It's not Emergency, it's a Fracture Clinic. Pre-booked appointments for follow-ups or routine procedures (cortisone injections etc.). Got COVID? rebook next week. You'll live. As far as Emergency goes, you will get in if you have COVID. They have a separate protocol for you if you do, one of which is not letting you wander around in a waiting room so you can spread your joy with the unsuspecting (that didn't lie on their screening). If you lie to keep your follow up appointment at the Clinic you deserve to get dwarf-tossed. With authority, by the biggest security guy on shift.
"rebook next week" - You made a funny. Ha, ha, ha!
I've never been to a clinic, where you could rebook for next week.
People are afraid of missing out. That's how covid is spreading so fast.
It wouldn't surprise me if lots of people were going in for shots while they have covid.