Darksider - conviction registered

Simple. Engineering.. the info that you poo-poo as being amateur, made up Scientific Wive's tales against the Church of Darkside.

The (non-MTO) evidence is right there .. the data that i posted early in this thread indicates this - as far as the engineered differences in car vs mc rims.

MC tires are built structurally different from car tires.

MC tires are built for different road forces, which an MC experiences - than that a car tire experiences for different road handling forces in turn. It's all about handling physics. A solo motorcycle handles dramatically different from a car. The road interaction of the tire, differs accordingly. They've been designed accordingly - and to be technically incompatible with each other by design for these reasons. I've said that before - i say it again.

I have noted the difference in manners of a car vs a good sized motorcycle radial, properly mounted in similar usage sidecar rig conditions. I have no experience of a car tire on a motorcycle rim. In my application, a properly mounted auto tire is vastly superior over any motorcycle rubber - EXCEPT when it comes to any significant lean angle. I have felt automotive radial tire "squat" under comparative suspension loading, drive-line torquing under acceleration, and CofG loading shift - and a sway-bar linkage was designed to combat that undesirable attribute of a weaker sidewall - it serves to transfer a good portion of CofG loading to the suspension of the rest of the rig - not to the tire sidewall carcass on the driven wheel, while keeping the vehicle suspension and chassis comparatively parallel to the ground, like a car. A car tire is designed for those conditions.

I know that failure occurs at the point of least resistance, and greatest weakness. The car tire on a motorcycle rim issue, was one of the greatest concerns of safety when i project planned my "hacked up hack", as you have so eloquently put it. Unless the motorcycle rim is re-machined or otherwise modified to conform to an automotive radial bead, it's always going to be the weak point in the safety chain of going Darkside - two wheels or three.

By the bye.. did you know my "hacked up hack" was originally built for the 1500 Wing? If you are as old-school as you make out to be.. can you bend your mind around the scale of engineering to adapt a 350 lb sidecar to a 450 lb motorcycle, when it was essentially made for a 700 lb tug-boat with a more substantial frame and longer wheel-base design? Can you bend your mind around getting it all to work very well together, as individual components and a sum total, without posing a safety hazard or creating a significant point of failure?

Can you figure out why i'd be very critical of mating two different technologies together, without considering, consulting, adapting, modifying and as necessary eliminating any engineering incompatibilities, first?

For myself, it was all about Safety.. not expediency, or experimentation based on blind faith, as seems to be commonly practiced in the Church of Darkside..

The same principles of concern that i considered about car tires on motorcycle rims, as applied to sidecar rigs - are amplified issues on solo motorcycles.

Why do I keep going around and around (pun intended), here?

I'm sure that there is some sort of reference to, or sound engineering advice documented in MTO records to back this HTA charge. Hopefully Bike Cop backs up the badge, with the documentation citation.. i can't be arsed.. this post took long enough.

It's fun arguing with you.. but damn, you are as stubborn as a mule.
Pretty sure I said nothing at all about your hack.All I've seen of it is the picture in this thread and I didn't watch the video,so I have no real opinion of it. I could be wrong as I'm old enough to have a short memory though.
As far as the CT goes it just gets tiresome listening to the arguments against it,when there are so many riders using them with no catastrophic failures, or any failures other than the normal stuff.

I'm just talking 1800's here and don't claim to know much about other darksided bikes,but lets just do some math here.
Lets take 2000(probably a low estimate) Wings in NA that average between 10 and 20 k miles(could be a lot higher as they ride year round elsewhere and I do over 10 k miles a year here) for 14 years.Some of these are very aggressive riders.Have you ever seen Yellow_Wolfe run the Dragon.If you haven't take a look at Youtube and yes he's running a CT.So with this amount of miles running CT`s and some pretty aggressive miles and pulling trailers as well it just boggles the mind that people still believe that they are doomed to failure.
How do you explain these trouble free miles with the known design issues or do you believe that the people that are reporting these trouble free miles are not being truthful
Do we really need laws to outline common sense? You will never get a motorcycle manufacturer to endorse installing a CT to a machine. Same with a tire manufacturer endorsing a CT for use on a motorcycle.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The only benefit is to reduce the need for a tire change. A lot of big machines have larger and wider profile tires that wear out just as frequently as the narrow skinny tires of days past. It cost more to have a dealer do it because the machines are not as easy to work on as those produced years ago. And the DIY folks can't be bothered either.

