cc facts

I mean payed for to get people to use.... ie their not actually good enough, so here's some cash to sweeten the deal. But hey, let's compare....

Global fossil-fuel subsidies do exceed those for renewables in raw dollars—$523 billion to $88 billion, according to the International Energy Agency. But the disparity is reversed when proportion is taken into account. Fossil fuels make up more than 80% of global energy, while modern green energy accounts for about 5%. This means that renewables still receive three times as much money per energy unit.

But much more important, the critics ignore that these fossil-fuel subsidies are almost exclusive to non-Western countries. Twelve such nations account for 75% of the world's fossil-fuel subsidies. Iran tops the list with $82 billion a year, followed by Saudi Arabia at $61 billion. Russia, India and China spend between $30 billion and $40 billion, and Venezuela, Egypt, Iran, U.A.E., Indonesia, Mexico and Algeria make up the rest.

These subsidies have nothing to do with cozying up to oil companies or indulging global-warming skeptics. The spending is a way for governments to buy political stability: In Venezuela, gas sells at 5.8 cents a gallon, costing the government $22 billion a year, more than twice what is spent on health care.


Nearly $1.2 billion comes from favourable federal tax treatment of oil and gas exploration and development projects....
..... The second-biggest subsidy comes from Alberta, which provides $1.1 billion through forgone revenues from royalty reductions. The rest comes from a mix of federal and provincial tax credits and other subsidies.

So of that 3.3B right off the top 2.3B are tax and royalty reductions, which is hardly subsidy, and when you take the time to look into what kind of tax revenue the average Canadian oil production operation pumps into the coffers, something on the order of 80B a year, the ridiculousness of that claim become even clearer. What exactly does "favourable tax treatment" mean anyways.... give me the numbers. Shall we continue digressing? Or do you have anything to add on CC?
She never has anything to add beyond a headline and a link.
So Trump rolled back enviro protection measures to help coal industry. Which is funny cause the renewable energy industry employs about 100x the coal industry. Whether it affects climate change or not, it causes pollution. Trump needs to go visit China on a bad air day. Even China and India are on board the 2015 Paris Accord.
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So Trump rolled back enviro protection measures to help coal industry. Which is funny cause the renewable energy industry employs about 100x the coal industry. Whether it affects climate change or not, it causes pollution. Trump needs to go visit China on a bad air day. Even China and India are on board the 2015 Paris Accord.

Yeah, but he doesn't have to worry so much about burning coal, does he? Doesn't most of the smog get blown across the lake into another country?
So Trump rolled back enviro protection measures to help coal industry. Which is funny cause the renewable energy industry employs about 100x the coal industry. Whether it affects climate change or not, it causes pollution. Trump needs to go visit China on a bad air day. Even China and India are on board the 2015 Paris Accord.

China and India don't get it, obviously ... Ever heard of clean coal? It's right there waiting to be put to a good use ... LOL
I agree


so a prof with a Masters of Divinity degree, at that bastion of higher learning U of Alabama, denies climate change, shocking
so a prof with a Masters of Divinity degree, at that bastion of higher learning U of Alabama, denies climate change, shocking

Funny enough, I missed this and only came back to post this funny vid on Bill Nye...


Now that I'm here, it's Dr. Christy. That's right Ph.D. in ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES.
Funny enough, I missed this and only came back to post this funny vid on Bill Nye...


Now that I'm here, it's Dr. Christy. That's right Ph.D. in ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES.

That video was pretty stupid.
That video was pretty stupid.

Yeah, I think it's ridiculous presentation is inspired by its subject...

... anyone seen his new show? Yikes.


Bill Nye is saving the world with flesh lights and clowns... lmao.
WTF is going on here? I mean in the video .... LOL ... not sure who is the intended audience???
WTF is going on here? I mean in the video .... LOL ... not sure who is the intended audience???

Supposedly 13+, but if you watch an episode it's hard to believe the target audience isn't primary school kids.
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