City of Toronto motorcycle parking exemptions/ammendments

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I know this has been beaten to a bloody pulp, however, I've searched the boards and haven't seen the actual sections cited that were ammended. Got this forwarded to me from a close riding buddy, who received it directly from the City. The following outlines the exemption to motorcycle parking in the city, as well as, the ammendments to how far you can angle your motorcycle from the curb and how many motorcycles can legally fit in ONE parking space. Enacted and passed on October 28th, 2005. FYI.


BY-LAW No. 928-2005

To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Ch. 910, Parking Machines, former City of Toronto Municipal Code Ch. 400, Traffic and Parking, former City of North York By-law No. 30742, former City of Etobicoke Municipal Code Ch. 187, former City of Scarborough By-law No. 22614, former City of York By-law No. 1645-89, former Metropolitan Toronto By law No. 107-86, former Borough of East York By-law No. 197 and former City of York Municipal Code Ch. 982, to provide an exemption to motorcycles from payment at on street parking meters and parking machines.

The Council of the City of Toronto HEREBY ENACTS as follows:

1. Chapter 910, Parking Machines, of The City of Toronto Municipal Code, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new § 910-2B as follows:

“B. Despite any other provision in this chapter, where a fee is stipulated in this chapter for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit a fee and to use or activate the parking machine shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

2. Chapter 400, Traffic and Parking, of the former City of Toronto Municipal Code, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new Subsection (4.1) in § 400-2B as follows:

“(4.1) Despite any other provision in this Chapter, as used in § 400-42A.2, the following term shall have the meaning indicated:

MOTORCYCLE – A self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor-scooter, but does not include a motor assisted bicycle.”

B. By inserting a new Subsection A.2 in § 400-42 as follows:

“A.2. Despite any other provision in § 400-42, where a fee is stipulated in § 400 42 for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit a fee or rate and to use or set in operation the parking meter or to use or activate the parking machine shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

3. By-law No. 30742, being “A By-law respecting Parking Meters on the City of North York Roads”, of the former City of North York, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new Section 1.1 as follows:

“1.1. In Section 3.2 of this By-law:

(a) “motorcycle” means a self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor-scooter, but does not include a motor assisted bicycle.”

B. By inserting a new Section 3.2 as follows:

“3.2. Despite any other provision of this By-law, where a rate or fee is stipulated in this By-law for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit the rate or fee shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

4. Chapter 187, Parking Meters, of the Municipal Code of the former City of Etobicoke, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new § 187-1.1 as follows:

“1.1. As used in § 187-3.3, the following term shall have the meaning indicated:

MOTORCYCLE – a self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor scooter, but does not include a motor-assisted bicycle.”

B. By inserting a new § 187-3.3 as follows:

“3.3. Despite any other provision of this chapter, where a fee is stipulated in this chapter for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit the fee or rate and to use or set in operation the parking meter shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

5. By-law No. 22614, being “A By-law respecting Parking Meters on Scarborough Roads”, of the former City of Scarborough, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new Section 1.1 as follows:

“1.1. As used in Section 2.2 of this By-law,

(a) “motorcycle” means a self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor scooter, but does not include a motor assisted bicycle.”

B. By inserting a new Section 2.2 as follows:

“2.2. Despite any other provision of this By-law, where a rate or fee is stipulated in this By-law for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit the rate or fee and to use the parking meter shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

6. By-law No. 1645-89, being “A By-law respecting Parking Meters”, of the former City of York, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new Section 1.1 as follows:

“1.1. As used in Section 2.2 of this By-law,

(a) “motorcycle” means a self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor-scooter, but does not include a motor assisted bicycle.”

B. By inserting a new Section 2.2 as follows:

“2.2. Despite any other provision of this By-law, where a rate or fee is stipulated in this By-law for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit the rate or fee and to use or set in operation the parking meter shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

7. By-law No. 107-86, being “A By-law respecting Parking Meters on Metropolitan Roads”, of the former Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new Section 1.3 as follows:

“1.3. As used in Section 2.2 of this By-law,

(a) “motorcycle” means a self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor scooter, but does not include a motor assisted bicycle.”

B. By inserting a new Section 2.2 as follows:

“2.2. Despite any other provision of this By-law, where a rate or fee is stipulated in this By-law for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit the rate or fee and to use or set in operation the parking meter shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

8. By-law No. 197, being a by-law “To provide for parking meters on roads in the Borough of East York”, of the former Borough of East York, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new Section 1.1 as follows:

“1.1. As used in Section 2.2 of this By-law,

(a) “motorcycle” means a self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor scooter, but does not include a motor assisted bicycle.”

B. By inserting a new Section 2.2 as follows:

“2.2. Despite any other provision of this By-law, where a rate or fee is stipulated in this By-law for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit the rate or fee and to use or set in operation the parking meter shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

9. Chapter 982, Parking – Meter, of the former City of York Municipal Code, is amended as follows:

A. By inserting a new Section 982.1.4 as follows:

“982.1.4 Motorcycle – defined

As used in Section 982.2.1B, “motorcycle” means a self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor-scooter, but does not include a motor assisted bicycle.”