You want to ride a bike but, have the maintenance schedule of a car. And don't want the bike parked at the shop during prime riding times.

But honestly, I can tell when my tires have low air pressure or get worn. I can't imagine a car tire. Sure, it's probably not that bad but, really?

Carry on. Go for it. Put those good quality CT on for longer tread life.

BTW, I ride squid in the summer and just a clam shell helmet. Not very safe. I don't listen very well and tend to do my own thing regardless of what others think. So, I'm no expert. Just a fella with an opinion like anyone else.

Actually I lied,I'm sticking with the CT and what I said was if it was proven to be illegal(I still only see an opinion that was backed by a JP that may or may not have been right)that I would go back.I asked Bikecop via PM to outline the sec/subsec. of the HTA and the exact charge for the tire so I could run it by some people I know and guess what?No reply,so I've put out some feelers elsewhere.
As far as fighting it there isn't enough Darksiders in Ontario to make a difference.In the States(and here until now)it's never been an issue with the law that I've read about in my last years worth of research and as reported on other sites the insurance companies only care that it's a hiway tire and in good shape.

Where is this MTO law(didn't know MTO wrote laws)you speak of?

I can't say why the MTO wrote a law intended to stop the use of car tires on bikes(quote)

Ok I assumed there was a level of common sense here perhaps that was my error. When I said the MTO wrote the law what I meant is the process by which a regulation such as this comes into being created. (MPP's don't sit down and write the bills themselves and present it to the legislature). I am involved with trying to get a current MTO regulation amended so I have seen the inner workings first hand.

The MTO will consider all aspects of safety and if there "appears" to be an issue which requires addressing they will contact several parties. In the case of a vehicle they will consult with the manufacturer, (for any safety data the manufacturer has through their development and testing of the vehicle). The tire manufacturer, (again safety data during R&D), any other interested parties, (enforcement agencies, (for example with ATV's they talk to the S.A.V.E team). They also speak to user groups, For atv's they speak with the larger ATV orgs in the province. They will also review any safety data they have, (from safety groups, who do independent testing), they review accident reports on that class of vehicle, (were there any common contributing factors. they may even order safety testing done by independent labs looking at specific concerns. They then compile all this. They then compile report after report after report. They then go to the Minister with the info and say we have recommendations. The political staff then get involved and assist in the drafting of the regulation. So while they don't actually "write" the legislation they have a very active role in it's creation. It is not an MTO law it is a regulation which is part of an ACT, (you may have heard of this Act it is called the Highway Traffic Act, HTA). Hope this helps understand my point.

As for seeing an opinion, No what you have been presented with a Violation of a regulation under the HTA, which was presented in the legal system, The JP followed a LAW not an opinion. You can debate if it is a good law or not, but (and before I type this I will preface it with IMHO, so you don't get upset by it), I doubt someone sitting around one day said "you know what we have NO idea if a car tire is good for a bike, so let's make a law against it. I am pretty sure there are engineers and manufacturers who likely agreed it was an issue. The ticket was issued the rider had two options, fight the ticket, (which meant he would have had to provide evidence, engineering reports etc to prove it wasn't an improper tire), or pay the fine. Now he may have just elected to pay the fine for basically one of two reasons. first no such evidence exists, (not just anecdotal reports), or he didn't have the resources to fight it, (because he was too busy with the other more important tickets to fight)

You keep referring to the law as being an "opinion" that a car tire is an improper tire for a bike, (as if no one has ever tested it to see if there is a reason it is isn't recommended use by tire and bike manufacturers). But then you say this law shouldn't exist based on YOUR opinion that it is a proper use, ( I know you don't have engineering reports), So why is it that your opinion, (backed by nothing more than anecdotal reports, have you seen EVERY bike that the owner is claiming is riding darkside and confirmed they do indeed have a car tire installed?), an opinion that is better informed than the so called opinion of those who drafted the law? Have you contacted the MTO to ask what information they used to determine this law was needed?

