Claiming an abandoned bike

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Friend of mine ran into the same thing. He bought a bike that he didn't realize had a lien on it. He tried to register it which is when he found out. So he called the bank to find out how much the lien was for and maybe pay it. They refused to tell him anything because that would be a violation of the original buyer's privacy. In the end he had to buy a new frame and swap everything over so he could register it.

So he defrauded the lein holder
this is very common.
you will see lots of bikes being parted out because of this, also bikes with frames with no vins. cars are a little harder because they have multiple vin numbers on them and the firewall is stamped...but people still just weld in a new firewall section and paint over it.

And people still say that a UVIP isn't that important.....
too much fraud out there, i wouldnt buy a bike or car without a uvip and a few other background checks unless its coming from a dealership because they clear the tiles first.
^ +1 on this.

I also had a dealership sell me a car with a FALSE drive clean cert. It was caught at the MTO when registering it. They refused to issue new permit for vehicle. dealer had to take car back and have it tested at another location. Then the drive clean people got involved and he was charged and the shop who forged the test were closed down and the mechanic lost his licence for a period of time. All so the dealership could "save" $35 for the test and $250 in needed BIG dealerships are more likely to play by the rules but smaller ones not so much
If you are buying from a dealer that is a member of OMVIC, there is some degree of protection against situations like that.
this is very common.
you will see lots of bikes being parted out because of this, also bikes with frames with no vins. cars are a little harder because they have multiple vin numbers on them and the firewall is stamped...but people still just weld in a new firewall section and paint over it.

too much fraud out there, i wouldnt buy a bike or car without a uvip and a few other background checks unless its coming from a dealership because they clear the tiles first.

What are the other background checks?
Don't be too sure of this either.
dealers that are witin compliance of the laws have to have insurance to cover anything like that to protect the buyer.
What are the other background checks?
i have a buddy that runs a bunch of vin checks on the vehicles im interested in, he saved me on a few bikes that were out for repo...
the company he works for insurers dealerships against title issues.
PM location of the bike ;)

Next thing you know my sig will have a new bike in it LMAO!

Just kidding...
I may have found another abandoned bike in the city. Been sitting at the exact same spot since early summer, untouched. Foreign plate. I have no interest in this bike but I'm curious as to why it was left behind. Another lien probably. Starting to feel the urge to do some detective work.

[Cue the OMG how do you even know it's abandoned why can't it just be parked? people.]

I may have found another abandoned bike in the city. Been sitting at the exact same spot since early summer, untouched. Foreign plate. I have no interest in this bike but I'm curious as to why it was left behind. Another lien probably. Starting to feel the urge to do some detective work.

[Cue the OMG how do you even know it's abandoned why can't it just be parked? people.]


If it's a bike with a foreign plate, then that opens up a whole other can of worms. Check the thread about importing a bike; everything would apply. It might be tough to track down enough information, for example, to make sure that all recalls had been performed.
The bike is still there. I walked by it this morning... sitting beside Toronto General Hospital on a side street next to Bay. Already has three tickets on it because it doesn't have an updated license plate expiry sticker. Someone even put their Green P parking receipt on it... lol.
Claim an abandoned bike??? Wtf?? There is hundreds of cars in the city that have sitting around for years? Does not make them abandoned ...
cbcanada thanks for your thought-provoking contribution.

I'm sure it's just parked.

I'm sure its just parked too. Just like the bicycles all over the city that are rusted to ****, have one bent rim, the other missing, no seat, no pedals, and a chain that touches the ground. I'm sure someone is planning on coming back for those too.


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Wait, so by your reasoning of 'abandoned' property. Let's say you go on vacation or get a foreign job, and say get sick and you are stuck overseas for say 6 months or so. could I put a claim in for your house then? it would be just sitting there parked in the same spot all that time...but, abandoned by your reasoning. think of all of the free real estate out there forget cars and bikes. Damn there's an entire store sitting empty about 10000 square feet, been empty for a year can I 'claim' it?

Oh, steel rusts if left out all winter, fact of life
Wait, so by your reasoning of 'abandoned' property. Let's say you go on vacation or get a foreign job, and say get sick and you are stuck overseas for say 6 months or so. could I put a claim in for your house then? it would be just sitting there parked in the same spot all that time...but, abandoned by your reasoning. think of all of the free real estate out there forget cars and bikes. Damn there's an entire store sitting empty about 10000 square feet, been empty for a year can I 'claim' it?

Oh, steel rusts if left out all winter, fact of life

I think to be fair all the comparisons being made are apples and oranges. Houses is taking it pretty far in a certain direction. They don't move, it's private property, and not uncommon for them to be left for months at a time. This is a vehicle that's been left to rust on public property through the winter, and most of last summer. I could just as easily take it to the other end of the spectrum and say, "Just because someone leaves their cheeseburger wrapper on the ground, doesn't mean you can just take it. They paid for it and it's theirs. It's stealing."

I think the point that's trying to be made now is that this thread is a constructive conversation about what the protocol and legal possibilities are for a vehicle in this situation. There are still some people, however, that are chiming in with nothing more than, "You don't know it's abandoned!". Anyone who reads through the full thread will understand that that has been covered long ago, and it's not constructive.
I think the idea to try and put claim to another's property without provocation is absolutely absurd. Here's an idea, if its abandoned let the authorities deal with it and go to the police auction and purchase it fair and square. It pisses me off hat this guy has been staking out someone's bike for this long and is now trying to claim it. Here's another idea, either steal it straight up or get a job and buy your own bike.

I think this angers everyone because it could be any one of our bikes, people fall on hard times, get sick, etc and this guy is taking advantage for his own gain- this bike is a 2011 just 3 years old. if he really wanted to buy it he would have left a note on it with his name and number like any decent civilized person would do. But no, he's sneaking around behind the owners back.

I don't think the comparisons are 'apples and oranges' its property. A cheeseburger wrapper is common sense that it is trash, but if you do pick it up then yes you would own it. cheeseburger wrappers and Bikes are apples and oranges. Automobiles and houses are major purchase items.
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