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I haven't following this thread super closely, so apologies if this has already come up. I am literally hearing these guys flying people over the border quite a bit lately:

I know the helicopter conversation already ran its course, but the traffic has increased even more and it's starting to feel like I live in Rexdale under the approach path for Pearson again. Latest count is x3 R-44s, a Bell 206 and an EC130, all belonging to them.
Stores were warned a blitz was coming. Literally the day before yet still it’s not enough.

And because Doug has no stones, they are not releasing the names or locations of those warned or charged. F that. The fine will be meaningless. Having a financial hit because people avoid your cesspool seems like a better incentive to ensure compliance.
And because Doug has no stones, they are not releasing the names or locations of those warned or charged. F that. The fine will be meaningless. Having a financial hit because people avoid your cesspool seems like a better incentive to ensure compliance.

I don't have a lot of faith in people shunning the stores over a fake virus. Sarcasm

Reality would be a court order to lock down 100% for X days. No curb pickup or shipping. Violation means jail time for management.

This has been going on for almost a year. We saw wave one and all the experts said wave two could be worse. Why couldn't the brains in government have come up with some proactive assistance for the little guys?

Some things are hard to buy online, shoes and sofas for example. You need to feel the comfort.

For example come up with a screening system for browsers. If you aren't going to buy go walk in the park, read a magazine, browse online.

For a real customer allow one for each staff member, masked and gloved.

Have a think tank. Throw out ideas. Be ready for wave three. You've screwed up game one and two. Try for a win.

The countries that slammed the door hard had things under control in a couple of months. See what they did and copy.

Do something. "Hello folks" is getting tiring.
Douggie doesn't have the will-power...
Maybe he does but the Federal government is scared of CERB 2.0?
Lets see if Douggie plugs this hole today or continues down the path of no personal responsibility/consequences.

The city implemented a bylaw in August that requires everyone to wear masks while inside lobbies, elevators, laundry rooms and other shared spaces of condo and apartment buildings in order to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Andrea Gonsalves, a spokesperson for the city, said that since the bylaw came into affect, the city has received 1,950 complaints to 311 about violations.

“Under the provincial regulation, there is no provision to charge an individual for not wearing a mask in a condo or apartment building,” Gonsalves said on Monday.
The lobbyists are busy. Watched a news item on Whistler Blackcomb yesterday. Ski business lobbyists are trying to ensure that BC doesn't enforce a ban on interprovincial travel as that would affect their business. I get that there are economical considerations but in the face of a public health emergency shouldn't everyone be pitching in together not trying to weedle out exceptions so they can make cash regardless of the health implications? Maybe make lobbying in the face of a health crisis a crime in itself.
Douggie just announced Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital is opening as a Covid centre to provide 185 beds (35 ICU, 150 general). Opens next month. After covid is stabilized, hospital will open as a fully functional hospital.

I wondered how they were going to staff it and CE said they are amending legislation so hospitals can force staff to work at alternate locations.
At least Williams finally gave an objective target that people can look at. Now whether douggie will follow it?

TL: DR nothing is changing in Ontario for quite a while.

Ontario’s chief medical officer of health says the province must cut its daily COVID-19 case counts to below 1,000 before lockdown measures can be lifted.
Lets see if Douggie plugs this hole today or continues down the path of no personal responsibility/consequences.

The city implemented a bylaw in August that requires everyone to wear masks while inside lobbies, elevators, laundry rooms and other shared spaces of condo and apartment buildings in order to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Andrea Gonsalves, a spokesperson for the city, said that since the bylaw came into affect, the city has received 1,950 complaints to 311 about violations.

“Under the provincial regulation, there is no provision to charge an individual for not wearing a mask in a condo or apartment building,” Gonsalves said on Monday.

Double speak? implemented a bylaw / no provision to charge
what a shitshow even trying to get a covid test.
The vaccine rollout isn't fairing much better. Zero doses next week from Pfizer. Just yesterday it was supposed to be 1/2 of the originally promised doses.
Feds seem to think it's no big deal and will be made up later. Dougie's hair's on fire! Shitshow indeed (y)
Bad news report: Checking out after buying some groceries and I hear two cashiers discussing what seemed to be a potential St Valentine's Day party and costumes. Wave 2.5.
The vaccine rollout isn't fairing much better. Zero doses next week from Pfizer. Just yesterday it was supposed to be 1/2 of the originally promised doses.
Feds seem to think it's no big deal and will be made up later. Dougie's hair's on fire! Shitshow indeed (y)
Well I guess it’s working out of the basement for me for another a ******* troll....FML
I hope they don't number them by year, that will get boring fast COVID 19, 20, 21, 22....
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