Covid and Science

If it did then UAE, with the highest vaccination rate, would have the lowest death and infection rates, which it does not.
There are other factors in play. Places like Japan which was very slow to vaccinate, have done remarkably well. I can lay out exactly what we should have done if you want, but I've already done that. That's not to say that vaccines aren't valuable, but right now, the priority should be to get them out to the rest of the world and stop the spread. I don't give a hoot about tribes, I believe in the truth, and the facts. So don't give me your black and white answer. Give me the truth. I can handle it. After we know what's going on, we can make compromises, that make things easier for us.

If people would stop exaggerating to try and make certain things happen, then many more people would be on board.
Some want their opponents to stay anti vax and die, some want to persuade them, but if it's a lie, people will see through it.

Japan has a mostly compliant population that are good at following rules. That’s the main difference there.

I’ll expand on this…Japan is doing what we did. They just are doing it more strictly and without stupid “easing” of restrictions for political reasons. Most countries followed the same procedures, based on science, just some did it better than others.
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Science and being data centric can erode empathy imo.

I figured out the stuff you said around 19. I know some ppl who figured out when 16. We had conversations about this when younger and concluded: "we will win because we can rely on the vast majority to be financially inept and stupid af."

For some reason, it wasn't until we're in our mid 30s that we realized how ****** up the system and people are. The vast majority have been financially inept and stupid af; that's why we've surpassed them. But I'm confused if we're supposed to be happy and embrace the pathological /psychopathic nature of that mindset; in order to win, there must be some insanely fat, poor, and suffering losers.
It's kind of sad actually. Dealing with about a hundred clients daily gives you a picture of how not to do things to not get in the same trouble they got in.

Whether we like it or not, in the age of social media, consumerism and ads being blasted left right and center to get the "latest and greatest", values like maintaining what you have and saving until you can pay for things is kinda lost on a lot of people. It's all about that instant gratification
I could not imagine being a credit councillor today . I would literally call people in for a personal interview so I could whack them upside the head .

I’ve over extended personally and professionally, but had a plan and both time was able to execute and resolve both with no one getting stiffed .

These lifestyle have it now and no plan , and do it over and over ? Oy vey

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I could not imagine being a credit councillor today . I would literally call people in for a personal interview so I could whack them upside the head .

I’ve over extended personally and professionally, but had a plan and both time was able to execute and resolve both with no one getting stiffed .

These lifestyle have it now and no plan , and do it over and over ? Oy vey

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My wife gets very annoyed when co-workers are going on multiple vacations a year. I show her cashflow and ask what she wants to get rid of. She doesn't have a good answer for that question. She still leaves every light on in the entire house. Shrug.
I still believe mental health will take a big hit from what has transpired in the last two years.

10 years time we will see how much damage was done.
I think we will be referring to them as the "covid cohort"as "yeah he's a little off but he's one of the covid cohort"
I think we will be referring to them as the "covid cohort"as "yeah he's a little off but he's one of the covid cohort"
Who would be in the group? Everybody alive? Those in any form of school? Only a specific age range?
I could not imagine being a credit councillor today . I would literally call people in for a personal interview so I could whack them upside the head .

I’ve over extended personally and professionally, but had a plan and both time was able to execute and resolve both with no one getting stiffed .

These lifestyle have it now and no plan , and do it over and over ? Oy vey

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Ever watched "to debt do us part". It's crazy watching "smart" people spend beyond their means. One was a math teacher but couldn't see how she was spending way more than she was taking in. The math is so simple.
Sure. I just don’t agree that painting it with a brush is necessarily true. It may not be a good option for you, but the option exists nevertheless.

Single and struggling for a down payment? Down payment where? GTA? Is your dream of home ownership now on hold because you’re tied to elder parents who *might* need you one day? That’s a choice.

I once had a conversation with my sister a few years back. She’s doing middling work and kinda lost. Not saving much and not improving her situation. She’s trained in basic medicine (PSW etc) I asked why she doesn’t go to another province for awhile where there is large demand and grind for awhile. Come back with some bank and do whatever she wants now she has the flexibility? Answer; why would I leave my friends???!

If physically distancing from your friends means a dumping of the friendships they weren't great bonds to start with.
I'm thinking a certain age of students where two years of semi isolation has mucked up their interpersonal skills.
What age is that? I can make an argument for little kids as they don't get normally socializing, later primary as they normally form friendships, high school as that is where most start romantic relationships or post-secondary as that is where they start converting to adulthood. Crap situation all around.
What age is that? I can make an argument for little kids as they don't get normally socializing, later primary as they normally form friendships, high school as that is where most start romantic relationships or post-secondary as that is where they start converting to adulthood. Crap situation all around.
Come on GG give me a break. I'm not a doctor. I don't have a defined age group - I just think there will be a group of students where some of them will have been adversly effected (affected??) by this and it shows up later.
Who would be in the group? Everybody alive? Those in any form of school? Only a specific age range?
It's a specific range imo. I'd argue every child from ages 2 to 20~ got effected.

