Crackhead broke into my neighbour's house just now

So crackhead walks into your house or place of residence and

a.) dog mauls him/her
b.) beat the crap out of him

Why are you calling the police?? Crackhead is probely wanted on some sort of warrent or breach of probation-- he is not calling the cops why would you call the cops? You need to educate yourselves more on the law and the role of the police.

if it was my neighbourhood, crackhead would get a "stern talking too" even before he sets foot inside my home, he wont be coming back to that area after our little chit chat.
You can use reasonable force to subdue and that's about it. You can take them down but can't beat the snot out of them.

Your firearms should be securely locked and your ammo locked separately.
I assume you're going to tell the judge that your ran up and unlocked your shotty, unlocked the ammo, loaded it and shot the intruder? That's enough time for you to call 911 and all of those steps would show premeditation.

Are blackjacks even legal for civilians?

Where's Turbodish? We need a cop's input on this.
Ya enough time to call the cops. If you're lucky the cops will show up in 10 minutes, IF you're lucky...meanwhile what are you going to do with an intruder in your house? Sit down for tea and biscuits??

Btw it takes 5 seconds for the safe to open, and another 2 to insert the magazine into the gun.
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As far as I'm concerned, if "subduing" a crackhead that has broken into my home means beating the snot out of him, then I will beat the snot out of him. With a wrench, if I have to. Or that breaker bar I just happened to have laying around (I have one too. Used it to remove engine mount bolts. It's a big one :D ). Seriously, screw taking chances. If it's them or me, then I'm clearly not going to show much mercy to some psychopath who has just walked into my home and who could potentially harm me.

No Mr.Stormcat required.
As far as I'm concerned, if "subduing" a crackhead that has broken into my home means beating the snot out of him, then I will beat the snot out of him. With a wrench, if I have to. Or that breaker bar I just happened to have laying around...

LOL! That's funny, I have a crowbar sitting beside my bedside table. I just keep forgetting to put the damn thing back downstairs with the rest of the tools. It's been there for three years now... *shrugs*
So crackhead walks into your house or place of residence and

a.) dog mauls him/her
b.) beat the crap out of him

Why are you calling the police?? Crackhead is probely wanted on some sort of warrent or breach of probation-- he is not calling the cops why would you call the cops? You need to educate yourselves more on the law and the role of the police.

if it was my neighbourhood, crackhead would get a "stern talking too" even before he sets foot inside my home, he wont be coming back to that area after our little chit chat.

I didn't call the police for help! I called for two reasons....

The people that live around me.
There is a report on file that I am sure would go a long way in helping me to explain any dead crack-heads in the entrance to my home... if the situation came up.
Re the baseball bat: It could be considered an offensive weapon if kept as such. I wouldn't put a label on it but I would have an old ball and glove nearby. The bat therefore just happened to be handy when the intruder broke in. I just didn't have time to put my sports gear away.

Alarm systems minimize vandalism and scare away low level punks. Even if the puke doesn't know how to disable a system he can grab a handfull of stuff and be gone long before there is a meaningful response. Hit the kid's rooms for some electronics and the master bedroom for cash and jewelry. Gone in two minutes.

The big danger in any physical confrontation is that the average person doesn't know how hard of a clubbing is needed to render a person stunned, unconcious or dead.
You can use reasonable force to subdue and that's about it. You can take them down but can't beat the snot out of them.

Your firearms should be securely locked and your ammo locked separately.
I assume you're going to tell the judge that your ran up and unlocked your shotty, unlocked the ammo, loaded it and shot the intruder? That's enough time for you to call 911 and all of those steps would show premeditation.

Shoe is right about firearms and calling police. Do not get firearms or use them on another person. Our country doesn't like if you use them even for self defense. If you were a police officer or RCMP you can fire it as much as you like on people... you'll get away, but not as a civilian.

I would suggest you reinforce the doors/get locks on them that can't be broken easily. If he does manage to break in and you can barricade yourself inside a room, call the police and wait it out. As long he can't break down the door you should be safe.
I'm at Williams Parkway and MacKay.

Really tall and super, super skinny.
Dresses like a homeboy with the loose, low slung jeans, oversized hoodie, baseball cap.
He has a really big head. Sounds funny, but it makes him stand out that much more.
Dark skinned, not sure of his ethnicity. The cops told me when I filed the report that he's Ethiopian, but I couldn't confirm that.
Looks to be in his early to mid 20s.

That pretty much describes around 15% of the Brampton population, unfortunately. So not the best to go on. If I see him again I'll try to get pics.

I'm not too far from you at Sandalwood and Mclaughlin and there are creeps around here too. and as for the drug houses in the area you know they are there.

