When we had our furnace replaced all we did was pick up the temps in the morning, warmed the house to a nice balmy 25C and then let it cool naturally while it was being replaced.The circle of dumb continues. We have to remember that half the people are stupider than average and average isn't all that smart.
TL: DR Planned eight hour power outage. He feels forced to go wander around walmart to kill time and is worried that may expose him and his children to covid.
Aurora father disappointed by 'deplorable' timing of Alectra's planned power outage
Alectra Utilities has planned a power outage for Feb. 6 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to replace a switchgear.www.yorkregion.com
"Mark Holland said he lives on one of the streets that will be affected by the Feb. 6 outage that is expected to last from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
"I'm going to have to go for a long drive to stay warm, dress really warm, kill a few hours at a time, pop over to the local Walmart to burn another half-hour ... hopefully, they won't require the whole eight-hour day," Holland said. He added that he feels forced to have to go out to kill time, and fears this might be exposing himself and his children to COVID-19.
but we were planning on a full day and it took 4-5hrs.
in this case....sounds like a sweater would work wonders for him.