condo security

Security guards are definitely underpaid and unappreciated. What do you expect someone earning a minimum wage to do? Give a **** about your safety and safety of your property? Not likely.
I dont know what is an appropriate wage for someone who surfs the internet for 45mins on the hour and then walks around the building for the rest of it....condo security anyways
I dont know what is an appropriate wage for someone who surfs the internet for 45mins on the hour and then walks around the building for the rest of it....condo security anyways

Maybe they'd be motivated to do a little more if they were compensated a little better. Maybe they'd attract more diligent and motivated employees as well. Either way, some dude making minimum wage doesn't give two flips about your bike, and anyone living in a condo who doesn't realize that fact is deluded.
Condo security is meant as a bad excuse to pay high condo fees.
A friend of mine got his super sport stolen once from his 2nd level parking space. He has a ducati now and likes his bike so much he went out and ordered a chain from the UK and had management at his condo install the bracket on a pillar to chain the bike to.

That's the kind of diligence all riders should have. I need to work on mine ;)
A friend of mine got his super sport stolen once from his 2nd level parking space. He has a ducati now and likes his bike so much he went out and ordered a chain from the UK and had management at his condo install the bracket on a pillar to chain the bike to.

That's the kind of diligence all riders should have. I need to work on mine ;)

Yep, bikes with chains never ever get stolen.
Yes, security guards are underpaid. How do I know? Well, that is my occupation this very moment. I've worked at condos and I made friends with residents who owned bikes. I can't always keep an eye on their bikes but I do what I can.

FYI, the company I work for right now pays me $11/hr with random shifts and I have been with them for almost a year. They charge the building $28.xx per guard, per hour. The thing I don't get is that the 'supervisor', who does the exact same things I do, gets paid way more. And believe me, he doesn't do any more than I do.
Yes, security guards are underpaid. How do I know? Well, that is my occupation this very moment. I've worked at condos and I made friends with residents who owned bikes. I can't always keep an eye on their bikes but I do what I can.

FYI, the company I work for right now pays me $11/hr with random shifts and I have been with them for almost a year. They charge the building $28.xx per guard, per hour. The thing I don't get is that the 'supervisor', who does the exact same things I do, gets paid way more. And believe me, he doesn't do any more than I do.

I'm usually not much of a conspiracy theory guy, but I really wouldn't be surprised if most of the time its the security guards who are accomplices to all these condo bike thefts
Maybe they'd be motivated to do a little more if they were compensated a little better. Maybe they'd attract more diligent and motivated employees as well. Either way, some dude making minimum wage doesn't give two flips about your bike, and anyone living in a condo who doesn't realize that fact is deluded.

Money is a poor motivator. Crap jobs get crap workers regardless of what they get paid. Motivated individuals will put in 100% regardless of pay scale. Two of the best motivators are appreciation and respect.

If you don't think the little paycheck guys are important think about how long your $20,000 motorcycle will run without $50 of oil in the crankcase.
FYI, the company I work for right now pays me $11/hr with random shifts and I have been with them for almost a year. They charge the building $28.xx per guard, per hour.

What a bunch of sleazeballs, anything just to fill their pockets, if they could they would pay you 6 per hour in order to get even more loaded off your work.

That's what's wrong with todays society right there.
You are complaining that a security measure is out of your control, and that you will be penalized if you cannot utilize it. Tough. It is your choice to live in a Condo, and own a theft desireable motorcycle. It is not the choice of those in the pool, who are subsidizing your inability to adapt and compromise. Sell the bike, and get something less theft worthy, or move.

As Cruisngrrl already said, standalone housing already pays appropriately higher house/occupant insurance - in any case, the appropriately stored and secured motorcycles in my garage is not covered by it.

So, your logic is just don't live in a condo if you want to ride a sport bike? Are you from Toronto? Houses with garages aren't plentiful or affordable. An answer of "just live in a house" isn't much of a logical solution.

And I'd be shocked to discover that condo insurance is way lower than a house. I pay content insurance for my condo, but the building is also covered under insurance that I pay for in my monthly condo fees. Insurance for contents and building per person probably add up to the same cost as home insurance.

