Cbr600rr subframe removal

Don't try and straighten it on the stands. You should get someone else to hold it while you reef on the bar hrough the subframe. That, or ratchet strap it to a tree.

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Don't try and straighten it on the stands. You should get someone else to hold it while you reef on the bar hrough the subframe. That, or ratchet strap it to a tree.

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I had some one holding it while I was pulling hard but in the stands. Why not on stands?

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It needs to be more solid than that. I wouldn't trust flimsy stands. You need to make it immovable, then pull the subframe past the point of being straight, then let the pressure off so it can find center.
I had some one holding it while I was pulling hard but in the stands. Why not on stands?

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Looks pretty much the same. You might need more leverage, and perhaps some heat.

Propane torch, or Map gas.

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It’s aluminum don’t want to heat it

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I get that, but its not going to get worse...

If it cracks, you take it to a welding shop. Pay somebody in beer to tack a few welds on the cracks.

Thats what we do with dirt bike aluminum subframes.

Its going to get covered with plastics again anyways.

Or look on ebay for a replacement.
It’s aluminum don’t want to heat it

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The odd thing is measured both sides from ground up and it’s pretty much even measurements

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I get that, but its not going to get worse...

If it cracks, you take it to a welding shop. Pay somebody in beer to tack a few welds on the cracks.

Thats what we do with dirt bike aluminum subframes.

Its going to get covered with plastics again anyways.

Or look on ebay for a replacement.

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Ok well right now it’s stripped and I got no torch and I am in oshawa lol

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Ok here is the update. It seems I was able to straighten this a little bit but not full... so my options are replace it or leave it. I will put it on my replace bucket list.

How bad of a deal is a slight twist in the subframe? Personally I have not noticed it affect the handling of the bike at all infact probably the most steady bike I have rode.

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can pull down in small increments, release tension and check alignment
and your not gonna flip the bike over this way
can get them - a come along, at rental shops
can pull down in small increments, release tension and check alignment
and your not gonna flip the bike over this way
can get them - a come along, at rental shops

But it’s that going to just compress the rear shock?

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can pull down in small increments, release tension and check alignment
and your not gonna flip the bike over this way
can get them - a come along, at rental shops

It's not a bad plan, just keep in mind you are putting the same force into the swingarm. It would be better if you could run the 2x4 to the ground and have the anchor for the comealong on the ground as well. I haven't tried twisting a subframe so I don't know how much force is required. I wouldn't expect it to need enough force that the swingarm may get tweaked, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to make more problems. A decent ratchet strap probably gives me all the pull I would want to put through the swingarm.
It's not a bad plan, just keep in mind you are putting the same force into the swingarm. It would be better if you could run the 2x4 to the ground and have the anchor for the comealong on the ground as well. I haven't tried twisting a subframe so I don't know how much force is required. I wouldn't expect it to need enough force that the swingarm may get tweaked, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to make more problems. A decent ratchet strap probably gives me all the pull I would want to put through the swingarm.

Hey guys honestly I am clueless on the plan you guys are thinking of. I am thinking if I pull a ratchet down I am just comoressing the rear shock. How may I twisting the subframe? The only method I though of was to put a bar through the frame and push down. Can one of you explain this to me in “for dummies” type of manner :-)

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