Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

I guess they dont have good enough aim in Canada to shoot the leg like the germans do in the second video. Lol

German streets are always so clean but anyway how is a shot to the leg lethal and how come no kick to the head post take down? Are these officers not emotionally invested in the job?
I've looked at the TTC video several times in hopes of finding some obvious justification and from my untrained eye question a bunch of stuff wondering who was the senior officer.

1) In dealing with a disturbed person I would think a bunch of cops yelling "Drop the knife" would increase tension.

2) Forcillo used the F*** word. I'm not a prude but that to me indicates fear and a lack of control.

3) At around 3:30 Forcillo utters a death threat. Another sign of distress from the officer.

Was Forcillo the officer in charge? If so how did he get that position? If he wasn't who was and what were they thinking?

IMO This is about more than Forcillo.

Agreed. Should the buck stop with these 2 (clearly not Justin).



Clearly this guy ****ed up, but why was he not trained properly, why were there no checks and balances. It seems like the chief and police board were asleep at the wheel
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Is there an expected time frame?

Some would suggest show the jury the videos and let them decide while everyone else takes a coffee break. Start to finish 30 minutes. Hang him in the afternoon and be home for supper.

What's the expected time frame before the jury goes to deliberation?

If guilty I expect a few months before sentencing.
Clearly this guy ****ed up, but why was he not trained properly, why were there no checks and balances. It seems like the chief and police board were asleep at the wheel

We form much of our attitude towards life at an early age. The upper echelons are too old to feel the vibes of today's problems and try to solve new problems with old remedies. They're running a carburetor business in a fuel injection world.
I guess they dont have good enough aim in Canada to shoot the leg like the germans do in the second video. Lol

You are always trained to shoot central body mass, Im not even a police officer and I cant even find targets that actually have legs and arms. Arms sometimes I even have some holding a gun pointed at you, but usually its just a torso, and %90 of the time there is only a bulleye in the chest and or head...

So yeah even thou Im not a cop, if I ever had to shoot a person, my natural reaction would be to shoot center mass..Althouh I must point out Id like to think I wouldn't do a mag dump! For one I am not nearly as accurate with a pistol when dumping a mag. The only reason I do mag dumps like that is for fun, its fun to dump a whole mag as fast as you can, even thou your praying and sprayin

How stupid would you feel, if while aiming for a thin moving target like a leg or an arm, you miss enough times that the threat gets to you with the knife and kills or seriously injures you

The mag dump gets me the most, if he shot him once or even 3 times it would be different IMO, especially the pause then more shots... Why the kid is already dying
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I hate to always be right
My post from 2013

07-30-2013, 12:31 PM

Join DateMay 2008LocationUnder a ******* minivanPosts8,403

Re: Where do you stand on Toronto street car shooting?

Originally Posted by rafiki911
If you fear that grevious bodily harm or death will be inflicted on you if you don't act then you are allowed to act with grevious bodily harm or death. Believe it or not a knife can kill you. You guys were not there, fighting with someone with a knife is not an option. Hoping a tazer will stop him before he stabs you a few times is not an option. I love how everyone becomes experts in Use of Force when they have no idea about the Law and Law Enforcement training.

Sorry Rafi but It seems that the law also has no idea of the law and law enforcement training.

I agree, do not fight with a guy with a knife...just close the damn doors of the street car and let the guy stab himself if he wishes, why didn't they do this? they are not trained to close doors, they are just trained to shot?

We are not trained in law enforcement but there is this thing called common sense, if you are a cop and can not handle this situation without having to shoot, then you shouldn't be a cop

We will see what happens when the street car video comes out

Then there is this which as always is totally wrong as demonstrated by the video, kid didn't advance towards the cops

Originally Posted by oilycreek

You're dreaming, he won't plead to anything, because he's innocent. The charge was laid be keep the cry babies happy. It's a sad day when a cop is charged for doing his job. Some POS threatens people with a knife, refuses to drop it, advanced towards police and gets killed, too bad for that loser. Total BS charge. Next time I hope they let the loser kill someone first, then they will cry, why didn't the cop shot him. **** I hate bleeding hearts.
Police officers at the scene could also have used pepper spray to distract Yatim, used an expandable baton, used a switch on the outside of the streetcar to close the vehicle's doors or even simply waited for a superior to arrive on scene with a Taser, Warshaw said, but the situation appeared to show "no action plan" and "no tactical thinking."

Expandable baton against a guy with a knife on who knows what drugs?
I don't think is reasonable to expect any officer to get close to the street car to close the door.

Regardless, swearing at him instead of trying to talk to him is inexcusable. This goes back to the general attitude cops have. Look at that video that was recently posted here where two cops were harassing a guy filming them. That exact mentality should not be tolerated in the force. It escalates situations and in this case it got someone killed. It can also get cops killed.
I don't think is reasonable to expect any officer to get close to the street car to close the door.

If I recall correctly one video angle shows female officer lollygagging around the front door on low alert. This has been commented on. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!
How stupid would you feel, if while aiming for a thin moving target like a leg or an arm, you miss enough times that the threat gets to you with the knife and kills or seriously injures you

Those missed shots would end up somewhere, possibly in the body of a bystander across the street.

The point is the shots didn't have to be fired at that point in time from what I can see in the videos.
Expandable baton against a guy with a knife on who knows what drugs?
I don't think is reasonable to expect any officer to get close to the street car to close the door.

I'd take an expandable baton over a small pocket knife (as reported) any day of the week.
The police were never in any danger until they decided to create confrontation. The guy wasn't leaving the streetcar and wasn't anywhere in strike distance. There was no rush to force confrontation and the officers are just standing around for the most part. There was no immediate threat and other de-escalation tactics should have been employed.
Straight up murderer. Anyone see otherwise, I wish the same thing happens to your loved ones.

Wow your a nice guy .

Unless you have been in a violent uncontrolled situation . You have not experienced the fear someone feels in the situation . In seconds decisions are made . Some good some not so good . Sitting back and watching video and making comments like the one abover . Is so easy .

The video replay may not look like a perfect use of force . But many use of force cases barely end up like the practice in the police college .
No, it was murder. People murder other people while under duress. Because he's in uniform doesn't mean it's not murder. The cop escalated the situation to one of duress. He didn't need to do that. So say the experts, anyway.
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