Cauliflower, the new white gold


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Anyone priced veggies lately? $7.00 for a softball sized head of the white stuff (And it looks like it's been around the bases a couple of times).

The wife usually does the groceries and now I understand the look in her eyes when she gets back.

It appears the new five poverty food groups are white flour, fat, pork, sugar and salt. (Biscuits and gravy plus a Twinkie)

Note to self: Revise RRSP if death by starvation isn't an option.
Anyone priced veggies lately? $7.00 for a softball sized head of the white stuff (And it looks like it's been around the bases a couple of times).

The wife usually does the groceries and now I understand the look in her eyes when she gets back.

It appears the new five poverty food groups are white flour, fat, pork, sugar and salt. (Biscuits and gravy plus a Twinkie)

Note to self: Revise RRSP if death by starvation isn't an option.
This is just the beginning.
I think it's because Cauliflower takes a long time to grow and doesn't yield that much - this is just a correction.

We used to shop at Metro and Loblaws all the time because they were the most convenient places to grab our stuff, but now the closest place is a food basics. Our grocery bills are have been sliced and diced. And I also notice that food basics usually has way more local produce, while Metro and Loblaws typically have better looking produce from around the world.
I guess I'm not old enough to enjoy voluntarily eating cauliflower
I can survive without it, the same as most people avoid short term food pricing shocks by..well, just not buying it.

Remember the "bacon apocalypse" last summer that they told us about? Yeah, saw bacon back down to $4/pound on sale (and yes, a full 500G pack, not the sneaky new 350g ones) tonight at the grocery store, and most of the non-sale prices are also back to normal.

Then there was "coffee shortage" before that. And a butter shortage around Christmas. Yeah, same stories...all still there, price went up for a bit but then came back down.

I love a good steak, but when they hit $15 EACH for a good striploin I said F-it and never bought them. Neither did most others based on all the ones I spotted going bad in the meat coolers..and look, the prices have started to come down, surprise surprise...saw packs of 3 good striploins at the No Frills tonight for $25. Bad enough, but not $15/each.

Sure, there was a legit crop issue that led to this price spike for cauliflower, but just don't buy a few months it'll come back down, and once the Ontario crops start coming in they'll be cheap again.
Heard somebody say this on the past weekend. Luckily I don't like cauliflower , or broccoli.... but I am feeling the pain on many of my other favourite fruits and vegetables :(

By all accounts, they are projecting very high inflation on a lot of foods this year, fruits and vegetables are supposed to see double digit increases from a report I read. Expect meats to be pretty painful too.
...saw packs of 3 good striploins at the No Frills tonight...

Maybe I am just being a snob here, good steak and no frills don't exactly go together :p Not saying there are lots of good deal there, and some of them may even be steaks, but the isnt a no frills, food basics, price chopper,... that carries a good steak :)
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Maybe I am just being a snob here, good steak and no frills don't exactly go together :p Not saying there are lorrs of good deal there, and some of them may even be steaks, but the isnt a no frills, food basics, price chopper,... that carries a good steak :)

I agree to some extent, I prefer the nice big thick Striploins at Costco, but in the end..a striploin is a striploin - same cut of meat, thickness and age are two main concerns with grocery store sourcing, although you might get a higher grade cut at a more premium store, I agree.

I do a lot of smoked meat in the non-snowy months, I get some of my best briskets and pork butts from a non descript public wholesale joint in Whitby vs the local Halendas which is basically the same stuff at sometimes 2 or 3 times the price. I get my ribs almost exclusively from No Frills when they go on sale in the cryo packs, don't even get me started on their price at Helendas. Fancy location doesn't always equate to better IMHO, you just have to know what you're looking at. ;)
Maybe I am just being a snob here, good steak and no frills don't exactly go together Not saying there are lorrs of good deal there, and some of them may even be steaks, but the isnt a no frills, food basics, price chopper,... that carries a good steak :)
Some FreshCo's have butcher shops in them. I've taken to buying cheaper cuts of meat (outside round iirc) at 1/3 the price. With 2 growing boys, I'd go broke on the good stuff. Yeah, you gotta put more spice on them, but I'm easy. And cheap.
Definitely going to take better care of the garden this year. But no cauliflower. Or Brussel sprouts.