Bike Cop won't have the MTO info readily available just like any of us he would have to go thru channels and request the info. Street level officers don't know the research behind the drafting of every law they enforce. They know only that a law exists and they are to enforce the law as written. Hell I have written thousands of tickets that I have no idea why the law was drafted or what info was compiled to draft it. I still to this day have no idea why they choose 30 minutes AFTER sunrise and 30 minutes BEFORE sunset that your vehicle head light system must be activated why not 15 minutes or 10, or 23?? It doesn't matter as a cop that is the law that I am given to work with. I wasn't expected to know how many lumiens the headlight puts out interacts with the environment at exactly 30 minutes prior.

I think your reading too much into Bike Cops motive he stated he wanted people to be aware that a conviction had been registered. IMHO he was merely EDUCATING other riders. Not that I was planning to go darkside, BUT if I were I would appreciate the heads up, as now I have one more piece of info to consider when I make a decision. He also said the bike was stopped as part of an enforcement initiative aimed at bike equipment and safety. So yes the bike would have still likely been stopped, after all Bike Cop didn't know about the insurance issues until AFTER the bike was stopped. Just like today if you drive north on the 400, there WILL be a traffic blitz put on the OPP looking for many things including load safety and trailers etc. If you have a piece of crap trailer overloaded, then your likely to be speaking with one of the many officers that will be out there...lol.

Your now also narrowing the darkside argument to a SINGLE size and model of bike, (the Goldwing 1800), whereas initially, (at least to me), you seemed to be promoting the darkside is safe for mainly larger bikes like the goldwing. So are you proposing that a car tire be listed as a proper tire for only ONE sized model of bike and all others are excluded? You state tire wear and lack of failures, as some of the reasons for this opinion. Then is it not the same for other bikes of similar size and models?

Here is question that despite your contention that a car tire is a proper tire, for a bike and this law is based solely on opinion and against the "evidence" that there have been millions of darkside miles ridden , (without a single failure, Although i doubt every accident has been examined that closely to rule out a failure). There have been millions of miles ridden at well in excess of 100 MPH by sport bikes so should the speeding laws be dropped as well as one could argue the law of speeding is merely based on an opinion that it isn't proper either.

Lastly you have limited experience riding darkside would you say the bikes handling changes, (not saying for better or worst), BUT does the bike handle any differently than it did when you had a bike tire on it?
Pretty sure I said nothing at all about your hack.All I've seen of it is the picture in this thread and I didn't watch the video,so I have no real opinion of it. I could be wrong as I'm old enough to have a short memory though.
As far as the CT goes it just gets tiresome listening to the arguments against it,when there are so many riders using them with no catastrophic failures, or any failures other than the normal stuff.

I'm just talking 1800's here and don't claim to know much about other darksided bikes,but lets just do some math here.
Lets take 2000(probably a low estimate) Wings in NA that average between 10 and 20 k miles(could be a lot higher as they ride year round elsewhere and I do over 10 k miles a year here) for 14 years.Some of these are very aggressive riders.Have you ever seen Yellow_Wolfe run the Dragon.If you haven't take a look at Youtube and yes he's running a CT.So with this amount of miles running CT`s and some pretty aggressive miles and pulling trailers as well it just boggles the mind that people still believe that they are doomed to failure.
How do you explain these trouble free miles with the known design issues or do you believe that the people that are reporting these trouble free miles are not being truthful

Keep in mind that a Goldwing with a boxer engine and around 3 1/2 feet wide will never lean like a sport bike. A car tire that presents no risk on a wing could be a problem on a narrower bike. An official approval from a tire manufacturer would likely be limited to certain makes models. The limited market would make the economics suck.

