condo security

Security presence is to insure liability not to save you from an invasion (i.e. an insurance game) or if you need an early morning janitor who can open up or lockup after hours. Getting a security company to do that for you is just convenient not that you could not do it yourself. I worked security for 5 years while I was finishing high school and through college. It pays Ok for a student but can't picture it as sole way of supporting a family.

When I was shopping for a condo, I purchased one specifically without security for the simple fact that it is ineffective. I have a nice $20 cable from Canadian tire that does an amazing job of protecting my bike more than the guy sleeping in front of the camera for 8 hours at night, and not to blame him, but in one of the B&E investigations, I had to watch through 4 hours of static picture of a door to see who came in and at what time, that was back in the day when digital multiplexers were like a dream, and you had to watch the 4 hours in real time. Imagine you have to do that every day, will you be always giving it your 100 percent attention, I do not think so. You are lucky to give %10 attention on average for the week.
I don't live downtown Toronto either, but that doesn't mean I can afford a house.

If living within my means, but owning my own home is a poor choice than so be it. But I never asked you to subsidize my life, I never once said I wouldn't pay higher theft insurance. So I'm not "whinging" I'm just saying that "go live in a house or don't own a decent bike" is a weak response to people living in a condo.

Good choices for your life, aren't always good choices for others. Just because I don't live exactly like you does not mean I'm making poor choices. That's awfully judgemental of you. So go on and enjoy your glass house with your awesome garage and the insanely high insurance rates you pay because of people like me. And next time you drive on a paved road in the city of Toronto, I'll consider us even since my property tax dollars subsidize them for out of town-ers like you to enjoy.

Be my guest to ride whatever the heck you wish to ride, even if you live in a condo box in the sky. My point is that by your own choice to do so, you incur significant risk in owning a high-theft item like a late-model sports bike or other vehicle in terms of theft stats - without actually paying accordingly in your insurance for that increased risk - you are lumped in with all other housing models in your insurance zone. In effect, others within your zone with lower incidents of theft living in houses, townhouses with secured garages are in effect inordinantly subsidizing your personal choice to own a high-theft rate item in less than ideal storage.

I live in a condo-townhouse. I have to pay insurance 3x over also, so stop the whinging - once in my condo fee for building/structure insurance, a second round of payment for contents insurance, and a third for vehicle insurance policies including theft, since contents insurance doesn't cover vehicles.

The garage door that i can close, and bolt shut from prying eyes, makes it all worth the peace of mind. That aspect came with my own personal choice in housing - and i'm fairly certain it as a housing choice, is one helluva lot cheaper than any concrete box in the sky in the GTA. It comes down to personal choices as to where you live, and i chose to NOT live in the heart of the GTA.

There are up-sides and down-sides to the choices you make - in your case, the only logical advice, is to either move to a different housing model or to a region where thefts are less high in incidence, or make accomodations for your valuable toys that you leave in the open essentially unsecured so that they aren't stolen as frequently or as easily, or start paying the full-freight for your increased insurance risks of parking it in that form of accomodation - because it's NOT of my choice to be subsidizing your poor choices through increased insurance costs. Plain and simple.

Those were my points, in this now 11 month old necro'd thread.
I don't live downtown Toronto either, but that doesn't mean I can afford a house.

If living within my means, but owning my own home is a poor choice than so be it. But I never asked you to subsidize my life, I never once said I wouldn't pay higher theft insurance. So I'm not "whinging" I'm just saying that "go live in a house or don't own a decent bike" is a weak response to people living in a condo.

Good choices for your life, aren't always good choices for others. Just because I don't live exactly like you does not mean I'm making poor choices. That's awfully judgemental of you. So go on and enjoy your glass house with your awesome garage and the insanely high insurance rates you pay because of people like me. And next time you drive on a paved road in the city of Toronto, I'll consider us even since my property tax dollars subsidize them for out of town-ers like you to enjoy.

So, if you aren't whinging, and yet you don't see the point that a condo parking lot without a lot of theft protection precautions in effect is pretty risky, or storing that later model motorcycle elsewhere to radically increase the chances that it remains *yours* makes some good sense.. what is *your* solution?

Do you think that the present status-quo of thieves condo-shopping for next weeks shipment to wherever, or the next 'hot' parts deals on kijiji/craiglist, or for putting another track bike with filed serial numbers, is either acceptable or sustainable in the long run?

Those who make the decision to live in situations that protect their personal property much better than those in apartment living accomodations, should not be subsidizing those who don't in shared insurance costs. Plain and simple. You sure as heck do have the right and choice to have a motorcycle at one of those swanky condos, but you should also be bearing the associated costs of increased theft insurance, resultant from that choice and right. If you aren't willing to do that - sell the bike or move elsewhere.

From what i've read on this forum and elsewhere as far as the GTA condo theft situation goes - the terms "condo" and "security" are mutually exclusive terms.. there really isn't such a thing. There are only measures that you can take, to make that 'other guys' bike beside you, more theft-attractive than yours.

Part of my decision to own a townhouse with good security didn't come without a cost. My newest motorcycle in the garage is a 11 y/o model - and likely to stay that way for a while - other priorities come first as part of my "living within my means".. like making sure my insurance bills, food bills, heating, electricity get paid. A newer sports bike doesn't even enter my mind in the equation of costs vs living or priorities. So - again, assuming that i lived in a house in the GTA, why would i be subsidizing your newer model sports bike, with my securely stored older bike, in terms of theft insurance paid?

As for your red-herring argument of increased cost-loading on TO's highways upon you, making it even-steven... thanks, but it's time for you to examine your lower overall property tax costs based upon property valuation that you enjoy in the Toronto area, vs the rest of the province. You pay lower in that department, also. This fallacious argument of your's is also assuming that i'd actually willingly venture into that cess-pool called Toronto, on an even occasional basis to warrant 'user fees'.
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