Everyone agrees school is for learning right? What a lot of "sticks far up their ass" types don't admit, however, is that schools are also for having some of the most stupid fun you'll ever have in your life.

It's a really important skill everyone here likely picked up: how to maintain really good grades while getting piss drunk on Thursdays and help wingman your retard of a friend so he stops shooting himself in his foot.

The above would be a repeated experience between 18-20. What are the ones between 2-18 missing?
Come on GG give me a break. I'm not a doctor. I don't have a defined age group - I just think there will be a group of students where some of them will have been adversly effected (affected??) by this and it shows up later.
Sorry, not trying to give you a hard time. Just genuinely interested in where people think the fallout from this mess will hit hardest.
enough of "Covid" already.
who knows how many days till we ride? early or late spring this year?
Well I was looking back at some photos on my phone, and I started riding around Mar 3rd last year mostly close to home. By Apr I was getting up to Fenelon Falls and Kirkfield. So that's about 2 weeks from now!
The above would be a repeated experience between 18-20. What are the ones between 2-18 missing?
Depending on where they live, that experience is not limited to 18+.

As for much younger, interacting with people at all. Some two year olds have recently played with children outside of their siblings for the first time. Obviously we haven't done that experiment with humans before but it's been done many times with dogs and it normally is not positive. More interactions correlates to a more friendly and stable dog in most cases.
If physically distancing from your friends means a dumping of the friendships they weren't great bonds to start with.

+1 on this.

My best friend has a 12 hour time difference because he moved. We met in high school. We have childhood pictures of us and my brother gaming together in a basement. We're still doing that now, 20 years later!

We make time for the **** that matters imo.
Depending on where they live, that experience is not limited to 18+.

As for much younger, interacting with people at all. Some two year olds have recently played with children outside of their siblings for the first time. Obviously we haven't done that experiment with humans before but it's been done many times with dogs and it normally is not positive. More interactions correlates to a more friendly and stable dog in most cases.

Dogs were the specific example I'm thinking about.

It's pretty much universally agreed that being anti-social and aggression are linked. So if we hole up a dog, especially during their "critical period" (0-16 weeks), the chances of aggression due to lack of exposure to social situations is guaranteed.

I've heard the same thing from Jordan Peterson: a child who doesn't learn to share by the age of 2-3 is forever ******. And I'm pretty sure that "critical period" mentioned in puppies is in all mammals, with humans having it between ages 0 to 8 or more.

While I'm not a scientist, the children I've met who were forcefully socialized like crazy, regardless of parental energy levels, turned out really well. My puppy, who I treated similarly, loves everyone that smiles at her and all dogs as well.

I'm sure there are many scenarios/examples between the ages of 0-18 that COVID directly ****** with that I haven't thought about; socializing is one of the key ones but it manifests itself differently based on age.
For the last 2 years there has been a lot of guidance follows science. Scientists have told us to get vaccinated and that herd immunity was achievable should we all get vaxed. Science warned about variants, we got them and were relatively well prepared to deal with them. Scientists suggested strategies to limit transmission when the public failed to follow instructions, which worked. When politics intersected with science the water got a little muddier.

Was it politicians or scientists that said Big Box, Liquor and Beer stores were more responsible than small stores at managing social distancing and capacity limits? Politicians or scientists that determined lockdowns, store & restaurant closures, & online learning were OK for school kids, but not OK for universities?

I got to thinking about all the science in motion, not just the virologist's view. What about social, mental health, and economic scientists?

At the current vaccination rates, 90%, are covered, the remaining 10% are at risk to themselves and are at similar risk as unvaccinated for spreading COVID. Where are scientists on this? Are medical scientists and politicians engaging with economists? Are scientists looking at and accurately advising on the risk that the outliers really propose?

Science has focussed on vaccine mandates, and I think they got that right -- people didn't play by the rules so things had to get heavy-handed, necessary as well. But I think science may no longer be able to justify restrictions. I fear scientists may not be looking at the whole situation and recommending better societal solutions as the facts change. As a result we have a lot of unhappy campers making noise and blocking bridges. These are not just the rebellious anti-vaxers, it appears support is growing as the general population tires of COVID restrictions.

Scientists, what do you say?
Sounds like the three hour conversation I had last night with a quasi anti vaxxer friend. There are two modes to discussions on the OP. Preaching to the choir or cherry picking with rebuttal followed by more cherry picking.

I'm 100% in favour of continuing the restrictions until there is more than guesswork on the Covid trajectory. I DO NOT support mandatory vaccinations. Vaccinations, driver's licenses, degrees in medicine, trade papers, buy you privileges.

Many beaches get closed due to run off and high fecal coliform readings. When the readings drop one unit below the limit a lot of people want to jump right back into the shitt.

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