Re safety, there are tires, typically used on a car that are run-flat. If such a tire fits an 1800 Wing the rider has a huge degree of protection from a blowout. While no one has yet to show a car tire failure I'm sure there are numerous incidents of M/C tires blowing out on 1800 Wings.

The numbers are somewhat skewed because of the small percentage of riders running non-typical tires. The sampling size is small percentage wise. Banning reasonable use of non traditional methods and products prevents increasing the body of knowledge. There is a huge list of things the experts said couldn't be done that have been done and they have improved the world.

On the Goldwing theme, the winglets that are now prevalent on most airliners were first used on home built aircraft and that was 50 or so years after they were first invented. Big business is by its nature is very reactionary.
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A car tire that presents no risk on a wing could be a problem on a narrower bike. An official approval from a tire manufacturer would likely be limited to certain makes models.

And you expect the law to be enforceable? Officers will have to carry a chart in their back pocket as to what brand/model of bike can use CT's? Ridonkulous.

Here's a very good read (article from the UK) : http://trafficsafe.org/index.php/trafficsafe-investigates-riding-on-the-dark-side-1683/

They contacted Michelin about Darksiding - “Using a car tyre in the way illustrated in the video could result in rapid deterioration in the shoulder and sidewall area due to the abnormal flexing which the tyre will undergo, and so in our opinion running car tyres on two wheel motorcycles should be strongly discouraged.”

They contacted the largest insurance company in the UK - “Such a change to the standard specification of the motorcycle would require prior approval from the insurance company otherwise the policy would be invalidated. In the event of an accident, the rider would lose the right to claim on the insurance. Under current UK law, the insurance company would be obliged to pay third party claims if the motorcycle rider was at fault but the insurance company would rigorously pursue subsequent compensation from the rider at fault”.
So a major manufacturer says it's a really bad idea. An insurance company will deny any claim in an accident if the rider is found to be dark siding. I'm sure our Canadian insurers would follow suit quite quickly on this matter.

Good enough for me to stay away from Darksiding...
But, for some people, those reasons (and pure logic) just won't be good enough.
Now stop being logical. it won't be tolerated here..lmao

And you expect the law to be enforceable? Officers will have to carry a chart in their back pocket as to what brand/model of bike can use CT's? Ridonkulous.

Here's a very good read (article from the UK) : http://trafficsafe.org/index.php/trafficsafe-investigates-riding-on-the-dark-side-1683/

They contacted Michelin about Darksiding - “Using a car tyre in the way illustrated in the video could result in rapid deterioration in the shoulder and sidewall area due to the abnormal flexing which the tyre will undergo, and so in our opinion running car tyres on two wheel motorcycles should be strongly discouraged.”

They contacted the largest insurance company in the UK - “Such a change to the standard specification of the motorcycle would require prior approval from the insurance company otherwise the policy would be invalidated. In the event of an accident, the rider would lose the right to claim on the insurance. Under current UK law, the insurance company would be obliged to pay third party claims if the motorcycle rider was at fault but the insurance company would rigorously pursue subsequent compensation from the rider at fault”.
So a major manufacturer says it's a really bad idea. An insurance company will deny any claim in an accident if the rider is found to be dark siding. I'm sure our Canadian insurers would follow suit quite quickly on this matter.

Good enough for me to stay away from Darksiding...
But, for some people, those reasons (and pure logic) just won't be good enough.

I can "do" many things in life, it doesn't make it right or safe. I can run a car tire on my atv, (which I am sure darksiders will argue then make it safe for road use). The manufacturers place decals right on the bikes saying they can be unstable on paved roads and therefore shouldn't be used as such. Now a car tire is an improper tire not just under this section of the HTA for ATV's but also the definition, (under regulation 316/03), states that an atv is to be equipped with "low pressure tires bearing tires" (atv tires normally are filled to no more than 5 PSI). Try that one with a car tire..lol
I can "do" many things in life, it doesn't make it right or safe

Hey! The local crack whore says I can ride bare back! F@wing can't see a problem with it so it's got to be OK!

