75% is going to be tough to reach given all the antivax nonsense out there - people are willing to blindly believe anything they read on some crunchy momma blog written by someone who barely passed high school science and did her "reasearch" on YouTube while on the toilet one day, but casually and blindly dismiss science and scientists.
Even when they crunchy momma content is so incredibly far out to left field that it seems unbelievable they still eat it up, IE the "Bill Gates put microchips in the Covid vaccine so they can control us via 5G!" insanity. I had a head shaker yesterday where someone said they'd never get the Covid vaccine because it had fetal tissue in it. There is not.
What *WILL* drive up vaccination numbers however is going to be what seems like an inevitable restriction for the parts of society who refuse it with no basis in reality. Sorry, you refuse to vaccinate?
- You're not getting on an airplane.
- You're not getting on that cruise ship.
- You can't visit that all inclusive resort.
- You can't visit that country/continent
- You can't go to that concert.
- Etc.
It's time to remind people that although they may be free to "Do as I want with my body", they're not free from the consequences of their choices. Everything in life is not a right and we need to start making that clearer.