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Joe Bass, lots of ways to make cheap food tasty for sure... I worked in the meat industry for years... you know the story about a pigs ear into a silk purse.... yep its possible. Cheap cut of meat can get nice and tender if you cook it the right way.

I love steaks and I like them pretty rare (yep I like 'em bleeding, my steak that is LOL) and a cheap steak cooked medium rare or bluer just leaves something to be desired :)
I love steaks and I like them pretty rare (yep I like 'em bleeding, my steak that is LOL) and a cheap steak cooked medium rare or bluer just leaves something to be desired :)

Me too. If it's still fighting back, cooked perfectly. Here was mine a few nights ago. ;)


This was my purchase this summer - Louisiana Grills CS450 pellet smoker/grill. As mentioned, I do a lot of smoked meat - own several smokers, but when I bought this critter this summer I sold the stick burner and electric, and I can't see myself using the charcoal vertical anymore either. Makes a kickass BBQ as well, have done everything from a 15# pork butt right through to pizza (and everything in between) in it with great results.

I can survive without it, the same as most people avoid short term food pricing shocks by..well, just not buying it.

Remember the "bacon apocalypse" last summer that they told us about? Yeah, saw bacon back down to $4/pound on sale (and yes, a full 500G pack, not the sneaky new 350g ones) tonight at the grocery store, and most of the non-sale prices are also back to normal.

Then there was "coffee shortage" before that. And a butter shortage around Christmas. Yeah, same stories...all still there, price went up for a bit but then came back down.

I love a good steak, but when they hit $15 EACH for a good striploin I said F-it and never bought them. Neither did most others based on all the ones I spotted going bad in the meat coolers..and look, the prices have started to come down, surprise surprise...saw packs of 3 good striploins at the No Frills tonight for $25. Bad enough, but not $15/each.

Sure, there was a legit crop issue that led to this price spike for cauliflower, but just don't buy a few months it'll come back down, and once the Ontario crops start coming in they'll be cheap again.

You know what? I frequently find myself wondering how bacon can be as cheap as it is. Granted, I'm talking about pedestrian grocery store bacon wrapped in plastic, but still. On a good day you can get it for like $3 a pack
You know what? I frequently find myself wondering how bacon can be as cheap as it is. Granted, I'm talking about pedestrian grocery store bacon wrapped in plastic, but still. On a good day you can get it for like $3 a pack

packaged bacon ripped us off in the last few years going from 500g to the new 350g packages, price is about the same but you are getting a lot less. also bacon in so pumped, 80% of the cooking time is actually boiling off the added water rather than actual frying. Proper smoked bacon(pork belly) takes 2 minutes to fry.
I say it's time to BAN this white devil vegetable plant before the situation gets out of control !
Next thing you know, cauliflower dealers will be popping up on every corner, killing each other over street prices and territorial disputes.
Sooner or later the organized crime cartels will catch on and begin smuggling this "white gold" in from foreign countries using miami vice boats, underground tunnels and submarines !!!
Society will crumble as mad cauliflower craving zombies target restaurants and old ladies shopping bags in a desperate plight to steal one of these rare gems and resell it in a dark alley downtown.
Kids will start drying it out and smoking it as it becomes more popular, thus fueling the illegal market even more.
Making it a crime to possess any cauliflower is the obvious solution. Join me in protest. :protest:

Now regarding hydroponics, has anyone noticed how fake these GMO fruits and veg have become?
Lets just take raspberries as an example, grab some of those driscoll's berries at the store

They look good, oddly huge, you don't see those in the wild, ZERO taste, ZERO nutrition. Fake food.
Take them to a university nutrition lab and ask them to tell you how good they are.
You would need to eat the whole pack to equal a few wild berries from EARTH.
This explains why some people eat alot, their body wants more quality, not quantity.
Now regarding hydroponics, has anyone noticed how fake these GMO fruits and veg have become?
Lets just take raspberries as an example, grab some of those driscoll's berries at the store

They look good, oddly huge, you don't see those in the wild, ZERO taste, ZERO nutrition. Fake food.
Take them to a university nutrition lab and ask them to tell you how good they are.
You would need to eat the whole pack to equal a few wild berries from EARTH.
This explains why some people eat alot, their body wants more quality, not quantity.

The nutrition is in the moldy ones at the bottom of the container.
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