But I know, I know, the best way to combat theft is for everyone to live in a house. Or, only homeowners should have sport bikes. :rolleyes:
So, your logic is just don't live in a condo if you want to ride a sport bike? Are you from Toronto? Houses with garages aren't plentiful or affordable. An answer of "just live in a house" isn't much of a logical solution.

And I'd be shocked to discover that condo insurance is way lower than a house. I pay content insurance for my condo, but the building is also covered under insurance that I pay for in my monthly condo fees. Insurance for contents and building per person probably add up to the same cost as home insurance.

But I know, I know, the best way to combat theft is for everyone to live in a house. Or, only homeowners should have sport bikes. :rolleyes:

Not what he's saying at all. I agree that if you live in a risky environment you should pay more for insurance. I pay less for insurance in Kingston for example than you do in Toronto. This is just an extension of that. Why should others in less risky environments pay for those who live in historically very risky accomodation for sportbikes? No one is saying you can't have a sportbike in a condo..they are just saying if you do, you should expect to pay more for it.
I didn't say I had a problem with paying more for theft insurance... I never once said we should pay the same or less on the bike insurance, but his solution was buy a different bike or move to a house. So only people in houses should get to ride the bikes they love? That's my point.

Sell the bike, and get something less theft worthy, or move.

As for condo insurance, again my point was that it's not as cheap as people think it is when they look at someone's policy. They are forgetting about the building insurance as well.
Money is a poor motivator. Crap jobs get crap workers regardless of what they get paid. Motivated individuals will put in 100% regardless of pay scale. Two of the best motivators are appreciation and respect.

If you don't think the little paycheck guys are important think about how long your $20,000 motorcycle will run without $50 of oil in the crankcase.

Actually, I agree with you for the most part. It certainly seems that way with many union jobs. But I think that for some people, compensation can motivate employees to at least want to *keep* their job. Feeling like a valued employee goes a ways to feeling appreciated. And I'm not JUST talking about hourly rates, but also benefits, job security, flexibility, potential advancement, etc.
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my condo fees are reasonable, and at any given time there are about 4-5 guards on duty day/night. i feel very secure. not sure about their wages, but the security people are very friendly and seem to be happy..
I didn't say I had a problem with paying more for theft insurance... I never once said we should pay the same or less on the bike insurance, but his solution was buy a different bike or move to a house. So only people in houses should get to ride the bikes they love? That's my point.

As for condo insurance, again my point was that it's not as cheap as people think it is when they look at someone's policy. They are forgetting about the building insurance as well.

Be my guest to ride whatever the heck you wish to ride, even if you live in a condo box in the sky. My point is that by your own choice to do so, you incur significant risk in owning a high-theft item like a late-model sports bike or other vehicle in terms of theft stats - without actually paying accordingly in your insurance for that increased risk - you are lumped in with all other housing models in your insurance zone. In effect, others within your zone with lower incidents of theft living in houses, townhouses with secured garages are in effect inordinantly subsidizing your personal choice to own a high-theft rate item in less than ideal storage.

I live in a condo-townhouse. I have to pay insurance 3x over also, so stop the whinging - once in my condo fee for building/structure insurance, a second round of payment for contents insurance, and a third for vehicle insurance policies including theft, since contents insurance doesn't cover vehicles.

The garage door that i can close, and bolt shut from prying eyes, makes it all worth the peace of mind. That aspect came with my own personal choice in housing - and i'm fairly certain it as a housing choice, is one helluva lot cheaper than any concrete box in the sky in the GTA. It comes down to personal choices as to where you live, and i chose to NOT live in the heart of the GTA.

There are up-sides and down-sides to the choices you make - in your case, the only logical advice, is to either move to a different housing model or to a region where thefts are less high in incidence, or make accomodations for your valuable toys that you leave in the open essentially unsecured so that they aren't stolen as frequently or as easily, or start paying the full-freight for your increased insurance risks of parking it in that form of accomodation - because it's NOT of my choice to be subsidizing your poor choices through increased insurance costs. Plain and simple.

Those were my points, in this now 11 month old necro'd thread.
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