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"Dr. Eileen de Villa says that anyone returning from travel abroad, including to the U.S., should “avoid group interactions and public gatherings wherever possible” and refrain from interacting with elderly people and those with chronic health conditions for 14 days following their return. "

Anybody else know a buttload of teachers headed south next week? Are they going to self quarantine for two weeks after? Dougie can't order them back to work if they are on MOH mandated sick leave and not on strike?

The seriousness of COVID-19 is not about the severity of the symptoms or the mortality rate. It is about keeping hospitals open and operational for everyone who needs it, not just those with COVID-19.

Car accident victims. Burn victims. Knife and gunshot victims. Cancer patients. Blunt-force traumas due to falls, slips, etc.

More info on how Italian doctors have to decide who lives and who dies.

From: The Extraordinary Decisions Facing Italian Doctors

Two weeks ago, Italy had 322 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. At that point, doctors in the country’s hospitals could lavish significant attention on each stricken patient.

One week ago, Italy had 2,502 cases of the virus, which causes the disease known as COVID-19. At that point, doctors in the country’s hospitals could still perform the most lifesaving functions by artificially ventilating patients who experienced acute breathing difficulties.

Today, Italy has 10,149 cases of the coronavirus. There are now simply too many patients for each one of them to receive adequate care. Doctors and nurses are unable to tend to everybody. They lack machines to ventilate all those gasping for air.

The principle they settle upon is utilitarian. “Informed by the principle of maximizing benefits for the largest number,” they suggest that “the allocation criteria need to guarantee that those patients with the highest chance of therapeutic success will retain access to intensive care.”

Those who are too old to have a high likelihood of recovery, or who have too low a number of “life-years” left even if they should survive, will be left to die. This sounds cruel, but the alternative, the document argues, is no better. “In case of a total saturation of resources, maintaining the criterion of ‘first come, first served’ would amount to a decision to exclude late-arriving patients from access to intensive care.”

“These criteria apply to all patients in intensive care, not just those infected with CoVid-19.”
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Why has the sportsman show not been cancelled

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GTAA diversifying? They expect to get hammered on airport fees for the next while so they are holding TSS to their contract to generate some money? TSS can't afford the hit so they run it anyway?
Stocked on dog food, ventured into costco (y) great store, i'm all buttoned down, time to blow the dam.
University St Patrick's days parties coming up. Let’s see what happens there.
I know 2 of the universities are already meeting to discuss the reaction to the virus/pandemic. UofT has already started to cancel some events, as they are a client of mine. Another client (a school) has asked me for some "wait and see" time as they are not sure what to do.
I know 2 of the universities are already meeting to discuss the reaction to the virus/pandemic. UofT has already started to cancel some events, as they are a client of mine. Another client (a school) has asked me for some "wait and see" time as they are not sure what to do.
If they have a plan in place, and they should have especially the ones attached to a teaching hospital.
now would be a good time to put everything they have into action.
If they have a plan in place, and they should have especially the ones attached to a teaching hospital.
now would be a good time to put everything they have into action.
It may turn out not to have been required, but I would rather be justifying my conservative actions than trying to explain why I forged ahead without considering the consequences. As this is still tracking to specific nodes, you don't want to be the person responsible for one of those nodes.

Dougie did something at least half smart. Covid clinics near (but not at) hospitals. I've always believed it was stupid for hospitals to co-mingle illness and injury as it creates much more illness than necessary. It sounds like most of the support for covid is monitor and help breathing. That can be setup almost anywhere.

Hell, if they really wanted to centralize, the stadiums have nothing better to do now. Lots of space, lots of bathrooms. If people are already infected to the point of needing medical intervention, they obviously aren't worried about catching it from the neighbouring bed. If you no longer need medical intervention, you relocate to a portion of the facility for less sick people, then to quarantine (probably a hotel as they don't have much to do right now either).
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Oh by the way people, if you plan to use paper towel instead of TP for a while, septic and sewer systems are not designed to flush the quicker-picker-upper.
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Frig me. Lecce/Elliott/Dougie just made an announcement. All schools closed for the next three weeks.

Hopefully they can figure out the strike thing withing these 3 weeks.
Hopefully they can figure out the strike thing withing these 3 weeks.
By home office communications?
... they all have absolutely better things to do right now.
Frig me. Lecce/Elliott/Dougie just made an announcement. All schools closed for the next three weeks.

I know what the pushback is going to look like already.

Parents complaining about having to find and pony up for the costs of daycare. Shaking their heads at the over-reaction of the government for something as "simple and non-lethal as the common flu".

A month ago they closed down all the schools in Italy. At the time, my sister-in-law was p!ssed at the government for "over-reacting" and causing her heaps of inconvenience.

Today she is at home with a broken collarbone unable to schedule a surgery to put pins in because all the hospitals in the country are over-burdened.

She can't lie down or move her head. For the last two weeks she's had to sleep in a sitting position.

She's changed her tune completely now. She now thinks a closed school is much better than a closed hospital.
Schools out!!
Home school is in.

Pandemic people :| this is the real deal, this is Not a test of the emergency broadcast system. Stay home!
You buy gas, use pay at the pump.
Feel sick, Stay home!
And good lord you do Not pack up the 3 kids and take the whole family to hospital emergency because one has a cough and you think a doctor should look at it. Stay Home!
By home office communications?
... they all have absolutely better things to do right now.

The technology is available but yes it would be difficult.

Maybe it will give them time to cool off and but their differences aside and come to an agreement.
I know what the pushback is going to look like already.

Parents complaining about having to find and pony up for the costs of daycare. Shaking their heads at the over-reaction of the government for something as "simple and non-lethal as the common flu".

Daycare is just as bad as school. The kids need to stay home for this to be effective. For that to happen ... workplaces need to close. This needs to morph into a complete shutdown.

For the financial consequences? For the next month, no interest shall accrue, no payments shall be withdrawn, all due dates of all bills shall be a month later. Close the stock markets, close the bond markets, close the commodity markets. CLOSE them. Basically ... Everyone stay home. The next 3 weeks don't exist. Essential-service workers have to go to work and STAY there.
The technology is available but yes it would be difficult.

Maybe it will give them time to cool off and but their differences aside and come to an agreement.
Half the people at the bargaining table have way better things to do,
the other half should get ready for the sh*tstorm, their concerns over class room size! might not be a problem.
Daycare is just as bad as school. The kids need to stay home for this to be effective. For that to happen ... workplaces need to close. This needs to morph into a complete shutdown.

For the financial consequences? For the next month, no interest shall accrue, no payments shall be withdrawn, all due dates of all bills shall be a month later. Close the stock markets, close the bond markets, close the commodity markets. CLOSE them. Basically ... Everyone stay home. The next 3 weeks don't exist. Essential-service workers have to go to work and STAY there.
Agreed. Parents are already scrambling to find alternative care for their children. This not only defeats the intent of the closure, it makes it much worse as now you are combining people from a larger geographic area and as a bonus, mixing up the attendees every day.

I just had a potential client call me wanting a job done at their site next week. I had to explain to them that a) that is a bad idea and b) I may have kids with no alternative care option. They said they would look after the kids while the work was being done. Ugh.

I should add, Brian's approach fixes many things. That removes the time pressure from my client as they no longer need to race to get in front of a rapidly progressing construction project. Therefore, there is no rush to get me there. Everything is as it was, just three weeks later.
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