be with us for more than another 12 months. We have 700 orders for vehicles...that'll take a year to clear.
Why I had to give up my Taco dream and bought a hybrid 😭
Can be such a dirty business, Ford dealer emails they “want” my F150, have a bronco on the lot I think could be fun. Tell me Bronco is 5% OVER msrp because they are hard to get . Tells me my F150 XLT is not really and XLT since it’s not loaded .
I told him Ford put the XLT sticker on it , go take a crap in his hat .
Didn’t expect the moon , but didn’t plan on being beaten up either , 2 hrs wasted

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Can be such a dirty business, Ford dealer emails they “want” my F150, have a bronco on the lot I think could be fun. Tell me Bronco is 5% OVER msrp because they are hard to get . Tells me my F150 XLT is not really and XLT since it’s not loaded .
I told him Ford put the XLT sticker on it , go take a crap in his hat .
Didn’t expect the moon , but didn’t plan on being beaten up either , 2 hrs wasted

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Haha, my car was going in for service. Got a pre-emptive email from employee A saying they wanted my car and if I wanted, they would do an inspection during service and send me a price. I didn't reply, not planning on selling. A week later, an email arrives from employee B saying they will up their offer by $500 (there never was an initial number). A week later, an email from Employee C trying to get my car now and they will get me a new car months later. Still nope.
A couple of months ago, I asked a dealer about the new Ford Maverick.
He said, give me a $3K deposit and be prepared to wait for he didn't know how long.
A brand new to the market vehicle that I can't even test drive ?
We're getting one for stock he said, I'll call you when it's in and you can take it for a boot if it isn't already sold, otherwise you'll likely be waiting for a 2023.
A couple of months ago, I asked a dealer about the new Ford Maverick.
He said, give me a $3K deposit and be prepared to wait for he didn't know how long.
A brand new to the market vehicle that I can't even test drive ?
We're getting one for stock he said, I'll call you when it's in and you can take it for a boot if it isn't already sold, otherwise you'll likely be waiting for a 2023.
The stories from "certain" ford dealers are all over the place. Friend ordered a new maverick last Sept , was told jan 2022 delivery , She got it. Other friend ordered one in Dec for Mar 2022 del, is told its on schedule. I hear customer while i'm getting service being told , yes your car was scheduled for Jan 2022 , but Ford cant tell us where it is ( Umm baloney) , and 5% over MSRP on certain models , the dealer 11 kms away is not up charging.

They keep trying to make this industry look less greasy, they don't really help themselves.
FWIW , the last Ducati dealer i spoke ( in November) with ( Penninsula) , was about as straight forward as i have seen lately , no shenanigans or BS , just talked about my trade and the price and was all in . Pleasant surprise.
Ford is having a heck of a time with nylon reinforced plastics for injection molding apparently .
I keep getting calls / emails about both my Volt and Odyssey to be traded in.

Sure would be nice to get top dollar for my trade...but do you have something I can actually buy available?

No different than buying a house, sell for a high price...but you need to buy a replacement. Just more zeros in the price.
The Odyssey group I watch are mostly saying their new 22’s are taking a long time to arrive and price is marked up everywhere. Our 20 was discounted nicely for us (iirc we paid $43,000OTD).
As far as the “We want your trade and will give high dollar” that’s hogwash imo as well. Some are getting great trade in dollar but most are still crappy lowball time wasters.
The Odyssey group I watch are mostly saying their new 22’s are taking a long time to arrive and price is marked up everywhere. Our 20 was discounted nicely for us (iirc we paid $43,000OTD).
As far as the “We want your trade and will give high dollar” that’s hogwash imo as well. Some are getting great trade in dollar but most are still crappy lowball time wasters.
Wow....43k OTD for a brand new Odyssey is a steal!

I think we were around that for a used 2018 Touring with 57k on it. Good thing we traded in 2 cars on it!

EDIT: Car has been fairly solid with a few issues that are annoying:
1. Injectors had to be replaced on one bank (extended warranty covered)
2. Had a couple of times where the passenger side rear door would slide half way and then open up again (hasn't done it in a few months)
3. Developed a whistling noise out of one of the HVAC's so ridiculously annoying (Need to dig into the extended warranty to confirm it's covered or not)
It's pretty crazy out there. I paid $50K all-in for my 2019 Tacoma brand new.

Today, my exact year and model Tacoma are selling for ~$55K on Kijiji. Used. *Before* taxes and fees.
Likewise with my purchase of my 2021 Tacoma.

My dealer calls me up routinely and throws all kind of money to buy it back. The last time I told him that while working on a construction site it got hit on the front corner by a loader and crumpled things. The dealer told me it made no difference to his latest offer.
you don't avoid the whole taxes, you only pay tax on the part you pay. so if trading in a 30k car to buy a 40k car, you only pay taxes on the 10k.

I remember a time when you paid only PST on a used vehicle, not the GST. It was 8%, as opposed to 13% if you bought from a dealership (new or used).

Then when they implemented the HST (2010?), they changed the rules so you had to pay for the whole 13%, same as buying a used vehicle from a dealership.

In fact, it was the dealerships lobbying for this change, so they wouldn't be at a disadvantage when competing with private sales.

Greedy mofos.
At my dealership we are paying stupid money for trades....and then selling them for even more stupid prices. I tell people all the time that if they can wait for their Tacoma I will sell them a new one for less than the 2 year old one they are looking for.....but not everyone can wait.

I always wondered whether some dealerships just bumped whoever was in line for a new vehicle for buyers who were willing to pay a premium over MSRP. There's no way to tell other than the salesguy's word.

"Oh sorry, your car *still* hasn't come in yet. But don't worry, you're #1 on the wait list. Thanks for the deposit though. Don't call us, we'll call you, m'kay?"
My BIL may flip a 10 yo hyundai. It has value right now and he can afford to be without two vehicles for a while. Dealer gets stock today and a sale for a new vehicle to be delivered in a few months.
Ya, dealers are being really nice.

Mine is badgering me to turn in my lease 3 months early - no penalty! $1000 cash incentive! The lease buyout is $12K, dealers are listing same car, a 2018 Chevy Cruze, from $17-$22K.
I always wondered whether some dealerships just bumped whoever was in line for a new vehicle for buyers who were willing to pay a premium over MSRP. There's no way to tell other than the salesguy's word.

"Oh sorry, your car *still* hasn't come in yet. But don't worry, you're #1 on the wait list. Thanks for the deposit though. Don't call us, we'll call you, m'kay?"
that's why you ask for the vin as soon as it rolls out of the factory! =p
that's why you ask for the vin as soon as it rolls out of the factory! =p

"Oh sorry, the car still hasn't been produced at the factory. No VIN yet, I'm afraid. Please stop calling us, we'll call you when we hear any news. Thanks for the deposit you put down 2 years ago though..."
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