must be the crack cocaine secret ingredient.
I once dropped by a metal shop in Milton on a Saturday to have 2 short pieces of metal cut on a metal press/guillotine. It wan't anything worth a "cash job" so I wanted to buy the guy a coffee as a thank you.
He respectfully declined and said that he does not drink Tim's as there is more **** in there than actually coffee.
He pointed out that there have been studies done and traces of nicotine, aspartame, and other addictive crap in there.
It is all this crap that you are craving and not the actual coffee.
Turned out the guy raced bikes. Had his trailer and all gear at the shop. I can't remember the name of the shop.
After that, I challenged myself and gave up Tim's. Also for the reason that I drank 3-5 cups a day. I did feel much better after not drinking it.
(I also challenged myself to give up fast food restaurants in 2001/2002, mainly Mc'D, Buger King's, KFC and the type. I have been more successful with this challenge, as I have not had a burger/food from any of these places since)
I MUST have a tea with my breakfast in the morning at home, and coffee to go in a Contigo mug. (nothing special, just the instant stuff, Yes I know some may not even call that coffee but it works for me for now)
On the road, I will either have McD's or Tims.
Starbucks. I can't speak their language. Too complicated, not to mention the price.
I like my Coffee as DBL DBL or as close to it as possible.
However, I do appreciate the really good tasty coffee. I often enjoy one at clients homes when doing work there and they offer.
It is something I want to get into. A proper machine with the proper beans etc.
A guy that I worked with, would always answer when asked this questions.
"Large Black, ... Just the way I like my w.............." (fill in that blank, I don't want to get banned)