Daily sports car?

Yeah i like it, you`re welcome to borrow it sometime if its something you'd be interested in.

Im slowly working my way through what I have at home for now...
I will shamelessly admit that whenever I stop by Pro Detailing supplies in Mississauga I dont leave until I've spent atleast $250 lol.

Maybe its time for me to switch over to some premium AmmoNYC or Adams Polishes once I'm done with this stuff.


I hand washed both vehicles today. I use Turtle Wax Hybrid Ceramic spray and it lasts months. Longest I’ve gone between coatings is 8 months and water was still beading perfectly like say 1 after that time. Really nice gloss to it and dirt comes off easily. I’ve used pricier ones and honestly for the ease of use and protection this stuff is fantastic. Both vehicle fronts are also PPF covered with XPEL film.
Out of curiosity, does the ceramic coating protect it from the harsher soaps used in touchless washes? My brother used to get a subscription to Shell every winter for a daily wash.

I'd say whatever brand you decide to go with, stick with the same brand soaps and what not as chances are they would be 'compatible' with each other.
CarPro, Modesta, Revivify, Gyeon etc...list goes on. See what fits your budget and go from there.

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