conservatives hire consultants at $90k a day from now til april

Easily done when the pundits stop the witch hunt. ;)

And no government in the history of Canada has ever spent money on shameless self promotion. ;)

When the government lies, and withholds information from Parliament, it isn't a 'witch hunt' anymore.

Sure they have, but it's worse than ever before and still getting worse. McGuinty has done it too, and it annoys the crap out of me, so this isn't a partisan issue where I'm concerned.
When the government lies, and withholds information from Parliament, it isn't a 'witch hunt' anymore.

Sure they have, but it's worse than ever before and still getting worse. McGuinty has done it too, and it annoys the crap out of me, so this isn't a partisan issue where I'm concerned.

Sooooo...the sponsorship scandal then? Does that count? E-health? That pretty much got glossed over. Hell, it isn't even an issue in this election! It's a witch hunt when the media unfairly targets one party over another.

Agreed about the second part of your post. Sometimes it's helpful...but so rarely it's painful.
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Sooooo...the sponsorship scandal then? Does that count? E-health? That pretty much got glossed over. Hell, it isn't even an issue in this election! It's a witch hunt when the media unfairly targets one party over another.

Agreed about the second part of your post. Sometimes it's helpful...but so rarely it's painful.

The sponsorship scandal was investigated and people were charged. Hopefully things like e-Health will mean that this lying dick McGuinty will be gone, this time, but it didn't seem to help LAST time. Now compare the sponsorship scandal, and a few million dollars, to the BILLIONS that the "we aren't like THOSE guys" Conservatives were shuffling around, over the fighters. You can either justify it, or you can't, and a true accounting has to be presented in Parliament.

I voted for Harper, first time around. I hoped that he was as good as his word. He broke every promise, that meant anything to me, in the first 6 weeks.

I've got another word, that has been completely ignored in this election; Caledonia.
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