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you are not safe not being a pig and washing your hands, many cruise ship diseases are airborne and in the vent systems such as norovirus and legionnaires disease. Cruise ships are a floating dirty bacteria palace, they never go out of service to get properly cleaned .

While sort of true, they are not normally a death trap and I suspect most resorts don't get much better treatment although you do have windows to get some unprocessed outside air. If you want to minimize your chances of catching something, vacation someplace with no other people and don't take a plane to get there. For most people, this is not feasible and they will take their chances with the cattle.
you are not safe not being a pig and washing your hands, many cruise ship diseases are airborne and in the vent systems such as norovirus and legionnaires disease. Cruise ships are a floating dirty bacteria palace, they never go out of service to get properly cleaned .

Have you ever been on a cruise ship?

This will be our 13’th cruise. The levels of sanitation are insane.

If your logic held true one person with a cold or the flu would infect a huge majority of a
ship during a 7 night cruise. That simply does not happen. Ever.

Norovirus is the most common communicable sicknesses on ships and it’s transmitted by touch, it’s not airborne . Following the hand washing requirements on ships before entering a dining venue (You pretty much HAVE to wash your hands now before you’re allowed into most of them) and keep your fingers away from your face and you’re just fine.

Fun fact: Noro is super common in nursing homes as well. Breakouts all the time. But you don’t hear about them, do you? But one breakout on a cruise ship and it’s front line news 24/7 on TV. Because it’s sensationalistic.
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While sort of true, they are not normally a death trap and I suspect most resorts don't get much better treatment although you do have windows to get some unprocessed outside air. If you want to minimize your chances of catching something, vacation someplace with no other people and don't take a plane to get there. For most people, this is not feasible and they will take their chances with the cattle.

most resorts that cater to the masses or all inclusive are disgusting too ,agreed . But cruise ships have a special risk as they carry around their garbage and sewage .It is pretty much impossible to keep those germs, bacteria and diseases contained and out of the ships ventilation systems. It’s funny you say most people will take their chances I don’t think that’s the case I think most people don’t know or are ignorant . Same as when I see idiots on planes barefoot walking up and down the aisles and going to the toilet in barefeet. How can it not occur to them what they are stepping in?I’m sure these pigs don’t shower before getting into their bed after getting off the plane either. Bottom line the majority of people are disgusting and don’t even know it or don’t even think they are . So I choose to go to small high end resorts or just stay home , vacation ain’t worth getting sick over if you have a choice . If you don’t have a choice then I guess ignorance is better than paranoia
Have you ever been on a cruise ship?

This will be our 13’th cruise. The levels of sanitation are insane.

If your logic held true one person with a cold or the flu would infect a huge majority of a
ship during a 7 night cruise. That simply does not happen. Ever.

Norovirus is the most common communicable sicknesses on ships and it’s transmitted by touch, it’s not airborne . Following the hand washing requirements on ships before entering a dining venue (You pretty much HAVE to wash your hands now before you’re allowed into most of them) and keep your fingers away from your face and you’re just fine.

Fun fact: Noro is super common in nursing homes as well. Breakouts all the time. But you don’t hear about them, do you? But one breakout on a cruise ship and it’s front one news 24/7 on TV. Because it’s sensationalistic.
norovirus and legionnaires disease are airborne I posted the link above .. need to do some research ...I went on cruises when I was a kid with my parents now I wouldn’t go if you paid me. They are not sanitized unless under an order when norovirus is found ,you are not correct . They make money like airplanes with fast turn around, 6000 people off loaded , ship restocked over 12 to 24 hours and then 6000 people get on. You can’t clean a ship in that time . If I go on a boat it’s me my wife and a crew that’s it , yes im a spoiled brat but I wouldn’t go on a cruise ship no matter what...and yes you hear about nursing home outbreaks all the time
Have you ever been on a cruise ship?

This will be our 13’th cruise. The levels of sanitation are insane.

If your logic held true one person with a cold or the flu would infect a huge majority of a
ship during a 7 night cruise. That simply does not happen. Ever.