I have a guy who one day just appeared on the street, I think he rents a room a few houses away, anyways very creepy when he just stands across the street smoking and staring at you while you go about your business.

My point is that I think the neighborhoods are all the same with the same percentage of good and bad.
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Shoe is right about firearms and calling police. Do not get firearms or use them on another person. Our country doesn't like if you use them even for self defense. If you were a police officer or RCMP you can fire it as much as you like on people... you'll get away, but not as a civilian.

I would suggest you reinforce the doors/get locks on them that can't be broken easily. If he does manage to break in and you can barricade yourself inside a room, call the police and wait it out. As long he can't break down the door you should be safe.

You can go with your "should be safe..." reaction(s)...

Although I would barricade myself in a room.... only for just long enough to ready myself. Killing someone who has broken into my home and is trying to harm my family.... seems very reasonable to me!

I'll say it again.... As much as I try to be a law abiding person.... the law(s) mean nothing to me when the safety of mine is in question.
Rather take my chances with the jury then chance the "should be safe..."
A job would be a great place for this loser to start.He doesn't seem scared by my current large, 90 lb dog.

That's what the grocery cart full of meat was for when he went to Sobeys lol.
Even the most ferocious junkyard dogs will leave you alone if you throw a nice juicy t-bone over the fence before you hop it.
If there's 2 dogs, one steak is better because then they're too busy fighting over it.
most often you will find cases where the intruder disarms you and now you are on the receiving end.

Keep your home secure and be aware of your surroundings.
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Bats, firearms and other items are all legal to defend yourself with, but most often you will find cases where the intruder disarms you and now you are on the receiving end.

Keep your home secure and be aware of your surroundings.

SC, you know the people I work with on a daily basis :)

ROYSON!!!!! How are you? Come and patrol my neighbourhood, would ya?
He's probably homeless, he's probably starving, and he's probably an addict. You think jail time is going to teach him to get a job?

My ex had her house broken into. They caught the bugger and released him the next day. A big joke on the law. They found the watch he stole and other items on him. I don't think he has given up his ways. Another crackhead.

They should confine these guys and give them some manual labour, that should keep them out of trouble.

As far as I'm concerned, if "subduing" a crackhead that has broken into my home means beating the snot out of him, then I will beat the snot out of him. With a wrench, if I have to. Or that breaker bar I just happened to have laying around (I have one too. Used it to remove engine mount bolts. It's a big one :D ). Seriously, screw taking chances. If it's them or me, then I'm clearly not going to show much mercy to some psychopath who has just walked into my home and who could potentially harm me.

No Mr.Stormcat required.

Just be careful, with the laws here, you can get into more crap for beating him than him breaking into your house. You could probably end up in jail, lose your job and have a criminal record; while he just get put in jail for one night.

But if he appears to be threatening your very existence, I would say, its better to be tried by 12 than be carried by 6 ( don't quote me on the #'s it might be different for different countries). My point is, I would use commen sense before laying the beat down.

I think he probably know his victims well. I won;t be surprised if he knows that they're women that lives alone. Easy victim for them. Try not to give away your routine (when you are home and not) and call the cops if he is lingering around.

When I was living alone, I kept a stick within reach all the time. One's close to the main door, one's next to my bed, and one's in the hallway. All out of sight of course.

Hahaha, well said.

I think he's trying to pick you up!
There's a whole lot of fear-mongering here in terms of what you can/can't do if this crackhead enters your house. When you're a lone female with an aggressive drug user breaking into your property, I wouldn't hesitate to beat the bloody snot out of him with whatever I can get your hands on. Remember, it's about what's reasonable given the situation. I doubt it would be all that difficult to articulate your actions, and I *highly* doubt police are going to be all that sympathetic to the crackhead.

That being said, it might just be better to GTFO through a backdoor or something and then go to a neighbour's house for help. That kind of physical confrontation would be my last resort.
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I'm at Williams Parkway and MacKay.

Really tall and super, super skinny.
Dresses like a homeboy with the loose, low slung jeans, oversized hoodie, baseball cap.
He has a really big head. Sounds funny, but it makes him stand out that much more.
Dark skinned, not sure of his ethnicity. The cops told me when I filed the report that he's Ethiopian, but I couldn't confirm that.
Looks to be in his early to mid 20s.

That pretty much describes around 15% of the Brampton population, unfortunately. So not the best to go on. If I see him again I'll try to get pics.

