Cell Phone Company Help


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Trying to figure out who I should go with, with bell now but I am not to satisfied with their service. Thinking of Rogers, Fido, or Koodo. I've been with the same flip phone for 6 years and it's just time to upgrade because what I'm paying for it is so not worth it, +the phone is done pretty much. I'll be going with the Iphone 4, (used my brothers since he was away on vacation 2 months and I like it) was patiently waiting and now I'll be going with it...


What company are you with, thoughts and if you don't mind, how much and what your plan is like.

Do you use your Iphone as a motorcycle GPS (mounted or in a tank bag)

Do you need a data plan? (wifi at home and school and that pretty much where I'll be so I don't want a data plan) - but do they make you pay for it anyway?

If my hometown is Mississauga and now 90% of the time in St. Catharines, do I need to change my local area to be St. Catharines so long distance charges wouldn't apply if I contacted someone in St. Catharines (how dose this work, should I change it)

What have you been able to haggle the companies to give you or change? (instead of weekends starting at 8/9pm, were you able to get 5or7pm without paying for it, any phone cases, chargers, etc)

Do you pay the 911 charge?

Help appreciated :happy3:
Can't offer much advice about carriers (they all suck) but if you're buying an iPhone, don't buy yet. The iPhone 5 (might be branded as the 4S or something, we'll see) will be coming out in the next month or two.
If you dont mind not getting an iPhone, by all means go for WIND. Current promotion is $29.99/month for a year for UNLIMITED everything (including data, call id, voicemail, etc) Then $45/month after the first year BUT you are not obligated to sign a contract so feel free to cancel after a year and downgrade to a plan that better suits y our needs.

Info: http://www2.windmobile.ca/en/Pages/voice-plans.aspx
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You don't NEED a data plan, its just that when you do get a data plan, you can get the phone for like $159(or something like that). If you don't go with a data plan and only go with voice and msging, you will be paying $359 for the phone.
If you decide to get the iphone 4s, expect the price to be ridiculously high. (Well... Higher than the Iphone4)

If you dont mind not getting an iPhone, by all means go for WIND. Current promotion is $29.99/month for a year for UNLIMITED everything (including data, call id, voicemail, etc) Then $45/month after the first year BUT you are not obligated to sign a contract so feel free to cancel after a year and downgrade to a plan that better suits y our needs.

Info: http://www2.windmobile.ca/en/Pages/voice-plans.aspx
The problem with Wind mobile is their calling zones (in my case, I currently live right outside their calling zone which would cost me long distance most of the time). Check our their calling zones before going with wind.
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You don't NEED a data plan, its just that when you do get a data plan, you can get the phone for like $159(or something like that). If you don't go with a data plan and only go with voice and msging, you will be paying $359 for the phone.
If you decide to get the iphone 4s, expect the price to be ridiculously high. (Well... Higher than the Iphone4)

The problem with Wind mobile is their calling zones (in my case, I currently live right outside their calling zone which would cost me long distance most of the time). Check our their calling zones before going with wind.

The plans are still cheaper then most available plans out there even if you add the $10 unlimited canada wide calling.
The plans are still cheaper then most available plans out there even if you add the $10 unlimited canada wide calling.

I guess, but if you still one of those old plans from a long time ago, its a lot cheaper esp if u speak to the provider's retention team and negotiate your plan.
My plan after govt regulatory fee, taxes, and other charges comes out to $24 a month for 250 mins, 2000 texts, (unlim incoming text), caller id, voice mail, and unlim evenings and weekends from 6.
I guess, but if you still one of those old plans from a long time ago, its a lot cheaper esp if u speak to the provider's retention team and negotiate your plan.
My plan after govt regulatory fee, taxes, and other charges comes out to $24 a month for 250 mins, 2000 texts, (unlim incoming text), caller id, voice mail, and unlim evenings and weekends from 6.

I've got the same plan with rogers but i also have the $30 6GB data plan with it so its $65/month after all taxes and fees.

