So, rather than speculate I called GP Bikes service dept. Nice guy. They haven't started training on the new process, did not have a date for when new process would be up and running. Current cost for a safety is $150, he commented the cost would probably double, but did not know for certain. He'd heard through his grapevine that some shops would simply stop doing safeties. He did mention that the busy crazy time for service appointment began in April and you might wait 2 - 3 weeks to get in.
I think this change in the process will have the biggest impact on private buyers and sellers this coming spring. A seller might have an issue geeting an appointment and a buyer, if no safety done, will have the same issue and a delay in getting on the road. Maybe the ticker here is for a seller to get the safety done 2nd week of March and get the bike sold and registered before the certificate expires.
If you're planning to sell mid summer all of the problems could well be sorted out by then + the spring rush for service is over.