cc facts

Ok but that's going into my questionable column until this is resolved:

Look up the damn case, not the author of the piece written about it.

Mann sued Ball for defamation because Ball essentially called him a fraud. Ball did cartwheels as any case brought by Mann will require full disclosure of raw data and methods used in Mann et al. to prove defamation, which to this day, no one has seen in full. The most recent development doesn't look good on Mann. Just release the data so you can be proven right or wrong.

Did you even read any of it, or was it straight to good to "check source"
I find it infinitely more convenient to just sit in the weeds and snipe at others' ideas.

Isn't that what most of these people do? At least I haven't claimed any advanced degrees yet.
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Holding on . . .
.... the rest

Here's a different paper with different authors, but same topic:

Ah, Marcott et al. I've seen it.

High certainty, low resolution. Like insisting that girl you went home with while wasted wasn't that bad.

There is a message in Marcott that I think many have missed. Marcott tells us almost nothing about how the past compares with today, because of the resolution problem. Marcott recognizes this in their FAQ. The probability function is specific to the resolution. Thus, you cannot infer the probability function for a high resolution series from a low resolution series, because you cannot infer a high resolution signal from a low resolution signal. The result is nonsense.

There's also Mann esque issues
Ok then I find these:


Thanks for bringing it up btw, it's good to be at least somewhat informed of the issues. The big problem I have with the naysayers, is that they criticize others data and methods, which is then revised with corrections, but don't seem to do likewise when their data and methods are in error. You get people like Watts seemingly posting McIntyre's uncorrected data to push a point, that should have already been decided.

Also, there seem to be enough hockey sticks to equip an entire team now :)
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And you post papers from 2005 and 2007, respectively, and act as though they haven't been replied to, so...
And you post papers from 2005 and 2007, respectively, and act as though they haven't been replied to, so...

The problem that I have is that your link, showed the undated work of someone else in a blog.

My assumption, since the location/date of work was not referenced, is going to be that it's just old stuff, that's been disproved.

Otherwise, it should be properly referenced, verified and published, to show that it's later updated work.
Yeah, it cited this link:

Dated 2013... it's asking legitimate questions of the proxies and methods used. To that you went straight to find something to discredit a person, not what was presented. Google names till your blue in the face, it doesn't detract from the problems in the climate scare.

You act as though you've rigorously dissected all this, yet you didn't even notice a simple link, proclaiming it was "was not referenced" ....probably because you don't bother reading the entire article before you hit google looking for a rebuttal. I've been following this stuff for 10+ years, and I was once on the other side... anyway you're not going to present anything I haven't heard before.

Then again, you've made it clear why your here

Baggsy said:
I find it infinitely more convenient to just sit in the weeds and snipe at others' ideas.
What are they calling it now? Is it 'Man-made climate change', 'climate change', 'global warming' etc? Just how the terms change every month is sneaky enough. Never mind how a tax is going to change anything especially since us Canadians can't be making much of a negative dent in climate change. You have countries like china who pollute like crazy, what do we do with them? oh nothing, we make each other feel bad instead. blah.

I'm more interested in the effects of asteroids on our climate, which some climate change scientists are starting to study with their own funding. Not funding specifically to prove man is causing climate change.
Anthropogenic global warming is a mouse, natural climate change is a T-Rex... to quote someone I can't recall atm lol
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Yeah, it cited this link:

Dated 2013... it's asking legitimate questions of the proxies and methods used. To that you went straight to find something to discredit a person, not what was presented. Google names till your blue in the face, it doesn't detract from the problems in the climate scare.

You act as though you've rigorously dissected all this, yet you didn't even notice a simple link, proclaiming it was "was not referenced" ....probably because you don't bother reading the entire article before you hit google looking for a rebuttal. I've been following this stuff for 10+ years, and I was once on the other side... anyway you're not going to present anything I haven't heard before.

Then again, you've made it clear why your here

First off, the sniping is the same reason that others have posted in this thread, including yourself. Second off, we're back to the blog :(

Can we get some published stuff that was reviewed, rather than some guy's personal blog that he also moderates?

I've seen some stuff from a retired guy earlier, that was peer reviewed and published, but it sounds likes he's not so active in the discussion anymore.

Have you tried posting his stuff over on the pro side's blog, to see their reaction?

Maybe we can all still learn something, even if we're going to degenerate to blogs, rather than actual published papers, criticisms and rebuttals?
First off, the sniping is the same reason that others have posted in this thread, including yourself. Second off, we're back to the blog :(

Can we get some published stuff that was reviewed, rather than some guy's personal blog that he also moderates?

I've seen some stuff from a retired guy earlier, that was peer reviewed and published, but it sounds likes he's not so active in the discussion anymore.

Have you tried posting his stuff over on the pro side's blog, to see their reaction?

Maybe we can all still learn something, even if we're going to degenerate to blogs, rather than actual published papers, criticisms and rebuttals?

You make it sound like the blogs are the distinct domain of the skeptic.. we could do a count. My guess would be 10 to 1 in favour of our impending doom. I've stated this before, but I'll go ahead and say it again. I do not profess to know anything for certain, I do however see strong evidence suggesting a grossly overstated state of catastrophe. I wish there was more funding for those that hold the unpopular belief, but not unlike Peterson recently denied funding for the first time in his career, conveniently after deciding to swim upstream, money is in short supply for those who question. That said, they exists. Anyway, look up Liu et al. The Holocene Temperature Conundrum...

... and I'll leave you with this from McIntyre on Mercott:

By blanking out the three most recent values of their proxy #23, the earliest dated value was 10.93 BP (1939.07 AD). As a result, the MD01-2421+KNR02-06 alkenone series was excluded from the 1940 population. I am unable to locate any documented methodology that would lead to the blanking out of the last three values of this dataset. Nor am I presently aware of any rational basis for excluding the three most recent values.

Since this series was strongly negative in the 20th century, its removal (together with the related removal of OCE326-GGC30 and the importation of medieval data) led to the closing uptick.

Stuff like this is an insight into the 'science' of climate. Turn the knobs until desired result....
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