Depending on if the iPhone 5 supports AWS (Wind/Mobilicity) i'm going to ditch rogers and go with WIND.
Im with Fido and have a great relationship with them... but then again ive been with them for years and years so they are generally pretty nice. Depending on how long you have been with Bell i would suggest maybe trying to renegotiate a better plan. Hope that helps.

EDIT: o ps whatever you do dont get the iphone i got one and hate it to pieces >< nothing but headaches but that might just be my experience with them.
EDIT: o ps whatever you do dont get the iphone i got one and hate it to pieces >< nothing but headaches but that might just be my experience with them.

Your the first person i've heard that from :eek:
Depending on how long you have been with Bell i would suggest maybe trying to renegotiate a better plan. Hope that helps.

6 years, two 3 year contracts, have home phone and internet with them as well. Everywhere I've gone they wont even budge, there is supposed to be 10-15% bundle discounts, small changes like weekends starting at 5 instead of 7pm, no deal on anything. So yea, 6 year customer-gone.

I've been reading about the release date for the 5 or whatever Apple will call it and I hope it is soon as they push the dates all the time.

EDIT: o ps whatever you do dont get the iphone i got one and hate it to pieces >< nothing but headaches but that might just be my experience with them.

I've been only using my brothers for the last 2 months and like it so far, much better then my crummy 6 year old flip phone. Can you elaborate on your bad experiences with the iphone...

The problem with Wind mobile is their calling zones (in my case, I currently live right outside their calling zone which would cost me long distance most of the time). Check our their calling zones before going with wind.

Yes, good call. Just checked, it stops at Grimsby just shy of St. Catharines so looks like I wont go with them.
I've got the same plan with rogers but i also have the $30 6GB data plan with it so its $65/month after all taxes and fees.

Depending on if the iPhone 5 supports AWS (Wind/Mobilicity) i'm going to ditch rogers and go with WIND.

Yeahh Rogers got rid of the 6 GB plan, It is non existant now... Plans now only include 1GB MAX and it costs $25 for 500MB (add-on) or $30 for another GB.

Thats what I mean when I say the older plans.
Forget about telus... used to be customer of theirs for about 9 years... their coverage really blows all in all. Was good for a while at the beginning, but I've dropped using a land line and for that they simply stink.
Can't even get a good signal in downtown T.O. due to the high rise buildings...
There are a couple tricks to dealing with phone companies.

1) be polite there are people at the other end of the phone

2) dont ask for a bunch of things all at once make a list and slowly get them

3) wait till your contract has expired before beginning to try to get better things

4) do your research find out what other companies are offering

Just to show that this works this is my plan:
200 min billed by the second (anytime)
Free fido to fido
Free fido to rogers
Free evenings and weekends starting at 5pm
150mb of bandwidth

When its time to renew ill ask for texting

Ive been with them for i think 2 or 3 contracts

Now regarding why i hate iphones:
1) cant talk while charging or it over heats and drops calls
2) cant talk longer than 1 hr or phone overheats and drops calls
3) phone randomly drops calls for no reason
4) people cant hear me randomly on my phone
5) its slow as hell (maybe just old now)
Try calling Bell again, ask for customer retentions department. They gave me an AWESOME plan on my FIRST renewal!

288 daytime
unlim weekends/night after 6
unlim txt/data/nhl
caller id

About $50 tax in after all the fees, might be missing a thing or two but that is basically my plan. The data is setup so if the sim is in a blackberry, bbm works + all data. But if it is put in any other phone, all data works.
Now regarding why i hate iphones:
1) cant talk while charging or it over heats and drops calls
2) cant talk longer than 1 hr or phone overheats and drops calls
3) phone randomly drops calls for no reason
4) people cant hear me randomly on my phone
5) its slow as hell (maybe just old now)

I can't attest to 1 and 2 because I sure as hell don't talk on it that much. I've experienced 3 as well, however I always chocked that up to the carrier. 4 I have experienced when my buddy calls me on his iPhone 4. And 5 would be much more useful if you told us what model you have. BTW, I have a 3G and this thing is old and decrepit, lol.

