Certifications starting March 2025....

The rules haven't changed. Safety is still limited to items that were required or present at the time of production. Mechanic was supposed to test brake function before. I haven't heard of video being required just static pictures so the mechanics inability to ride a bike with an oddball control system is no different than before.
last time I send this bloody application back for yet another STUPID reason! They could not have made this process MORE aggravating!!!!
If they kick it back again... that's it, I'm OUT of the program.
Anybody looking to buy or sell a motorcycle starting next March, get ready for a huge hassle and sizeable expenditure.
The few shops that will trudge through this crazy process will be charging a lot of money for a certification, and I do not blame them one bit. Expect to pay between $300 and $500 from now on. And wait probably weeks to get one.
I wonder how this will affect the private sales market. Every hurdle makes a few people just hand things over to the dealer.

When I sell privately and the vehicle is good I tend to get a safety up front so no surprises. However if it’s going to be bigger bucks, maybe not.
For a shop to do the new safties there are other non-automotive requirements they need to meet. There needs to be a handicapped accessible washroom, the ministry has to be informed of the last 3 years (I think it's 3 years) taxes/books, and there was something else my friend told me about but I can't remember. My friends shop is pretty busy as is, he's not doing a bathroom reno so that a mechanic does a safety instead of something else that's profitable.
There needs to be a handicapped accessible washroom

Oh FFS.....

Well, yeah, I can see a lot of shops telling the ministry to take a flying leap then perhaps if this is actually a thing. Is there a citation on this somewhere?

And once this blows up and people suddenly can't get a certification for weeks or months, the government will suddenly make the stupid bits of this go away.
I suspect a lot of used machines with after market mods like plate relocating, mud guard delete, flush mount side indicators, bar end mirrors and the like will be expensive to retrofit for the pass.

Off road use only slip on mufflers won’t make the cut either.

Gonna be a boon for eBay stock parts if anybody wants to get that used bike back to stock to pass the new regs.

Those things are not suppose to pass with current safeties but, a few get the check mark for their effort and the shop warning the owner if they get a ticket, the safety was based on the bike having everything stock and must have changed it after etc.
I just got off the phone with Ken's Motoworks in Whitby.

He's not doing certifications going forward because of the new rules. The insurance requirements alone would double his insurance costs, plus it's going to be nearly impossible to certify an "old" bike. I'm not sure how old is old but for anything vintage it may be nearly impossible to find a shop to certify it.

F&^%in' stupid government.
I just got off the phone with Ken's Motoworks in Whitby.

He's not doing certifications going forward because of the new rules. The insurance requirements alone would double his insurance costs, plus it's going to be nearly impossible to certify an "old" bike. I'm not sure how old is old but for anything vintage it may be nearly impossible to find a shop to certify it.

F&^%in' stupid government.
While I believe what he told you, why would insurance costs double? He's moving from 1M to 3M? I think public vehicle inspection centre has required 3M for a long time. $3M is another stupid idea where bureaucrats drive costs up with zero benefit or consideration. How many mechanics get hit for 1M claims? How many lose 1-3M claims (probably almost none).
While I believe what he told you, why would insurance costs double? He's moving from 1M to 3M? I think public vehicle inspection centre has required 3M for a long time. $3M is another stupid idea where bureaucrats drive costs up with zero benefit or consideration. How many mechanics get hit for 1M claims? How many lose 1-3M claims (probably almost none).
Yeah, not really sure to be honest. I would think that the increased insurance cost would be a minor expense compared to the added cost of technology and hassle involved.
This is how they shut most of the small abottoirs down a while back.
Pretty sure the accessible washroom thing has absolutely nothing to do with DriveOn. Having an accessible washroom is simply a requirement when running any business in Ontario. Technically, a one man shop run out of a home garage is required to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Ontario Building Code. The requirements are often not enforced but they can be used as an additional punishment if a business does something to get on the govt's radar. No reason an existing shop would have to remodel a bathroom just to sign up for DriveOn...

As far as I can tell by reading the enrollment package and other info on the DriveOn website (DriveON Portal) the only infrastructure requirement for the new program is that the inspection bays have to have wifi.

There seems to be a lot of hysteria around this program when it seems pretty straightforward. Is it the best way to accomplish the MTO's goals of cleaning up the safety program? Probably not but it's a start.

