User error…She never wanted kids, I talked her into it.
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User error…She never wanted kids, I talked her into it.
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She never wanted kids, I talked her into it.
Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
iceman is a hopeless romantic?
At 15 and 16 I'd trade both for a Suzuki Madura.iceman is a hopeless romantic?
They are also ridiculously first
Buying stock from a bankrupt dealer can be problematic. Dad bought a boat one time that had been at a bankrupt dealer and then purchased by another dealer. Selling dealer had never had it on the water. Ran like crap. Took it back. Bankrupt dealer had pulled a spark plug and drilled a hole through a piston. What a $^@^!^er.Anyone talk to the person that owns the Dealership instead of a staff person lately ?.
I had a great conversation while visiting a small Honda/Kawasaki/Yamaha dealership yesterday. He had a lot to say about his depleted inventory and how difficult it is for all dealers to acquire any new production bikes. He has owned his place since 1971 and has been trying to pull favours owed to him over the years with the HQ of the three manufacturers with limited results.
He showed me a file folder of customer bike deposit receipts that date back to the summer of 2021. There were 47 active deposit forms in that folder. He mentioned that manufacturers are cutting back on options like ABS due to chip shortages, ie: KLR's and shipping them out to dealers as such instead of storing them for the required parts
He is convinced things will not be back to normal until late 2023.
One sad story was of a dealership that folded up from the store and factory production closures last year. He ended up buying some of the inventory, one being a 2021 Honda NC750X that he had on display. I bought it on the spot to add to my collection.
Weird times for sure.
I believe they also have a warehouse where they store a bunch of bikes, I keep track of all the interesting bikes within a 100km radius of my house.I stopped in at GP Bikes today, just because I was driving by. The vast majority of bikes had sold signs on them.
I am glad I picked mine up at the end of the year last year.
And Denali pickups.when this cycle is over (no mater how long it is) - it would be a lot of cheap "lightly" used toys on the secondary market, just wait for it
good example would be the fitness equipment buying craze when the first lockdown occurred - weights went up x5 times and still were not avail all sold-out,,,, now after wave #5 you can pickup tons of brand new dumbbells/weights/etc. for real cheap