This thread has been a very interesting read. I am also not a cop, engineer, mechanic or insurance salesman. But, the way I see it is simple:

1. Tire mfrs = no
2. Bike mfrs= no
3. Insurance co's = no
4. Cops = no

(Notwithstanding side cars, trikes or any other stable mod - which I think would involve three wheels, not two)

And, any incident, caused or not caused by the tire could completely wipe out any savings, whether that be tickets, denied claims or warranties (provided it is savings that motivate people to do this). Me? I wouldn't even consider it, but to each his or her own (also hoping there is no public safety risk).
Hey! The local crack whore says I can ride bare back! F@wing can't see a problem with it so it's got to be OK!


Yeah and I'm the ooooonly one in the whole wide world that thinks it's OK.Just keep ignoring the fact that people ride on them everyday with no problem.People that actually ride.
Talk about a bunch of narrow minded individuals.Just keep on drinking the Koolaide and thinking the world is flat.
Yeah and I'm the ooooonly one in the whole wide world that thinks it's OK.Just keep ignoring the fact that people ride on them everyday with no problem.People that actually ride.
Talk about a bunch of narrow minded individuals.Just keep on drinking the Koolaide and thinking the world is flat.

As for my example, lots of people feel it's OK to visit prostitutes bareback, simply cause they haven't contracted anything yet.

Speaking of being narrow minded - you're completely convinced that dark siding is absolutely OK. Nothing is going to change that, despite the the insurmountable facts presented to you.

People think Darksiding's OK. Up until the 60's it was OK to keep people racially segregated. In the 40's the Nazis thought it was OK to accomplish the infamous holocaust. Just because people think that something's OK doesn't make it that way.

Just if and when you crash, don't come crying and complaining about how the insurance company is refusing your claim and all the legal fees and supporting any potential victims living expenses.
I approach every offramp and blind corner the same way.A refrigerater fell off the truck ahead of me.I'll need to use ALL the performance abilities my bike is capable of to brake,swerve or otherwise avoid hitting the junk in my path.A mc tire is engineered to deal with the forces generated in extreme cornering conditions.A car tire is out of it's element in those extreme conditions in my opinion.
I'll put my trust in a motorcycle tire to get me and my passenger around the crap that fell off the truck ahead of me the same way i trust fresh dot tires entering turn 2 at Mosport versus a pair of shagged old scrubs.

If the rear tire for a GL1800 was 1/2 the price....darksiders wouldn't exist.
I approach every offramp and blind corner the same way.A refrigerater fell off the truck ahead of me.I'll need to use ALL the performance abilities my bike is capable of to brake,swerve or otherwise avoid hitting the junk in my path.A mc tire is engineered to deal with the forces generated in extreme cornering conditions.A car tire is out of it's element in those extreme conditions in my opinion.
I'll put my trust in a motorcycle tire to get me and my passenger around the crap that fell off the truck ahead of me the same way i trust fresh dot tires entering turn 2 at Mosport versus a pair of shagged old scrubs.

If the rear tire for a GL1800 was 1/2 the price....darksiders wouldn't exist.

If you and a few others actually took the time to do some reading and see why people run CT's you would know that your last comment is total BS.Tire price has next to nothing to do with it(nobody ever put a dirt cheap MT on a bike?).Don't get too far from home,you might fall off the edge.
Insurance.Hate it.Lawyers.Hate em. But we are required to have both.If you have an accident on your wonky ct equipped ride and a crafty lawyer defending an insurance company deems you to be at fault,you could be screwed bigtime.
Try and get a ct equipped bike safetied and you'll likely have a bunch of difficulty.Gee...wonder why?

Now back to our schedule of evangelical flat earth society ranting.;)
Now I'm confused. I didn't really take much time to "research" this but, if not money, what motivates an otherwise sane person to do this? And expose themselves to such open ended risks? Please enlighten me...
As for my example, lots of people feel it's OK to visit prostitutes bareback, simply cause they haven't contracted anything yet.