B. By inserting a new Section 982.2.1B as follows:

“982.2.1B. Despite any other provision of this chapter, where a fee is stipulated in this chapter for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit the fee and to use or set in operation the parking meter shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

ENACTED AND PASSED this 28th day of October, A.D. 2005.


BY-LAW No. 930-2005

To amend former City of Toronto Municipal Code Ch. 400, Traffic and Parking, to permit motorcycles to angle park up to 60 degrees to the curb.

The Council of the City of Toronto HEREBY ENACTS as follows:

1. Chapter 400, Traffic and Parking, of the former City of Toronto Municipal Code, is amended as follows:

A. By amending § 400-2B(4.1) by inserting the phrase: “§ 400-33B.1, § 400-39A, § 400-39A.1,” after the phrase: “as used in” and by inserting the phrase: “§ 400 42H(4) and § 400-42H(5),” after: “§ 400-42A.2,”.

B. By inserting a new Subsection B.1 in § 400-33 as follows:

“B.1 Exemptions for motorcycles

Despite the provisions of Subsections A and C, a motorcycle may be parked at an angle, provided that no person shall park a motorcycle at an angle greater than sixty (60) degrees to the curb.”

C. By inserting a new Subsection A.1 in § 400-39 as follows:

“A.1 Where angle parking is permitted on a highway, despite Subsection A, a motorcycle may be parked at an angle, provided that no person shall park a motorcycle at an angle greater than sixty (60) degrees to the curb.”

D. By deleting Subsection (4) in § 400-42H and inserting the following:

“(4) Despite anything else in this § 400-42, up to three motorcycles may be parked in a parking space, provided that no person shall park a motorcycle in a parking space at an angle greater than sixty (60) degrees to the curb.”

E. By deleting § 400-42H(6).

2. This by-law shall be effective as of the date of the approved set fine order from the Regional Senior Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice for the offences created by this By-law.

ENACTED AND PASSED this 28th day of October, A.D. 2005.
I got a ticket while parked in a spot on Cumberland Street a couple of weeks ago, despite the changes to the bylaw.

Has this been happening to anyone else? Is it just a matter of the parking enforcement people not being aware of the change? Or do you think they just ticket everything and wait for you to dispute it? Maybe they figure that some percentage of people will just pay the ticket anyway....

If this has been happening to anyone else, write a cover note and fax a copy of your ticket to the investigations department of the City of Toront Parking Enforcement. The fax number is 416-397-9577.

For what it's worth, they mailed me a letter to my house within a week cancelling the ticket.

--- D
I wouldent be too shocked if i got a ticket in my driveway....

I get tickets on private property all the time.
Anyone speak legalese?

Ok this bylaw seems pretty clear, but I don't trust my ability to read legalese. Is this saying:

1. You can park a bike in any public parking spot in the city, and you don't have to pay?

2. You can park on the street at an angle of anywhere from 0 to 60 degrees (where 0 means paralel to the curb)?
You can park in any "pay-and-display" spot. If there are public parking spots that aren't "pay-and-display", I'm not sure the law applies. It also doesn't apply to lots or green-Ps.

Yes, you can park between "parallel to curb" and 60 degrees. That means you can't jam it in between cars at 90 degrees to the curb. They want to make sure that you don't interfere with cars' ability to get in and out of parallel parking spots in front of and behind you, I presume.

--- D
I got a ticket today for "Park vehicle on private property without consent". It was issued by the Municipal Parking Corporation and not the City of Toronto. I have never received a parking ticket like this one, its a white ticket rather than the usual yellow, is this valid?

It was basically just some guy sitting in his car waiting for people to park in the lot and walking off rather than going into one of the stores in the plaza. Does anyone have knowledge on such tickets?
djillogik said:
I got a ticket today for "Park vehicle on private property without consent". It was issued by the Municipal Parking Corporation and not the City of Toronto. I have never received a parking ticket like this one, its a white ticket rather than the usual yellow, is this valid?

It was basically just some guy sitting in his car waiting for people to park in the lot and walking off rather than going into one of the stores in the plaza. Does anyone have knowledge on such tickets?

Yeah, you don't have to pay those ones...they won't turn up on your plate renewal if you don't pay them. I got one at the Corel Centre when I went to watch the Leafs kick the **** out those senators....Didn't show up....
You're good....
A bunch of bikes (including mine) park at one of the metered spots behind Swiss Chalet near York Mills and Yonge. Sometimes 6 bikes are crammed into the one spot. These metered spots are larger/longer than spots furthur downtown.

We all park perpendicular to the curb. And are well enough away from traffic.

Never had any trouble. I guess as a group it's better?
A bunch of bikes (including mine) park at one of the metered spots behind Swiss Chalet near York Mills and Yonge. Sometimes 6 bikes are crammed into the one spot. These metered spots are larger/longer than spots furthur downtown.

We all park perpendicular to the curb. And are well enough away from traffic.