I'm a 2 minute drive from ya.. Thanks for the heads up.... Hope he makes his way onto my street... We've got a great bunch of neighbors and one guy is great at making cement shoes.... You can get yourself a little camera for out front... I got one for my place

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I dont think that consequence from the law would be a significant factor for consideration if I were faced with a situation where my home was being invaded by a person or persons. The protection of myself, & my family would be my only concern.

I do not agree with the sheep mentality of not taking action for fear of the law, and allowing myself & my family to be further victimized by someone while I wait for police to arrive. To each their own, but as long as I am able to, I will always protect my loved ones.

That being said, im not saying I would beat an intruder or shoot them. I think all residents and homeowners would benefit from learning the use of force model & trespass to property act.

Know what you can & cannot do & above that know how to articulate & justify your actions to the police.

Youre kidding yourself if you think you have no right or authority to respond to these clowns when they break into your home...

Escape is probably the safest way to deal with these numpties, but if I chose to stand my ground heres what id do fwiw: put myself between them and my family (as much distance between me and them as possible), make sure the intruder has a clear exit accessible to them so they dont have to come through me if they decide to leave!

Be on the phone with 911 as soon as I know theres an intruder! Make sure the phone is visible to the intruder, and that they know im talking to 911. I probably wouldnt be holding it (have it on speakerphone), id keep 2 hands ready to defend myself, while shouting to the phone in this order: address, situation, description of intruder- at same time directing the intruder to leave immediately. I think thatd be the best deterrent at that also stay on the phone with them until police arrive.

I would have a weapon with me, something like a baseball bat thats short enough to swing in a hallway but long enough to push them back if they have a knife. I would use it as a visual deterrent, or if the intruder closes distance to attack, as a method of defence. Im going to assume that if this person has used force to enter my home, that they used tools that could also be used against me as a weapon. As long as theyre kept at bay til the cops show up, or they run away, or if it gets physical and my family is unharmed then jobs done.
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perhaps it is one half of the sticky dandits..... or was it the wet bandits? i cant remember. lol
(extra points for the person that knows what movie that is from)

Leaky Bandits - Home Alone.. I'm ashamed that I knew that.

Just be careful, with the laws here, you can get into more crap for beating him than him breaking into your house. You could probably end up in jail, lose your job and have a criminal record; while he just get put in jail for one night.

A friend of mine is a TPS officer. He says that basically unless you beat them retarded they are going to look the other way. He says that almost every time he responds to a house that has been broken into and the homeowner is detaining the suspect that the suspect was clumsy and fell down the stairs... even in the bugalows

That explains why there isn't a Mrs. or Mr. Stormcat. You should go to walmart, they have sense of humor on sale 2 for a buck, maybe you can pick up a dozen.

You've got some shopping to do.
I'm not too far from you at Sandalwood and Mclaughlin and there are creeps around here too. and as for the drug houses in the area you know they are there.

I have a guy who one day just appeared on the street, I think he rents a room a few houses away, anyways very creepy when he just stands across the street smoking and staring at you while you go about your business.

My point is that I think the neighborhoods are all the same with the same percentage of good and bad.

Your in the new area they called "Jane/Finch" ... lol from McLaughlin to Creditview and all the way south down to Williams Parkway.

I know first hand what happens in this area ..
Topic discussed on another board.

TL DR but there's a link to a newspaper article.

Taber man takes hatchet to alleged intruder


First posted: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 9:22:07 MDT AM | Updated: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 1:04:34 MDT PM

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Mounties have charged a Taber area man with assault for allegedly hitting a suspected intruder on his property with a hatchet.

On May 29, at 10 p.m., Taber and Vauxhall RCMP were called to a farm northwest of the town after a man arrived home to find a stranger's car parked on his driveway.

He parked his vehicle behind it, searched his home but could not find anyone inside.

But when he came back outside, he discovered a man inside the car.

Police allege he hit the suspect twice with a hatchet, leaving him with facial and dental injuries.

The suspect then fled the scene but was arrested a short time later at his house along with two other men nabbed nearby.

All three have been charged with break and entry.

Sgt. Patrick Webb said Canadian laws permit homeowners to defend their property, even with force, but to a certain degree.

"The Criminal Code provides provisions for people to defend their own property or the property they are responsible for, but at the same time they are limited on what you can do," he said.

"Under the law you are permitted with limitations to protect property or person - in every situation similar to this the circumstances have a lot to say whether it was in the limits or exceeding those limits.

"In this case ... it is up to the court to determine if it was excessive or not."

He said the Crown took some time and reviewed all the information and eventually advised to lay the two charges.

Joseph Bradley Singleton, age 46, has been charged with assault with an weapon and assault causing bodily harm.

He is scheduled to appear in court Nov. 16.
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