Speaking of being narrow minded - you're completely convinced that dark siding is absolutely OK. Nothing is going to change that, despite the the insurmountable facts presented to you.

People think Darksiding's OK. Up until the 60's it was OK to keep people racially segregated. In the 40's the Nazis thought it was OK to accomplish the infamous holocaust. Just because people think that something's OK doesn't make it that way.

Just if and when you crash, don't come crying and complaining about how the insurance company is refusing your claim and all the legal fees and supporting any potential victims living expenses.

Add to that list that any aircraft passing through the sound barrier will disintegrate. 1940s thinking from the experts.

Remember Y2K? Didn't happen.

Bad news for the drag racers, they're closing all the strips. A 1950s expert says no traction based vehicle can sustain the 1G force required to do the 1/4 mile in under 8 seconds. What's the point of drag racing if everyone comes in at 8 seconds.

M/C tires are safe because they were specifically designed for the one purpose. Just like the Titanic was designed to cross the Atlantic.

Progress is made when people ask questions and experiment. When they do it at no cost to anyone else why does that get so many people upset?
Now I'm confused. I didn't really take much time to "research" this but, if not money, what motivates an otherwise sane person to do this? And expose themselves to such open ended risks? Please enlighten me...
Big 900lb bikes like my couchrocket go thru tires rather quickly.(no idea of the mileage,i replace when worn) A few car tires can be forced onto the rear rim without machining and give huge mileage.Some also can be bought as "runflat" making for a safer vehicle.
Darksiders gather here. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?31-Darkside-Riders
Now I'm confused. I didn't really take much time to "research" this but, if not money, what motivates an otherwise sane person to do this? And expose themselves to such open ended risks? Please enlighten me...

A fair and open question.

For me (I am still running a M/C tire) it's because I could get a car tire that is run-flat. A blow out on a bike is high risk. There are many stories of blow outs but none of car tires falling off the M/C rims.

For some it is cost. A car tire is usually cheaper and wears longer. More miles per dollar.

Some people actually like the way it handles just like some skinny people actually like the taste of Diet Coke over regular. Should we make a law that says skinny people can't drink Diet Coke?

If the tire Nazis would let the dark siders do their own thing it would cost the M/C community nothing to gain statistical evidence. Maybe if enough people started going to car tires a M/C tire company would start producing a M/C tire that gives the features that the darksiders what they want.

If the darksiders want cheap it's unlikely to happen but right now we have a chance to gather evidence on the matter but it seems the tire Nazis prefer dealing with unfounded opinions.

The two main concerns are tire contact patch area and bead mis-match.

Tire patch on a sportbike is to me a big concern but since a Goldwing is so wide it will never see a lean angle that would cause problems.

Re Bead / rim mismatch with the potential of a tire coming off the rim. Actually talk to someone who has put a car tire on a M/C rim. The fit is tight.

The Nazis can make a point that everybody could to run to Canadian Tire and get car tires for their Vespas, Suzuki Bandits or whatever. They don't point out that those same people could ride, never checking the tire pressure, on their M/C tires. Stupid people will always have more wrecks regardless of laws.

All I ask is that people be open minded and look for solutions instead of problems. Progress is made when people push limits.

I remember other warning notifications being issued, along this same line, by the same advisory group.. i just can't find them now.

I did in my poke-around, however, note that one major opponent to the Darkside trend that i followed, back when i was actively projecting, appears to have softened his tone somewhat on the issue over the years.
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The rider was not allowed to continue, partly due to the tire, but also due to the eight other equipment infractions and lack of insurance.

The vehicle was uninsured, and the "...biggest [infraction] was that rear tire...". Seriously? I mean, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here, and assume that you wouldn't worry about the tire on its own, or in a routine speeding stop (minor stuff) where the rider was polite etc. But is a car tire really worse than being uninsured?

I feel like the whole story on your side hasn't been represented, so I hope you don't take the comments here too personally.

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