Never had any trouble. I guess as a group it's better?
I'll be parking downtown tomorrow on Front St. and see these same bikes everyday, so I'm going to attempt this and see what happens :)
I'll be parking downtown tomorrow on Front St. and see these same bikes everyday, so I'm going to attempt this and see what happens :)
goood post
i got a ticket now i know to fight it
when you got the ticket, were you parking during parking hours on the street and was this in the city of toronto?
Hey Enigma,

Ill ommit the legal jargon as you covered it pretty much. But if you ever make a trip downtown, my favourite place to park where I wont get a ticket is right on King street across from the Royal Alexandra Theater right beside the Metro Centre. There is plenty of meters and enough ****** off driver's that envy us. You can leave your bike there for a while believe you me. The only thing I didnt know about the new law is the angle or degree at which the bike is suppose to be.. But if you ever make the club round or looking for a bite to eat. That location has everything within a 4 city block radius.

I've parked a few times on Front St. across from the government building on the north side of the street with the rest of the bikers and we all park on a 45degree angle.
djillogik said:
I got a ticket today for "Park vehicle on private property without consent". It was issued by the Municipal Parking Corporation and not the City of Toronto. I have never received a parking ticket like this one, its a white ticket rather than the usual yellow, is this valid?

It was basically just some guy sitting in his car waiting for people to park in the lot and walking off rather than going into one of the stores in the plaza. Does anyone have knowledge on such tickets?

Was that by chance at Scarborough Town Centre?

Most of my officers are licensed to write parking tickets and we write a fair bit of those and they will show up on your record when you don't start paying them. We do sometimes write a warning ticket (which is white) and that one doesn't carry a fine.

If you really want to find out, don't pay the ticket. The owner of the plate will eventually get a letter asking for payment.
Skydekker said:
djillogik said:
I got a ticket today for "Park vehicle on private property without consent". It was issued by the Municipal Parking Corporation and not the City of Toronto. I have never received a parking ticket like this one, its a white ticket rather than the usual yellow, is this valid?

It was basically just some guy sitting in his car waiting for people to park in the lot and walking off rather than going into one of the stores in the plaza. Does anyone have knowledge on such tickets?

Was that by chance at Scarborough Town Centre?

Most of my officers are licensed to write parking tickets and we write a fair bit of those and they will show up on your record when you don't start paying them. We do sometimes write a warning ticket (which is white) and that one doesn't carry a fine.

If you really want to find out, don't pay the ticket. The owner of the plate will eventually get a letter asking for payment.

Skydekker's right on this one. Keep in mind that a ticket on private property won't usually be given unless the owner(s) of that property complain about you parking there. I have a feeling that's not ENTIRELY true and that parking enforcement will be gung ho on making you learn a lesson, but that depends on the officer.

Example: Yorkdale Shopping Mall

I'll park right in between the silver posts in front of the Silver City entrance where lots of bikes park at one time. One night, while hitting a movie there with a friend, Parking Enforcement was stopped in the middle of one of the parking rows to my 5 o'clock. I parked the bike and went up to her window and jokingly remarked "You're not waiting for me to leave just to give me a ticket are ya?" She replied "Not unless you're asking for one?" I laughed and she informed me that unless the property managers/owners make a complaint on my bike, she wouldn't ticket me.

Take it for what it's worth. You roll the dice in these situations.
Enigma said:
Skydekker said:
djillogik said:
I got a ticket today for "Park vehicle on private property without consent". It was issued by the Municipal Parking Corporation and not the City of Toronto. I have never received a parking ticket like this one, its a white ticket rather than the usual yellow, is this valid?

It was basically just some guy sitting in his car waiting for people to park in the lot and walking off rather than going into one of the stores in the plaza. Does anyone have knowledge on such tickets?

Was that by chance at Scarborough Town Centre?

Most of my officers are licensed to write parking tickets and we write a fair bit of those and they will show up on your record when you don't start paying them. We do sometimes write a warning ticket (which is white) and that one doesn't carry a fine.

If you really want to find out, don't pay the ticket. The owner of the plate will eventually get a letter asking for payment.

Skydekker's right on this one. Keep in mind that a ticket on private property won't usually be given unless the owner(s) of that property complain about you parking there. I have a feeling that's not ENTIRELY true and that parking enforcement will be gung ho on making you learn a lesson, but that depends on the officer.

Example: Yorkdale Shopping Mall

I'll park right in between the silver posts in front of the Silver City entrance where lots of bikes park at one time. One night, while hitting a movie there with a friend, Parking Enforcement was stopped in the middle of one of the parking rows to my 5 o'clock. I parked the bike and went up to her window and jokingly remarked "You're not waiting for me to leave just to give me a ticket are ya?" She replied "Not unless you're asking for one?" I laughed and she informed me that unless the property managers/owners make a complaint on my bike, she wouldn't ticket me.

Take it for what it's worth. You roll the dice in these situations.

True, though Parking Enforcement doesn't visit either of our sites often since both our security officers are licensed to write parking tickets. Both these sites actively monitor parking in the morning and if you leave property you will have a decent chance of getting a parking ticket.
“B. Despite any other provision in this chapter, where a fee is stipulated in this chapter for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit a fee and to use or activate the parking machine shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”
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