Norovirus is the most common communicable sicknesses on ships and it’s transmitted by touch, it’s not airborne . Following the hand washing requirements on ships before entering a dining venue (You pretty much HAVE to wash your hands now before you’re allowed into most of them) and keep your fingers away from your face and you’re just fine.

Fun fact: Noro is super common in nursing homes as well. Breakouts all the time. But you don’t hear about them, do you? But one breakout on a cruise ship and it’s front one news 24/7 on TV. Because it’s sensationalistic.
You don't want to work on a cruise ship when there's an outbreak of a communicable disease.
norovirus and legionnaires disease are airborne I posted the link above .. need to do some research ...I went on cruises when I was a kid with my parents now I wouldn’t go if you paid me. They are not sanitized unless under an order when norovirus is found ,you are not correct . They make money like airplanes with fast turn around, 6000 people off loaded , ship restocked over 12 to 24 hours and then 6000 people get on. You can’t clean a ship in that time . If I go on a boat it’s me my wife and a crew that’s it , yes im a spoiled brat but I wouldn’t go on a cruise ship no matter what...and yes you hear about nursing home outbreaks all the time

You ignored my response. If noro was airborne beyond clearly isolated incidents that this lawyers website latched onto (read carefully where it came from as there's no links to the study in either that article nor the one linked from) then people would be sick endlessly on cruise ships from that, the flu, common colds, and every other virus thats airborne.

Reality is, does not happen. Never been sick on any of our cruises, nor have any of our (extensive) friends list who also cruise.

Your views of sanitation on cruise ships is quite off base. They are cleaning and sanitizing literally constantly and the air filtration and exchange systems are also working to avoid these issues. Your apparently preconceived notion that they just don't clean anything unless there's an outbreak couldn't be further from reality.

You do realize that nearly 40 million people a year take a cruise, right?
You ignored my response. If noro was airborne beyond clearly isolated incidents that this lawyers website latched onto (read carefully where it came from as there's no links to the study in either that article nor the one linked from) then people would be sick endlessly on cruise ships from that, the flu, common colds, and every other virus thats airborne.

Reality is, does not happen. Never been sick on any of our cruises, nor have any of our (extensive) friends list who also cruise.

Your views of sanitation on cruise ships is quite off base. They are cleaning and sanitizing literally constantly and the air filtration and exchange systems are also working to avoid these issues. Your apparently preconceived notion that they just don't clean anything unless there's an outbreak couldn't be further from reality.

You do realize that nearly 40 million people a year take a cruise, right?

you are wrong and you think I’m wrong but google thousands of articles that back up my position . They do not clean and sanitize the cruise ships unless it’s an order to do so. Mopping the floors or cleaning the staterooms doesn’t count. cruise ships are gross just like planes , most hotels and most all inclusive resorts. Cruise all you want , I will do my thing.

meanwhile enjoy this article :

Tell me what your vacation of choice is and I'm sure google will barf up some stories I can share with you about them as well.

Been on lots of cruises and have first hand witnessed people sanitizing constantly. There are tons of crew that literally walk around all day long just sanitizing the handrails in the stateroom corridors, the staircases, and the elevator handrails. Maybe I'll take a few photos on our cruise in a few weeks to show you. And that's just one area. Last cruise you weren't allowed in the buffet until you walked through the purpose built handwashing station at the entrance and fully washed your hands. Crew is constantly sanitizing public bathrooms every few hours.

You admit it's been a long time since you were on a cruise, but we do 1 or 2 a year. It's evident whatever you witnesed way back whenever is not reality today.

Do some ships have issues caught in inspections? Yep. I guarantee the same thing is as likely, if not more likely to occur at your favourite restaurant which chances are get inspected FAR less than cruise ships do.
The hysteria is unreal. I have spent the last month in a hospital with my wife and her ongoing struggles with her brain injury from 2017. There really hasn't been any policy changes in the hospital, but the streets around the U of W are full of people with masks on and masks are sold out everywhere.
I had to go to a different hospital this morning to see my 95yr old father in law. (Massive stroke.fml) and it's the same thing. Not a mask in sight, but drive 2km to the U of W and it's masks everywhere. All because the university has a big Asian population.WTF?
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I passed someone on Simcoe Street yesterday headed towards Port Perry, all alone in her car in the middle of nowhere..wearing a bright blue mask.

