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sold an elliptical exercise machine on kijiji
dude came to pick it up this morning

his SUV was a !$^#$# disaster inside
years worth of collected crap and garbage

he came alone so I helped him load it
had to move some stuff out of the way to make room
half a dozen bags of potting soil and some other sh!t

leaned in to grab a bag just as he had tried to move it
bag tore open and the stuff was dry as a popcorn fart
got covered in it as it went airborne

face and hands covered in it
eyeballs full of it

30 minutes of eye wash and 2 showers
clothes directly into the laundry

I feel ****** now and have a cough
pretty sure this is how it starts
I swear the racism only happens to meek looking men or women. I grew up with a ton of it actually as the school I went to was white dominant.

I had the flu last week (maybe it was corona? who knows lol), was coughing a lot on the subway, and I was waiting for any racist mother fucker to piss me off so I could knock them the **** out (I was also having a very bad week.)

....but nobody seems to want to pick a fight with a ****** off looking jacked Asian...but for ****'s sake, I'm short as **** at 5'6!
Roid rage flare-ups?
sold an elliptical exercise machine on kijiji
dude came to pick it up this morning

his SUV was a !$^#$# disaster inside
years worth of collected crap and garbage

he came alone so I helped him load it
had to move some stuff out of the way to make room
half a dozen bags of potting soil and some other sh!t

leaned in to grab a bag just as he had tried to move it
bag tore open and the stuff was dry as a popcorn fart
got covered in it as it went airborne

face and hands covered in it
eyeballs full of it

30 minutes of eye wash and 2 showers
clothes directly into the laundry

I feel ****** now and have a cough
pretty sure this is how it starts

Do you have a sudden hankering for human brains? Do we need to call Rick?
I think it was taken out of context but Boris Johnson apparently said one option was to just let it run its course. I.E. dead bodies everywhere.

To be honest it is an option just not a good one. The upside would be the survivors would be the healthy ones, improving the gene pool. Bumping off the seniors would cut pension payments so a plus to balancing the budget.

How often are we getting these plagues and are they becoming more frequent?
Great time to book some travel deals if you are so inclined!

Can get round trip airfare to Vancouver for around $360/person right now.

Also saw round trip offers to Australia for around $900/person!
I just checked my web broker account. My portfolio is infected.
Frig me, has there ever been a request for money that JT said no to? Another chartered plane to repatriate stupid wankers that went on a cruise after the outbreak was well understood and then we have to pay to get them home? Screw off. Sit in isolation for two weeks and then get yourself home.

There should be an immediate press release that Canada is no longer repatriating due to Covid. If you choose to travel, it's on you. If you travel to a location with an outbreak and then return and wander around Canada, you get isolated, then jailed for being a stupid selfish asshat.

Frig me, has there ever been a request for money that JT said no to? Another chartered plane to repatriate stupid wankers that went on a cruise after the outbreak was well understood and then we have to pay to get them home? Screw off. Sit in isolation for two weeks and then get yourself home.

There should be an immediate press release that Canada is no longer repatriating due to Covid. If you choose to travel, it's on you. If you travel to a location with an outbreak and then return and wander around Canada, you get isolated, then jailed for being a stupid selfish asshat.

Or buy repatriation insurance.
In the words of the great Bill Burr, "Why don't we just let it burn through?"

Didn't Boris Johnson throw that into the think tank as a solution? Que sera sera. On the plus side it bumps off the older folks thereby a saving in the pension department down the road.

We don't know how bad it would be if we let it burn through because we don't have a parallel universe for comparison.

Darwinists would point out that it would make the race stronger in the future if resistance to viruses was the only criteria. Personally I would prefer a virus that only attacked bad drivers.
I've seen somewhere that if allowed to continue unhindered, something like this could be expected to eventually infect about 70% of the population. At present, among the resolved cases, deaths vs recovered indicate a 5.8% mortality rate. That may overestimate the true mortality rate because it is quite likely that some people have gotten infected, stayed at home, and recovered without incident, without even knowing what made them sick, thus never entering the official case numbers. WHO's number is 3.4% and most of that number have other co-existing health problems. Still, 3.4% of 70% is about 2% ... 2% of the world's population is a big number.

There is no country in the world that has a health care system with enough resources to handle that many sick people at once. Allowing it to continue unhindered probably means not treating anyone (or only an insignificant number). I would expect the death rate to go up if (almost) no one could get hospital treatment, even if only for the symptoms (which is all they can do anyhow).
what are we supposed to do with the infected coming off that ship?
they can't fly commercial and the US sure as hell won't admit them

we don't want them back in the genpop infecting everyone
maybe just let them die? no loss, they're all old anyway, right? :(
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