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Man, this is bad. In a city of 7million there's 50 people with Corvid-19. Stock market crashes, major sports cancelled. Schools closing for weeks. Toilet paper and disinfecting hand wipes all sold out.

No need to panic. Only 6% of us are going to die.

Be extra careful if you older.
No need to panic. Only 6% of us are going to die.
Maybe Dougie is playing the long game and wants people to travel and spread it as that will substantially reduce the future healthcare burden (and shorten waiting lists for long-term care).
The number of cases can be expected to go up by 15% - 30% per day once community spread sets in.

For comparison, 50 people out of 7 million is akin to 430 people out of 60 million (Italy). That's about where Italy was on 26th February. Two weeks from then to shutdown with an overflowing and incapacitated medical system. If we do a really good job of "personal separation" and minimising personal contact before those numbers spike, that number can be kept down.
Man, this is bad. In a city of 7million there's 50 people with Corvid-19. Stock market crashes, major sports cancelled. Schools closing for weeks. Toilet paper and disinfecting hand wipes all sold out.

No need to panic. Only 6% of us are going to die.
Prevention is better then dealing with a bad situation, one that can quickly turn really bad within days like what happened in Korea and Italy.
Hopefully doing this will stop the spread. But it's not going to be easy.

At least gas is pretty cheap if it warms up, great time to go riding!
FWIW number of known cases in the USA has been going up 30% per day for the last week. If that drops to 20% per day, they reach Italy levels of cases per million people about 3 weeks from now. If it stays at 30% per day, that's 2 weeks from now.
FWIW number of known cases in the USA has been going up 30% per day for the last week. If that drops to 20% per day, they reach Italy levels of cases per million people about 3 weeks from now. If it stays at 30% per day, that's 2 weeks from now.
Given the pay to play health care system in the US, I expect the actual number of cases will be substantially underreported (especially if it gets ahold of a low-income population). It may eventually show up in a mortality spike, but may never be formally linked to Covid. In those populations, you are also more likely to have frequent co-mingling of young and old (grandparents are cheaper than daycare). Kids are coming out of this almost unscathed, but for the elderly the stats are bad.

I don't have any tanks cleaned for nitrox right now but if I did, I would be stocking up on some nitrox 36. Not as good as the real stuff but with some jerry rigging to dilute after the reg, it could be enough to help someone in a bad state.
FWIW number of known cases in the USA has been going up 30% per day for the last week. If that drops to 20% per day, they reach Italy levels of cases per million people about 3 weeks from now. If it stays at 30% per day, that's 2 weeks from now.
They are probably close to Italy level already not testing has made the #s garbage. The #of cases they are exporting doesn't add up to the official numbers. How can Vegas have 1 case and be exporting multiple cases to Canada.

Sent from my moto g(7) plus using Tapatalk
And how can 7 of the 17 new cases reported today in Ontario (don't think that includes Trudeau) involve travellers returning from the USA, unless it is far more prevalent in the USA than anyone knows about.
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau diagnosed with COVID-19
Opps I guess the PM probably has it to. Not leading a great example (not that he could), maybe he will regret not closing off flights.
And how can 7 of the 17 new cases reported today in Ontario (don't think that includes Trudeau) involve travellers returning from the USA, unless it is far more prevalent in the USA than anyone knows about.

I am amazed that the US hasn't instituted an emergency order to offer free testing and treatment. The costs associated with a potentially massive infection rate are going to be far greater in immediate costs and economic losses than some communist health care.
He drives a truck for a living. Wasn't sure if there was a rush to move more around to supply the panic or a screeching halt as there was either a shortage at the warehouse or people preparing for a shutdown and not wanting as much moved.
Oh true.

Some trucking companies are getting destroyed by this situation. Client companies slowing down, freight not moving from the ports, the rail blockade, etc. I had lunch with the owners of my go to freight carrier last week and they've bought out 3 companies in the last 2 weeks. Apparently a lot of these guys carry huge amounts of debt so after a 3 or 4 week slow down it starts to hit payroll.
Oh true.

Some trucking companies are getting destroyed by this situation. Client companies slowing down, freight not moving from the ports, the rail blockade, etc. I had lunch with the owners of my go to freight carrier last week and they've bought out 3 companies in the last 2 weeks. Apparently a lot of these guys carry huge amounts of debt so after a 3 or 4 week slow down it starts to hit payroll.

One mans pain is another mans profit
Boomer doomer virus. Coming to a city near you. Mortality rate is higher in the 60+ population. A lot of people in power (in corps or govt) tend to be closer to that age range. Even if we get hit by half the mortality rate seen elsewhere in that demographic, it's going to be a slight shift in power structures!
That's a well thought out plan that should be quite effective (although I dont see any mention of transit which appears to be a massive hole in the plan). It would be nice to have a leader that doesnt just pull stupid ideas out of their ass and hope for the best.

In short:
Over 500 people cancelled
Under 500 people, capacity halved to allow social distancing.
Non-educational activities at schools cancelled
Classes as usual at schools (not sure this was the right call either).
To put it into context, as of latest reports, the TOTAL number of canadians with corona in the entire country is 138, NYC alone has 95...
It means they can now at least understand and possibly predict the path in the future, long way from a cure or vaccine, but its a pretty fast turn around from research scientists.

Because this is a runny nose/ sore throat/ cough for many of the victims, which are carriers. Many will be almost unaware they have more than a common cold. So they carry on and it spreads. Cancelling events and work place activities looks like a slight panic reaction, but how do you tell a guy that only has the sniffles to not use that concert ticket he's held for 11 months.
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