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At least the BC Provincial Government is learning a lesson or two from the situation in Italy.


In 'extraordinary' move, B.C. officials ask retired doctors to re-register in case COVID-19 worsens

College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. says it has never called retired doctors before

Officials in B.C. have begun the "extraordinary" measure of calling recently retired doctors in the province, asking if they'd be willing and available to come back to work if the current healthcare system becomes overwhelmed by COVID-19.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. initiated "emergency registration" for doctors who are qualified, competent and retired within the last two years at the request of Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer.

"This is extraordinary for us," said Heidi Oetter, the college's registrar. "We have never done this before. I've been in the practice of medicine for over 35 years in the province and I've never seen anything like this before."

The B.C. Centre For Disease Control said the risk of contracting the coronavirus in B.C. remains low, but the college said it is being proactive in case the health-care system comes under strain.

Health-care professionals have said the system could be stretched thin if the virus spread rapidly, creating a spike in critically ill patients needing help at the same time.

The college said retirees who agree to come back would be re-registered and called to work in their local health authority on an "as-needed" basis, "for the duration of this emergency situation."

The college's emergency registration happens "in extreme situations when there is potential for a strain on health-care resources."

Typically, the college calls on doctors from other provinces for support in situations such as extreme wildfire seasons in recent years. With COVID-19, other provinces don't have health-care workers to spare as they prepare for similar scenarios.

Slowing virus transmission will ease pressure on health-care systems over time by avoiding the spike in patients — known as "flattening the curve."

Leading health experts around the globe widely agree that washing your hands, staying home when sick and not touching your face are the first defences against contracting the virus.

Officials have urged the public to stop hoarding masks if they are not sick, warning the masks won't help against the spread of the novel coronavirus but will instead take important resources away from health-care workers.

B.C. currently has 46 cases of COVID-19. The B.C. Centre for Disease Control said the risk in the province remains low.
Henry, the provincial health officer, is asking residents to practise social distancing and avoid getting close to others, apart from when than what's absolutely necessary.
If you believe some reports, Italy is thinking about handing murder charges out to some of those people.

Typical Italian grandstanding. They threatened to charge Frank Williams and a few engineers with murder during the investigation into Ayrton Senna's death. AFAIK Italy is the only country to hold legal investigations into sporting deaths.
Can y'all stop panic buying toilet paper please?

We have 4 or 5 rolls left and are then out....but I see people with shopping carts with hundreds of rolls in them whenever they find some. An hour later I'm at Canadian Tire picking up some outdoor furniture I bought and now people are panic buying paper tower in lieu of TP.

Can y'all stop panic buying toilet paper please?

We have 4 or 5 rolls left and are then out....but I see people with shopping carts with hundreds of rolls in them whenever they find some. An hour later I'm at Canadian Tire picking up some outdoor furniture I bought and now people are panic buying paper tower in lieu of TP.

Must be a SW Ontario thing.

The grocery store around the corner from where I'm at is having a sale on toilet paper. Lots on the shelves.

No hand sanitizer though.
Texted a friend in Vancouver....reports the same thing going on there, but in addition, bottled water. people think that municipal water systems are going to fail and water will stop flowing from their taps?

People are morons.
End of story.


I asked online a few places WHY people are hoarding toilet paper....responses ranged from "It makes me feel better" and "You'll regret not doing the same!" to "it all comes from China and they're not only not shipping anymore of it, but even if they were, I don't want their Coronavirus infected toilet paper!"....which is logic that makes my eyeballs roll so far it hurts.

Then these same people push their shopping cart to the front, pull out dirty money or use the filthy PIN pad for payment, etc etc...
My Fridge filter was replaced recently. No shortage of water.
Unless we have the Walkerton issue again. In Halton this time.
In case of TP outage. You could just use a small towel and rewash.

Not speaking from experience but I did see it on "Extreme Cheapskates" show.
Oh, I'm not sweating it, trust me.....but it sure would be nice to just pickup a pack like normal and not worry about it.

I just checked Amazon...even there it seems anything even remotely reasonable is sold out. There are at least 2 thieves reselling Costco packs for $100 however.
I think the only reason to stock up or buy a additional items is if they start closing down stores/city centres and you can't get out to buy the stuff.

I don't think it will get to that but they are doing it in Europe.
If things don't improve here who know what their next step would be.
I bought TP today because I actually needed to get some. The house was running out. I bought ONE package of the only brand that Fortino's had left on the shelf, and it was almost gone.
Something is worth whatever someone else is willing to pay for it.

If someone is willing to pay $100 for a pack of TP then they are an idiot.

My wife told me that on a local FB group some guy was trying to sell some Dollarama hand sanitizer for $50. Not sure what size but regardless. Needless to say, he had to take the post down as people were really give it to him online.
We have 2 Costco pack left from before the panic because I only buy it once a year. Also have a bidet toilet seat ready for the end of the world.

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Can y'all stop panic buying toilet paper please?

We have 4 or 5 rolls left and are then out....but I see people with shopping carts with hundreds of rolls in them whenever they find some. An hour later I'm at Canadian Tire picking up some outdoor furniture I bought and now people are panic buying paper tower in lieu of TP.


If you get down to your last roll and can’t find any elsewhere, check stock of Quick Dissolving Toilet Paper at CT. It’s usually in the RV section so it’s often overlooked. Not cheap at $7.49 for 4 rolls but better than nothing as a short-term solution.

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