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Yeah I know that is a very dangerous slippery slope to impact TCR, I guess I am just feeling frustrated that our gov is incompetent with it's handling of this situation, and this is going to be another year to be written off.

Also seeing @MacDoc posts of enjoying downunder doesn't help. ?
We all agree with your frustration. Govt at most levels have failed us (and along the way blown ungodly amounts of money on waste and graft). I still think we should have more controls knocking off some of the low hanging vectors (14 day travel quarantine, no travel to other regions without an essential purpose (with a huge fine for non-compliance), etc.).

We'll never have a perfect system, but continuing to do the same half-assed attempt is infuriating. All we are doing is wasting billions more, spreading the gap between haves and have not and doing very little to affect the spread or get to the end position.
We all agree with your frustration. Govt at most levels have failed us (and along the way blown ungodly amounts of money on waste and graft). I still think we should have more controls knocking off some of the low hanging vectors (14 day travel quarantine, no travel to other regions without an essential purpose (with a huge fine for non-compliance), etc.).

We'll never have a perfect system, but continuing to do the same half-assed attempt is infuriating. All we are doing is wasting billions more, spreading the gap between haves and have not and doing very little to affect the spread or get to the end position.
Ford PC B.S.

Rights to medical privacy crap:

The condensed version of what one has to do to comply with a handicap parking permit is 9 pages and includes, for example,

Permit holder rules

Always display your permit on the dashboard or sun visor of the car you are travelling in, so the permit number and expiry date is clearly visible.

(P) means that the person who is the permit holder can be a passenger only.
(P/D) means that the person who is the permit holder can be a passenger or driver.

Only the person named on the permit can use it to park in an accessible parking space. The permit must be returned to a ServiceOntario centre within 30 days when:

  • the person named on the permit is either deceased
  • the holder is no longer a person with an eligible health condition
  • the permit contains incorrect information or, the permit is cancelled.
If another person uses the permit, it can result in fines of up to $5,000 and the permit may be seized.

There are 8 1/2 more pages of hoops one has to go through.

But "I can't breathe" and they just hand you a badge.

The handicap parking issue has clearly dealt with the legalities.

  • *TTC By-law No. 1, s. 3.13(a)
Blue card with smiling face stating I am unable to wear a mask. Please maintain physical distancing.

We recognize that not everyone is able to wear a mask, so the TTC has created a card that customers can use as a visual identifier for exemptions. These cards are provided as a courtesy by the TTC; customers who cannot wear a mask are not required to carry them.

Customers who wish to obtain one of these cards or buttons can visit the Customer Service Centre above Davisville Station (1900 Yonge Street) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Cards are also available at select subway stations, including Kipling, York University, Union and Bloor-Yonge. TTC and Wheel-Trans Customers can also request a card be sent to them by mail by calling TTC Customer Information at 416-393-4636 or Wheel-Trans Customer Service at 416-393-4111.
Ford PC B.S.

Rights to medical privacy crap:

The condensed version of what one has to do to comply with a handicap parking permit is 9 pages and includes, for example,

Permit holder rules

Always display your permit on the dashboard or sun visor of the car you are travelling in, so the permit number and expiry date is clearly visible.

(P) means that the person who is the permit holder can be a passenger only.
(P/D) means that the person who is the permit holder can be a passenger or driver.

Only the person named on the permit can use it to park in an accessible parking space. The permit must be returned to a ServiceOntario centre within 30 days when:

  • the person named on the permit is either deceased
  • the holder is no longer a person with an eligible health condition
  • the permit contains incorrect information or, the permit is cancelled.
If another person uses the permit, it can result in fines of up to $5,000 and the permit may be seized.

There are 8 1/2 more pages of hoops one has to go through.

But "I can't breathe" and they just hand you a badge.

The handicap parking issue has clearly dealt with the legalities.

  • *TTC By-law No. 1, s. 3.13(a)
Blue card with smiling face stating I am unable to wear a mask. Please maintain physical distancing.

We recognize that not everyone is able to wear a mask, so the TTC has created a card that customers can use as a visual identifier for exemptions. These cards are provided as a courtesy by the TTC; customers who cannot wear a mask are not required to carry them.

Customers who wish to obtain one of these cards or buttons can visit the Customer Service Centre above Davisville Station (1900 Yonge Street) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Cards are also available at select subway stations, including Kipling, York University, Union and Bloor-Yonge. TTC and Wheel-Trans Customers can also request a card be sent to them by mail by calling TTC Customer Information at 416-393-4636 or Wheel-Trans Customer Service at 416-393-4111.
If the TTC didn't have their head up their ass, how about, "Do not ride public transit. We will dispatch wheel-trans to pick your frail ass up within a four hour window as per our standard wheel trans terms of service. If you require faster public transportation, you are welcome to ride conventional transit while wearing a mask."
Court has now ordered Skelly to comply with restrictions under the Opening Act. No additional restrictions but if he violates again, that is contempt and he can be immediately arrested and held without bail.

