Claiming an abandoned bike

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I think the idea to try and put claim to another's property without provocation is absolutely absurd. Here's an idea, if its abandoned let the authorities deal with it and go to the police auction and purchase it fair and square. It pisses me off hat this guy has been staking out someone's bike for this long and is now trying to claim it. Here's another idea, either steal it straight up or get a job and buy your own bike.

I think this angers everyone because it could be any one of our bikes, people fall on hard times, get sick, etc and this guy is taking advantage for his own gain- this bike is a 2011 just 3 years old. if he really wanted to buy it he would have left a note on it with his name and number like any decent civilized person would do. But no, he's sneaking around behind the owners back.

I don't think the comparisons are 'apples and oranges' its property. A cheeseburger wrapper is common sense that it is trash, but if you do pick it up then yes you would own it. cheeseburger wrappers and Bikes are apples and oranges. Automobiles and houses are major purchase items.

Did you read any of the thread?

Police auction has been discussed.

He didn't try to leave a note, he paid for a UVIP and tried to contact the owner.
The amusing thing is that I think it's telling that it's been there all this time. If it was a Ducati this thread would never have started. The moral here is, Kawasakis are safe bikes to own!
The whole story was told. I can't help it if most of you are too lazy to read the thread. I suspect that most posters can't relate cause they live in the sticks and such a scenario is improbable there.

The fookin' bike is abandoned. I don't know why it's so hard to take my word for it.
Cliff's notes:

-Bike is parked in a pay and display on a side street, yards away from one of the busiest areas in all of North America - not a residential area
-All the unpainted metal bits are rusted to hell
-Discarded newspapers and food trays have been stuffed in the cockpit
-License plate sticker is expired
-UVIP revealed a lien on the bike
-I tracked down the owner on Facebook and he ignored me
-I reported the bike to police
-Cop told me they would follow up; they haven't
-Bike is stil there

This is all in this here thread fellas.
I've heard a similar scenario where someone found a bike "out in the sticks" as you say (so maybe YOU can't relate to this story) - the bike was clearly abandoned, in the middle of a farmers field, rusted to ****, he took possession, wrote an affidavit about how he found the bike, what condition it was in, what he did to contact the original owner, etc... took that to a notary public and had it signed, then took that to the DMV and obtained an ownership legally.
The whole story was told. I can't help it if most of you are too lazy to read the thread. I suspect that most posters can't relate cause they live in the sticks and such a scenario is improbable there.

The fookin' bike is abandoned. I don't know why it's so hard to take my word for it.

Define "abandoned".


From October 2012 to now is not that long... by the owner's definition, it is "parked", not abandoned.
Or do you know for a fact how long it has been at that spot? Maybe you know and are not telling us, that what I meant.

If there is a lien on the bike and it has not been reposed, it may be 'cause the owner keep making the payments... so, not abandoned. Or did you already tried to contact the financial institution?

If you have the UVIP, I assumed that you already tried to locate the owner. Is he dead? It is possible he is, and then the bike may be "abandoned". Maybe you already know and are not telling us, that what I meant.
This is crazy

there is a lien on the bike so its obvious the guy has no money.

Its Therefore safe to assume the bike is not on the road because the guy cannot afford to ride it.

So the poor guy has a bike he cant afford butis hoping to ride one day and you want to claim it.. Cause you tracked him in Facebook and he wont answer??

This stinks! Think about it man. If you were that guy and some one was trying to claim your bike.

A citizen has right to leave his car where he likes, collect tickets get towed etc..

If the cops tow it and it is not claimed in a year from the impound then you can "claim" it.
a lien is placed on any automobile which is not paid for by the financial institution you are borrowing from. if you finance or lease a vehicle then that vehicle will have a lien against it
I think that this has pretty much run its course and has largely devolved to sniping at the OP, so it's closed.
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