Lock the door while they're inside. Food delivery when they want to order it, free to leave in 14 days.Doesn't work. They just pass the plate.
Lock the door while they're inside. Food delivery when they want to order it, free to leave in 14 days.Doesn't work. They just pass the plate.
They are letting criminals out of jail on bail .But they will put a people in jail for going to church .They are at it again. Will the Pastafarians follow along?
Aylmer, Ont. church ordered by judge to abide by COVID-19 restrictions
That's the Justice system at work. Like it or not. It is what it is.They are letting criminals out of jail on bail .But they will put a people in jail for going to church .
I don't know about you but I get tired of inaccurate statements. People were't being put in jail for going to church. They were being charged for exceeding the limits for gatherings. It could have been bingo, volleyball, lawn bowling.That's the Justice system at work. Like it or not. It is what it is.
And the churchgoers are bathed in the blood of Christ. They'll be fine.
It also saysI recall something from the Bible "Wherever two or more are gathered in my name I will be there".
I'm missing a connection.It also says
“Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain
You are missing more then the connection .I'm missing a connection.
You are missing more then the connection .
If you're looking for good news skip the link
Extraordinary Patient Offers Surprising Clues To Origins Of Coronavirus Variants
Scientists are looking at a possible link between the mutations in the U.K. and South Africa — and those in a patient in Boston who had living, growing virus in his body for five months.trib.al
This man had a severe autoimmune disease that required him to take drugs to suppress his immune system. So his body couldn't fight off the coronavirus infection as well as a healthy person could. He would get better for a while, and then the virus would counterattack. He would fall sick again. Eventually, he ended up in the intensive care unit. He passed away five months after the initial diagnosis.
In simpleton terms "The virus kept trying new approaches until it found one that worked"
In simpleton terms "The virus kept trying new approaches until it found one that worked"
China said its not so it definitely isn't...Da fq...
Are we sure this isnt bio-engineered?
@nobbie48 so, basically we're %$#@&?! If the virus can just keep mutating even within our own bodies...great...?
@nobbie48 so, basically we're %$#@&?! If the virus can just keep mutating even within our own bodies...great...?