Crown asked for $20,000 in costs which Skelly's lawyer said was grossly inflated. I call BS. There were 20 to 50 cops there for days, I think the true number is an order of magnitude higher than they asked for.

GFM is approaching 350K of wanker money. 270K has been delivered and Skelly is gloating that it is in a trust where people can't get at it. What a dbag.

City has bumped up their request for costs to 187K. He should pay a lot. It was an intentional act and the without his actions, the costs would not have been incurred. Having the entire toronto police force working overtime and circling the restaurant singing kum bay yah was a pretty ridiculous response and I don't think he should have to pay for a bunch of the cities over reaction.

The teachers was talking about the masks giving them headaches,

Don’t know as I’m not a scientist if the masks would have anything to do with it
Nurses doctors and psw's wear them all day. I think teachers get headaches without masks.
I think the pains are more related to something tugging on your ears for hours (coupled with a strong union). I haven't found a single study that said masks reduce 02 saturation or significantly tax your lungs.
I think the pains are more related to something tugging on your ears for hours (coupled with a strong union). I haven't found a single study that said masks reduce 02 saturation or significantly tax your lungs.
I have seen experts say that the chems in the materials are or can be cumbersome
Health unit updated the screening rules for school again. Not sure if they will all be similar but I assume so.

If you have a single symptom, you are out until you get a negative covid test, 10 days have passed with no new symptoms or a doctor says you don't have covid (not sure how they are supposed to do that without a test). Until one of those three conditions have been satisfied, the whole household is quarantined.
Yes, headaches from wearing them all day IS a real thing, even for teachers...the pressure behind the ears is a lot after a full day...I have that band with buttons on it to loop the mask ear loops around and that definitely helps to take pressure off the backs of my ears...I also get phantom mask syndrome (it's a real thing in the health care industry) and my cheeks feel like I'm still wearing it even after a few hours at home...
I think its absoluetly criminal that stores and shopping malls need to hire and pay security guards to stand at entrances to ensure people entering are wearing masks and can answer the 5 covid screening questions with a no to each.
That people are so f'in stupid just makes me sad.
I was talking with a parent after school today and she works in day care...her son is glad to be back in school, however, he hates having to wear the mask all day (even outside at recess, they now have to wear it UNLESS they can stay 6' apart, which we all know elementary aged kids cannot do)...anyways, we were talking about vaccines, the April break etc. and we both think (although I pray I'm wrong, however, I highly doubt it) that a)we won't be coming back to in class after the April break (we'll switch to online until the end of the year) and b)we'll most likely be in the same situation come September...

I basically go to work and out once a week (every two if I can help it) to do groceries...other than that, I haven't gone anywhere in months (not a winter person anyways, so not much has really changed for me LOL)...however, there are co-workers with me that go absolutely everywhere and do everything as if nothing's going's so frustrating...

rant over
I was talking with a parent after school today and she works in day care...her son is glad to be back in school, however, he hates having to wear the mask all day (even outside at recess, they now have to wear it UNLESS they can stay 6' apart, which we all know elementary aged kids cannot do)...anyways, we were talking about vaccines, the April break etc. and we both think (although I pray I'm wrong, however, I highly doubt it) that a)we won't be coming back to in class after the April break (we'll switch to online until the end of the year) and b)we'll most likely be in the same situation come September...

I basically go to work and out once a week (every two if I can help it) to do groceries...other than that, I haven't gone anywhere in months (not a winter person anyways, so not much has really changed for me LOL)...however, there are co-workers with me that go absolutely everywhere and do everything as if nothing's going's so frustrating...

rant over
You are not alone. Hell, that has been my life for over 3 years. Covid is just the latest hurdle.
Yes, headaches from wearing them all day IS a real thing, even for teachers...the pressure behind the ears is a lot after a full day...I have that band with buttons on it to loop the mask ear loops around and that definitely helps to take pressure off the backs of my ears...I also get phantom mask syndrome (it's a real thing in the health care industry) and my cheeks feel like I'm still wearing it even after a few hours at home...
Maybe klr-guy can explain this? he still seems to be running around and haha all my posts
Close call vs could have been.

A close call is where you almost get hit by a cage. A "could have been me" is someone else getting hit on a road you ride a lot.

I came out of retirement for a few hours to help a friend / contractor identify a problem. He sent two of his electricians to assist. I didn't like that they wore turtle necks and only pulled them up as needed. It was mostly outside and I tried to stay upwind.

Two weeks later the friend informs me that his electricians had just tested positive. I think they're related and they went to a family function Valentine's weekend with almost everyone getting the bug. They also travel together in the service van. Fortunately my meet up with them was a week and a half earlier so a "could have been me". Don't trust anyone.

One's wife is a nurse in a hospital. How long has that lightbulb been burnt out?

How many days did she work before someone noticed symptoms and got tested?
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