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I'm not at the throw the people under the bus stage yet for parties. My wife is right, there is a mental health and public health balance and some people are running out of time before they snap.

As for double dipping on money, screw those greedy bastards. You are stealing from my grandchildren (or maybe great grandchildren at this point).
They will likely catch the double dippers unless they are working cash jobs. If you think your neighbors are cheating... How to report and send supporting documents -
They will likely catch the double dippers unless they are working cash jobs. If you think your neighbors are cheating... How to report and send supporting documents -
If someone is double dipping and not working for cash, they are not very smart. If they are working for cash and depositing it, they are not very smart. If they are working for cash and keeping it in their sock drawer, it will not be worth the gov't time and effort to go after them.

I am entertained that Canada went with seven digit lead numbers. I wonder if they expect millions of tips or if that was just to future proof as the chance of exceeding 10M tips was low.
Exactly. We're flying to Poland with LOT airlines. As an EU destination we get better protections. As of today, all international flights are cancelled by LOT until June 30, 2020. However, they switched our flights to Belgian Air. But it's still international, and if there's a 2 week quarantine there, and a 2 week quarantine is the point.
If I can't get a refund, then I will at least take the 2 year voucher, hell even 1 year I can make work. My company is already stressing out over the vacation as apparently I may be needed, so I told them I'm more than happy to cancel the trip and go to work...but someone's paying for that ticket.
Belgian flys the Toronto to Warsaw route for lot I took that flight last year very nice. Make sure you do the bid for upgrade we got businesses class for 200 last year well worth it.

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Belgian flys the Toronto to Warsaw route for lot I took that flight last year very nice. Make sure you do the bid for upgrade we got businesses class for 200 last year well worth it.

Sent from my moto g(7) plus using Tapatalk
Will look into this...but I've got 3 tickets that need to be upgraded as the little one is on the knees still. Big one gets his own seat.

I wonder how that works...if LOT has suspended international travel, but they sold off our tickets to Belgian...guess we're going. Frak.
Will look into this...but I've got 3 tickets that need to be upgraded as the little one is on the knees still. Big one gets his own seat.

I wonder how that works...if LOT has suspended international travel, but they sold off our tickets to Belgian...guess we're going. Frak.
Belgian has flown that route for lot for years

Sent from my moto g(7) plus using Tapatalk
Like i have said time after time.Self entitlement is the biggest problem in todays world.

Gene Tierney was a popular actress of the 1940' and 50's. Some time after she gave birth to a severely handicapped daughter, Daria, she was at at fundraiser and a woman came up to her gushing about how she was so happy to meet her again. The woman admitted that she had met Tierney once before but had to slip out of hospital to do so as she had Rubella. "I just had to meet you." Tierney was pregnant at the time. In case you don't know, Rubella can cause serious birth defects. But she HAD to meet her idol.

If I was Tierney I think I would have shot the self centred B**** on the spot.

We still don't know everything about this virus. What are you going to say to your sibling, friend or whatever if there's a genetic problem and you had coughed on them?

You say it's overblown??? OK what if you're wrong??? What do you lose???

No, we can't all crawl into a giant condom for a couple of weeks and with the crap south of us we will have problems as they bully us into joining their insanity. Yes there will be financial hell to pay and we will have to give up stuff to foot the bills or sell our kids into slavery.

Or we can just cough on each other and get it over with.

Or we can be as prudent as possible.
might be a good time to buy air canada stock ;)
Lambton County's situation is almost certainly due to virus coming in via the Blue Water Bridge, just as Essex County's situation is due to virus crossing over in Detroit.
might be a good time to buy air canada stock ;)
Messed up and missed buying at 10$....bought at $17 a few weeks ago.

EDIT: at the airport now as our work has started recalling us....looks like about a 90% compliance rate with masks at GTAA....maybe 95% for the staff.
i called the new brunswick premiers office and asked about travel, i was told that i'm able to travel through just stopping for gas and food.
for those that say Ont to BC is open, stopped at the Manitoba border last Saturday. RCMP looking at Ont plates. Had a compelling story , property in Lake of the Woods and Winnipeg.
Commercial transport was fine, I was in a passenger car.
for those that say Ont to BC is open, stopped at the Manitoba border last Saturday. RCMP looking at Ont plates. Had a compelling story , property in Lake of the Woods and Winnipeg.
Commercial transport was fine, I was in a passenger car.
so it's not open?
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