Yep, hysteria.

Problem is there's a lot of "OMG EVERYONE PANIC!" misinformation out there that seems designed solely to make people think Coronavirus is equivalent to Ebola or something.
I always wonder, is that surgical mask for our benefit or theirs :unsure: but either way I've seen about 1 in 10 people wearing a mask correctly and suspect none of them are being disposed of correctly after use, I seen one placebo face filter blowing around on the sidewalk only yesterday and noticed that people seem to have no clue how to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough, so maybe the mask is a great idea.
When you are done with it burn it!
I had to take my kid to a walkin clinic last week. Recent policy is everybody wears a mask and sanitizes hands when they walk in. Probably not a bad policy in general as you are concentrating sick people, but afaik this clinic didnt have the policy prior to Corona.
Not really too worried about catching anything, but I am taking some precautions.
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On a trip through the Pennsylvania wilds I was getting pretty hungry but couldn't find a restaurant that didn't look like a dive. Finally I came across one that had windows I could see through. I figured the plates would be about as clean as the windows so I went in.

To be safe I ordered two deep fried appetizers and a beer. The deep frying kills anything on the apps and beer has a built in disinfectant.
I had to take my kid to a walkin clinic last week. Recent policy is everybody wears a mask and sanitizes hands when they walk in. Probably not a bad policy in general as you are concentrating sick people, but afaik this clinic didnt have the policy prior to Corona.

Most clinics have always had a policy of "Fever, cough, sneezing, wear a mask", but now we're in full panic mode so even granny coming in for an ingrown toenail has to wear the blue mask of shame.

As for the asian population, they wear those silly things all the time in China because they think it does something to reduce the amount of air polution (which face it, you can cut with a knife over there) they're breathing in. In reality an N95 mask does little to filter the air directly around you as they do NOT fit flush on your face so air leaks around all the edges, around your nose (even if they have the little bendy tab that's supposed to help form it to your nose), etc . They simply stop droplets that are airborne and headed in your direction from hitting your nose or mouth. Anything aerosolized, or air pollution and that sort of stuff, yeah, it ain't doing jack **** for as your breathing in is generally sucking air around the filter, not through it. Put one of those things on and observe how little of your breath goes through it versus around it. Case closed.
I'm actually surprised as to how few people were wearing masks in the airports recently (Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto). A few of my buddies are in full swing panic mode and we actually had choice words where I told them they're panicking over nothing, and they called me ignorant and to be more careful when I travel.

As for travelling, hotels, and the like...I live in a camp for close to 3's disgusting, although it looks fairly clean on the surface. I feel for the staff that work there, but the first thing I do personally...take disinfectant wipes and basically wipe down the entire room from top to bottom. Doesn't help that the room has carpet, but the other rooms have tiles...and they're sticky as I'll stick with carpet. 400 people in a camp...with regular turnaround. I tell the staff to just leave my room's much better for me and I'm apparently one of the clean ones. Go figure.

Plenty of stories of the cleaning staff walking in on guys doing naughty things...but that makes me feel sick and I'm going on vacation I'll select ignorance.
A few of my buddies are in full swing panic mode and we actually had choice words where I told them they're panicking over nothing, and they called me ignorant and to be more careful when I travel.

How many of them are fully up to date on their vaccinations?

Because there's one thing I've noticed is that the more batshit crazy some people are about communicable diseases, the least likely they are to actually be vaccinated against the preventable ones.
The hysteria is unreal. I have spent the last month in a hospital with my wife and her ongoing struggles with her brain injury from 2017. There really hasn't been any policy changes in the hospital, but the streets around the U of W are full of people with masks on and masks are sold out everywhere.
I had to go to a different hospital this morning to see my 95yr old father in law. (Massive stroke.fml) and it's the same thing. Not a mask in sight, but drive 2km to the U of W and it's masks everywhere. All because the university has a big Asian population.WTF?
Wait till they realize the mask won't save you.
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