Coyotes |


A lady my wife knows was appalled when she saw boys throwing stones at a coyote.

I thought it was a good idea. They are getting too used to people.

I’m not suggesting stoning them to death but I don’t need them as buddies.

People who think we should welcome coyotes usually don't have small children or pets they need to walk around the neighborhood.
A lady my wife knows was appalled when she saw boys throwing stones at a coyote.

I thought it was a good idea. They are getting too used to people.

I’m not suggesting stoning them to death but I don’t need them as buddies.

I'd understand if the coyote was showing too much interest in them..
But if they're just harassing it.. and catch it at the wrong time.. or with cubs... one of them might get hurt.
I’m not suggesting stoning them to death but I don’t need them as buddies.

As long as it doesnt severely harm/disfigure the animal. If not we have to be responsible and put it out of its suffering.

When I was in grade 6, I distinctly remember seeing a (stray/abandoned) mutt with an eye that looked almost gouged out (quite likely from someone stoning it).
Unfortunately this was in the middle east and dogs werent taken too kindly to. In all likelyhood it suffered and died - I still think about it to this day from time to time. Part of me wishes I could go back in time and help it somehow.
A lady my wife knows was appalled when she saw boys throwing stones at a coyote.

I thought it was a good idea. They are getting too used to people.

I’m not suggesting stoning them to death but I don’t need them as buddies.
Now instead of getting friendly it will become aggressive.
Stupid kids doing a cruel thing
I live near Erindale and these things are getting larger each year. Last year we saw one that was way bigger than others.

What shocked me is a farmer we know near Wasaga told us he’s got wolves in the woods nearby, and a Timberwolf! What the eff…I thought those things were only near Algonquin and further north.

He said coyotes took 35 of his chickens last year.
Coyotes are nuts at my place this year! They have a den a in the creekbank behine our place. I hear them every night, saw 4 kits playing in my yard this evening.

This one is mom on Friday.

I live near Erindale and these things are getting larger each year. Last year we saw one that was way bigger than others.

What shocked me is a farmer we know near Wasaga told us he’s got wolves in the woods nearby, and a Timberwolf! What the eff…I thought those things were only near Algonquin and further north.

He said coyotes took 35 of his chickens last year.
I know a guy who lost a cousin to a coywolf attack in Nova Scotia. The coyotes are occasionally attacking small children. When's enough?
We were all there at one point...hopefully there is someone who can help educate them about these animals.
End of the day they have every right to exist just like we do.

If we go to the "They were here first" argument we also have to go back to everything that was on the books back then. You could carry a rifle and not be weird. You can't cherry pick the options.

Life after Walt Disney is a fairy tale.
I know a guy who lost a cousin to a coywolf attack in Nova Scotia. The coyotes are occasionally attacking small children. When's enough?
Coyotes won’t take on risky prey - rarely will they mess with outdoor cats, raccoons or same size dogs.

When the local coyotes spy a cat, they bolt.
I live near Erindale and these things are getting larger each year. Last year we saw one that was way bigger than others.

What shocked me is a farmer we know near Wasaga told us he’s got wolves in the woods nearby, and a Timberwolf! What the eff…I thought those things were only near Algonquin and further north.

He said coyotes took 35 of his chickens last year.

The lines between our coyotes and wolves.. are pretty blurry.
We have Eastern coyotes.. which are actually a hybrid of western coyotes and eastern wolves.

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