Cyclist - Friends or Foe?

Troll threads getting trolled. You have to admit, it's funny.
I'll presume by that you mean, "Negative; I don't wish to fulfill my legal obligations."

The same way you drive falling EVERY single letter of the law.

But I actually meant that what you said about timed lights on Bramalea is wrong. You'd be waiting until a car came to trip the sensor at Central Park and Bramalea.
Waiting at 530am for light to change. On empty road? While cycling? LOL. Not bloody likely.

Exactly. At 5:30am, no wait. At 2:30 on my way home, wait at every light. I commute on my bike following the same principals as I drive my car, there is a little wiggle room in the law.

But copper Rob is perfect and follows every law, so he can spout off from his perch.
Let me try again, Mulcair style, since you seem to search for every diversion to avoid answering a question:

Why is it selfish?

Because the roads are never as empty as people seem to think, around major cities, and provisions are made.

The same way you drive falling EVERY single letter of the law.

But I actually meant that what you said about timed lights on Bramalea is wrong. You'd be waiting until a car came to trip the sensor at Central Park and Bramalea.

Then I guess you missed the part where I said "most"? Oh, horror of horrors, the buy riding along the curb would have to step over and push a button.
There are times when I don't follow the rules of the road in my car. The odd time I'm up really early on a Saturday or Sunday I might stop then run a red light. I roll through stop signs sometimes.

I don't always follow the rules in my car, and I don't always follow the rules on my bike.
There are times when I don't follow the rules of the road in my car. The odd time I'm up really early on a Saturday or Sunday I might stop then run a red light. I roll through stop signs sometimes.

I don't always follow the rules in my car, and I don't always follow the rules on my bike.

Why stop there, might as well kill a few people you don't like. Especially early in the morning
Because the roads are never as empty as people seem to think, around major cities, and provisions are made.

"Never", unless the light is green? We should trust that the light somehow knows when the road is clear over our own two eyes?
"Never", unless the light is green? We should trust that the light somehow knows when the road is clear over our own two eyes?

No, you should realize that the light is a safety device, that gives a visual warning that other vehicles should stop. I'm quite sure that the cyclist who blew a light almost became a hood ornament on my car also thought that the road was clear.

Being impatient is no excuse. There are lots of people who think that they are more important than you are, just as you think you're more important than them.
You keep overlooking the part where people say there's nobody else on the road.
If we're too stupid to see other road users and observe the rules of right of way (like that cyclist) then we shouldn't use the road at all, whether the light is red or green.
What you are encouraging is thoughtless deference to general rules that don't take into consideration the situation at that particular moment. If you want rules to do all the thinking for all the idiots around us, you will only encourage greater stupidity in greater numbers.
Ex.: driving in Europe is harder with tiny on ramps, narrow roads, roundabouts... and drivers are better.
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You keep overlooking the part where people say there's nobody else on the road.
If we're too stupid to see other road users and observe the rules of right of way (like that cyclist) then we shouldn't use the road at all, whether the light is red or green.
What you are encouraging is thoughtless deference to general rules that don't take into consideration the situation at that particular moment. If you want rules to do all the thinking for all the idiots around us, you will only encourage greater stupidity in greater numbers.
Ex.: driving in Europe is harder with tiny on ramps, narrow roads, roundabouts... and drivers are better.

And you're missing the most simple point possible; people make mistakes.
It just occurred to me that people have largely forgotten the rules of right-of-way with all their obedience to controlled intersections.
Whit the lights out at intersections for days, people started getting better at taking turns (except for the odd bozo deliberately squeezing through ahead of his turn). So they learned a bit as the days went on, but most people still seem to have no idea that when turning left, people going straight have priority. So they turn in front of traffic causing everyone to screech to a halt and clogging up the intersection every time it's their turn.
The right of way is the most basic and essential rule of the road and we are forgetting it. But when there's no one around, the only reason I have to wait at a light is out of respect for that traffic engineer who set the timing of the lights and who is probably retired in Florida now. Sorry, but I'm just gonna go.
And you're missing the most simple point possible; people make mistakes.

Not at all. Failing to see traffic is a mistake that can happen regardless of whether the light is red or green. But the light is no assurance of safety, while good eyesight and understanding of the right of way IS an assurance of safety, that is what we should rely on and not the lights.
Simply put, my top considerations when using the roads are:
1- Safety
2- The right of way
3- My convenience
4- The other rules of the road
On a bicycle, if roads are empty, blow thru. Motorized vehicle, always stop.
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