Contour hd test

Perhaps some of you should apply your detective skills to more pressing issues, ya know like kiddie porn, women abuse, senior citizen scams......the list goes on.:rolleyes:

OMG he lane split.....and he was speeding.

I'll take hypocrites for $100 Alex, unless you ride every where at the posted speed limit.
Perhaps some of you should apply your detective skills to more pressing issues, ya know like kiddie porn, women abuse, senior citizen scams......the list goes on.:rolleyes:

OMG he lane split.....and he was speeding.

I'll take hypocrites for $100 Alex, unless you ride every where at the posted speed limit.

Did you even watch the video? It goes beyond lane splitting and speeding.

There's a difference between not "riding everywhere at the posted speed limit" and complete disregard for everyone around you.

I don't want this ****** on the streets.
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YES!!!:naka: TOP 10 BABY!!!! WUHU!!!!!
Another danger to society thats been "anti-ragu'ed" ahahha
Did you even watch the video? It goes beyond lane splitting and speeding.

There's a difference between not "riding everywhere at the posted speed limit" and complete disregard for everyone around you.

I don't want this ****** on the streets.

You and your camera are going to be working 24/7 framing the 99% of the general public, that operate a motorized vehicle with no regards for anyone else but themselves.
You and your camera are going to be working 24/7 framing the 99% of the general public, that operate a motorized vehicle with no regards for anyone else but themselves.

This guy wasn't riding anything close to the way 99% of the general public operate their vehicles. Even if only 5% of drivers were like that, nobody would make it safely as far as the corner store. He rode like the roadway was his personal private property.

It's mind blowing that you don't see the distinction between him and everyday bad driving.
This guy wasn't riding anything close to the way 99% of the general public operate their vehicles. Even if only 5% of drivers were like that, nobody would make it safely as far as the corner store. He rode like the roadway was his personal private property.

It's mind blowing that you don't see the distinction between him and everyday bad driving.

Everyday bad driving such as left turners, folks that text while driving, mirrors that are only used to see if their make up has been applied evenly..... Yeah that stuff never happens.

Those above don't treat the roadway as their own personal property???
Everyday bad driving such as left turners, folks that text while driving, mirrors that are only used to see if their make up has been applied evenly..... Yeah that stuff never happens.

Those above don't treat the roadway as their own personal property???
... all that youve listed/stated are passive acts. passive ****** is not as worse as an active ******.
actively cutting a left turn in front of someone while lane splitting. actively burning a red light, and so on and so on...

someone who cuts you off intentionally because rules dont apply to him, or someone who cuts you off because of inattention (say your kid is crying cause he hurt himself in the back seat and is bleeding) i dont think they are viewed as the same, even though result is the same.
So regular cell phone use is passive unless it's a really important call from a client...
Jayv, do you thing it is OK to drive like our hero Ninja10kid? He does nothing special, ordinary everyday misbehavior?
So regular cell phone use is passive unless it's a really important call from a client...
What im trying to say is, although both are dangerous
A guy doing 'stunts' like he does in the video, and people not paying enough attention are 2 different types of people.

Thats why they make a difference between stuff like pre-meditated homicide, involuntary homicide or legitimate defence (as an example!)

Who would you be more ****** against:
the guy who voluntarily drifts the corner in winter and brakes something
or the guy who takes a corner slowly but loses control because of ice on the pavement?
Everyday bad driving such as left turners, folks that text while driving, mirrors that are only used to see if their make up has been applied evenly..... Yeah that stuff never happens.

Those above don't treat the roadway as their own personal property???

That's right, they don't.
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Btw, the lady that was operating her vehicle today on the 401 while eating her cereal resting on her lap says Hello.

What about that lady that was doing twice the limit the opposite way down the 401 trying to weave through oncoming cars; what conversation did you have with her? Same?
Very difficult to do while riding.

Aside from that, you/i or whoever could spend their entire commute reporting dangerous actions caused by other drivers/riders. These aren't isolated incidents that these people do, it's part of their ongoing daily routine....even though Fastar1 and others pretend or believe that don't exist it.

Mr Go Pro will be a statistic very soon if he rides like that all the time, i would believe that his riding that was done on this video was more ramped so he could achieve his 15 minutes of you tube/gtam fame....

So your point is - crazy driving will be rewarded anyway, we do not have to do anything about that as there are way too many bad drivers; besides there are also so many things of bigger importance than unsafe riding/driving.
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