I have been with FIDO since I got the iPhone and I have had no issues, but mind you I've never had to call them for support or anything like that. I actually have NO idea what my plan is because my wife handles all the details and I just use the thing. I know I do have the 30$ 6gb plan though since the start of my contract and I have NEVER gone anywhere near it, but if you start tethering to your laptop or something I could see using a lot more.
I second calling Bell Retention office...That is what i did when I renewed and here is my plan for my Blackberry Bold 9700:

250 anytime minutes
unlimited incoming calls
my 10 nation wide (call/receive calls/text any 10 numbers within Canada)
unlimited texting
evenings starting at 6pm
weekends free
call display, voicemail and all that fun stuff
500mb of data


I just called because there was a billing issue and they gave me 100 extra minutes per month until 2019

ALL FOR $56.50/month including taxes

Try calling Bell again, ask for customer retentions department. They gave me an AWESOME plan on my FIRST renewal!

288 daytime
unlim weekends/night after 6
unlim txt/data/nhl
caller id

About $50 tax in after all the fees, might be missing a thing or two but that is basically my plan. The data is setup so if the sim is in a blackberry, bbm works + all data. But if it is put in any other phone, all data works.
250 anytime minutes
unlimited incoming calls
my 10 nation wide (call/receive calls/text any 10 numbers within Canada)
unlimited texting
evenings starting at 6pm
weekends free
call display, voicemail and all that fun stuff
500mb of data
I just called because there was a billing issue and they gave me 100 extra minutes per month until 2019
ALL FOR $56.50/month including taxes

Turns out calling worked - I got very close to what you have but with some value changes

Iphone 4 - $99.99
600 anytime min
unlimited incoming calls
10 numbers (nationwide)
unlimited text
evenings at 6pm - free weekends
call / name display, voicemail
3GB data :happy3: (very very happy because I know its expensive for 500mb or 1 GB) - The guy said I'll give you enough data to cover your lost years with your dinosaur phone and most people will be jealous lol
$58 and change after all taxes

I was paying $50 with a 5h1T flip phone for 6 years, was enough min but never had the 10 numbers which I can call nationwide long-distance or not for free, never used internet even though I could, texting was doable but slow and I hated hitting the number 2, 3 times to get the letter c - they hooked me up with all the minutes in the world for me, too much data lol, and a phone which is very good. Guy said, I should never even come close to extra charges, people have less min and data and maybe sometimes worry about the usage who are paying probably $50-65+. Thanks for all the who added what they had in their plans as I used it to help me get more then enough on my plan. :happy3:
Turns out calling worked - I got very close to what you have but with some value changes

Iphone 4 - $99.99
600 anytime min
unlimited incoming calls
10 numbers (nationwide)
unlimited text
evenings at 6pm - free weekends
call / name display, voicemail
3GB data :happy3: (very very happy because I know its expensive for 500mb or 1 GB) - The guy said I'll give you enough data to cover your lost years with your dinosaur phone and most people will be jealous lol
$58 and change after all taxes

I was paying $50 with a 5h1T flip phone for 6 years, was enough min but never had the 10 numbers which I can call nationwide long-distance or not for free, never used internet even though I could, texting was doable but slow and I hated hitting the number 2, 3 times to get the letter c - they hooked me up with all the minutes in the world for me, too much data lol, and a phone which is very good. Guy said, I should never even come close to extra charges, people have less min and data and maybe sometimes worry about the usage who are paying probably $50-65+. Thanks for all the who added what they had in their plans as I used it to help me get more then enough on my plan. :happy3:

Great Snag! What company?

Why did you get the iPhone 4 when iPhone 5 was just around the corner? You could've stuck with your 5h1t phone for a month and then upgraded to the iphone 4S/5. I know you had to sign a contract but hardware upgrades are separate. Most company have a 30 days return policy with limited usage.
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