Also, I don't see why the fees for an inspection would have to go up 2-3x to cover the $1500 up front cost for the tablet/printer and an extra 20 minutes of work per inspection.

Also, I don't see why the fees for an inspection would have to go up 2-3x to cover the $1500 up front cost for the tablet/printer and an extra 20 minutes of work per inspection.
I suspect a high percentage of safeties being done may have been competent but not letter of the law. For instance, look at the brakes and call it good enough. Depending on how many pics are required, there may be no opportunity for shortcuts anymore. That takes more time and drives up price.
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While I believe what he told you, why would insurance costs double? He's moving from 1M to 3M? I think public vehicle inspection centre has required 3M for a long time. $3M is another stupid idea where bureaucrats drive costs up with zero benefit or consideration. How many mechanics get hit for 1M claims? How many lose 1-3M claims (probably almost none).
I can show you the quote. Basically the idiots... I mean people at MTO/Drive On are REQUIRING $200,000 liability coverage PER VEHICLE for dame/theft etc. Legally there was NO requirement for this before but most shops had $30-50,000 coverage in their policy. Frankly I can't remember the last time I dropped a $200,000 bike in the Shop....
Pretty sure the accessible washroom thing has absolutely nothing to do with DriveOn. Having an accessible washroom is simply a requirement when running any business in Ontario. Technically, a one man shop run out of a home garage is required to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Ontario Building Code. The requirements are often not enforced but they can be used as an additional punishment if a business does something to get on the govt's radar. No reason an existing shop would have to remodel a bathroom just to sign up for DriveOn...

As far as I can tell by reading the enrollment package and other info on the DriveOn website (DriveON Portal) the only infrastructure requirement for the new program is that the inspection bays have to have wifi.

There seems to be a lot of hysteria around this program when it seems pretty straightforward. Is it the best way to accomplish the MTO's goals of cleaning up the safety program? Probably not but it's a start.

Also, I don't see why the fees for an inspection would have to go up 2-3x to cover the $1500 up front cost for the tablet/printer and an extra 20 minutes of work per inspection.
Pretty sure the accessible washroom thing has absolutely nothing to do with DriveOn. Having an accessible washroom is simply a requirement when running any business in Ontario. Technically, a one man shop run out of a home garage is required to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Ontario Building Code. The requirements are often not enforced but they can be used as an additional punishment if a business does something to get on the govt's radar. No reason an existing shop would have to remodel a bathroom just to sign up for DriveOn...

As far as I can tell by reading the enrollment package and other info on the DriveOn website (DriveON Portal) the only infrastructure requirement for the new program is that the inspection bays have to have wifi.

There seems to be a lot of hysteria around this program when it seems pretty straightforward. Is it the best way to accomplish the MTO's goals of cleaning up the safety program? Probably not but it's a start.

Also, I don't see why the fees for an inspection would have to go up 2-3x to cover the $1500 up front cost for the tablet/printer and an extra 20 minutes of work per inspection.
Its the extra time but mainly the extra Shop ins required. See my reply to Greyghost...
I can show you the quote. Basically the idiots... I mean people at MTO/Drive On are REQUIRING $200,000 liability coverage PER VEHICLE for dame/theft etc. Legally there was NO requirement for this before but most shops had $30-50,000 coverage in their policy. Frankly I can't remember the last time I dropped a $200,000 bike in the Shop....
Well that's dumb. Thanks for the clarification. One of my clients forced me up to 5M when there is no possible way anything i do for them could exceed six figures. If you wanted to work for them, you needed 5M. The edge cases take a beating.
This would be an amazing use for AI, however that assumes that the government has actually meaningfully thought the process out and engaged all of these contractors and third party providers in any sort of contract that would make them responsible to sift through the data after the fact and actually do stuff with it. Versus the “let it rot on a server somewhere and see how much or that sweet government money we can stuff directly into our pockets while doing the absolute minimum possible after we land that contract” option.

I expect the latter.
Government thinking things through? Remember the license plate fiasco.
Well that's dumb. Thanks for the clarification. One of my clients forced me up to 5M when there is no possible way anything i do for them could exceed six figures. If you wanted to work for them, you needed 5M. The edge cases take a beating.

I mean, what is the end price for this however?

I doubled my car insurance liability from $1m to $2m at the last renewal and the difference was a little over $100 for the entire year if I recall correctly.

I doubt were talking crippling amounts of extra premiums for a business here.
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