While interesting in theory, I don't see this going well. OHRC says province should make A/C a right. On one hand, we have rents that are already unaffordable and on the other, making something that is expensive to operate a right. If this goes through, say goodbye to inclusive rent, they'll figure out a way to sub-meter apartments (paid for by tenants) and tenants can be shocked at their hydro bill.
The Ontario Human Rights Commission is calling on the Ford government to make air conditioning a vital service in order to protect vulnerable tenants against threats of eviction for installing and using air conditioning units.
My wife once lived in an apartment building that installed submeters. Prick extortionist pos landlords. Baseboard heat with leaky single pane windows and they said you had to sign up for an upfront fee of most of $500 to pay for the submeter, account fee of ~$20 a month to submetering company, you pay all hydro from then on and they discount the monthly rent by $30 so it is "net neutral" for you. Like f it is. Sons of (*&(*&(*s. I have no problem with new tenants going into that program as they know what they are getting but forcing existing tenants to go over would be a double digit percentage increase in living costs. We never agreed to nor paid to switch to the new program. Lots of threatening letters about power being cut off. She moved out about six months later anyway. I anticipate similarly treachery to cover the costs of this new "human right".