Cauliflower, the new white gold

No Kidding. I wonder what its going to be like when the loonie is worth half the US Dollar.

Its OK though... "The economy will look after its self"

It's not a good time to be doing a bike restomod these days. Thought I dodged the bullet yesterday by shopping what I thought was Canadian Racetronics. Just a simple -03AN female coupler 10 bux. Oops, at checkout it's $35 delivered and converted to our money. It might be time to put everything away and go into lockdown mode. Save some money for food.
I say it's time to BAN this white devil vegetable plant before the situation gets out of control !
Next thing you know, cauliflower dealers will be popping up on every corner, killing each other over street prices and territorial disputes.
Sooner or later the organized crime cartels will catch on and begin smuggling this "white gold" in from foreign countries using miami vice boats, underground tunnels and submarines !!!


LoL. It used to be "Reefer Madness", I guess we need a sequel, this time for cauliflower.

What about mangos, papaya, and avocados? Prices are also getting stupid. I know average canadians don't eats those often, but I have to have them.
packaged bacon ripped us off in the last few years going from 500g to the new 350g packages, price is about the same but you are getting a lot less. also bacon in so pumped, 80% of the cooking time is actually boiling off the added water rather than actual frying. Proper smoked bacon(pork belly) takes 2 minutes to fry.
Yeah when i cook it i always find that it takes SO MUCH TIME for that stage to pass.My trick has been to fold the slices in half, get a lil bit of browning on each side (at like 6), then unfold it and cook the "inner fold" side until it browns. (at 5) and then flip it once on each side 1m each (at 4) and then turn off and let the bacon fat do the rest and its crispy and soft at the same time.

Of course that only works well if the slices are thick enough and it it has still a lil bit of hardness to it. Otherwise it tends to overcook easier..and yeah over the past 6 months or so, i've only been buying bacon when it was on sale... cause 6-7 dollars for a pack? no thanks.
Goes on sale, buy 3-4 packs, put in freezer, kthx for the next few weeks
It's not a good time to be doing a bike restomod these days. Thought I dodged the bullet yesterday by shopping what I thought was Canadian Racetronics. Just a simple -03AN female coupler 10 bux. Oops, at checkout it's $35 delivered and converted to our money. It might be time to put everything away and go into lockdown mode. Save some money for food.

Hmmm... Food or a new exhaust... priorities, priorities...
I'm much to lazy to properly cook bacon. I microwave it.
And wtf happened to peanut butter? $6 a jar? I only buy it at $3 or less on sale, and load up.

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I buy the restaurant packs of bacon at the aforementioned great Canadian wholesale. Way better quality, thicker slices, not anywhere close to as much water/brine vs retail grocery store bacon. We just split it up into 1.5# ziplock and freeze it.

And whenever possible....I cook it on my pellet grill vs frying. Bacon cooked slowly over wood = yummy.
I buy the restaurant packs of bacon at the aforementioned great Canadian wholesale. Way better quality, thicker slices, not anywhere close to as much water/brine vs retail grocery store bacon. We just split it up into 1.5# ziplock and freeze it.

And whenever possible....I cook it on my pellet grill vs frying. Bacon cooked slowly over wood = yummy.

where how when? i want
Load up on cheap beans @ Food Basics, No Frills etc. Find ingenius(sp?) ways to eat them. Started this for health reasons, paying dividends in bad economic climate. "Don't be fat stupid and poor" Animal House
I say it's time to BAN this white devil vegetable plant before the situation gets out of control !
Next thing you know, cauliflower dealers will be popping up on every corner, killing each other over street prices and territorial disputes.
Sooner or later the organized crime cartels will catch on and begin smuggling this "white gold" in from foreign countries using miami vice boats, underground tunnels and submarines !!!
Society will crumble as mad cauliflower craving zombies target restaurants and old ladies shopping bags in a desperate plight to steal one of these rare gems and resell it in a dark alley downtown.
Kids will start drying it out and smoking it as it becomes more popular, thus fueling the illegal market even more.
Making it a crime to possess any cauliflower is the obvious solution. Join me in protest. :protest:

Now regarding hydroponics, has anyone noticed how fake these GMO fruits and veg have become?
Lets just take raspberries as an example, grab some of those driscoll's berries at the store

They look good, oddly huge, you don't see those in the wild, ZERO taste, ZERO nutrition. Fake food.
Take them to a university nutrition lab and ask them to tell you how good they are.
You would need to eat the whole pack to equal a few wild berries from EARTH.
This explains why some people eat alot, their body wants more quality, not quantity.

Totally agree...nasty watery mammoth berries. I like the wild ones in season from the local markets way better even if they are smaller. Blueberries are the same. Mass farmed mutant ones have no taste.
where how when? i want

Not a lot of them around, but if you can find one there a lot of restaurant supply options there which are often more convenient and better quality.

I buy my pork butts there as well for pulled pork every few weekends (smoker again), average about $15-$18 for a 10 pounder. Twice that at places like Halendas. Lots of bulk items including meat and such.
Maybe I am just being a snob here, good steak and no frills don't exactly go together :p Not saying there are lots of good deal there, and some of them may even be steaks, but the isnt a no frills, food basics, price chopper,... that carries a good steak :)
My No Frills in Etobicoke has a seperate butcher and fish monger in the back of the store. I get my steaks, usually strip loins cut to order (1.25 to 1.5 inch thick). I cook them blue for me medium rare for the wife and kids. Good steaks, reasonably priced.

As Woody Harrelson said in The Cowboy Way "Oh, just knock its horns off, wipe its nasty ***, and chunk it right here on this plate."
I'd rather pay 7 bucks for a head of cauliflower and 3 for a cucumber than 10 for a McDonald's "meal" any day.

My local Fresh Co (Brooklin) is dirty, I won't shop there and the produce is craptacular. Same same for NoFrills.

Costco meat/chx/fish always taste slightly medicinal to me, like a metallic soapy taste. I wonder if it's the prep or the packaging. Size wise it's atrocious, that's a big piece of meat for one sitting. Value wise it's great, one steak lasts 3 meals. However I don't buy it a lot, because of my taste buds.
Oddly enough my wife just posted on FB that she found cauliflower for $3/head somewhere in Markham.

Perhaps theres some gouging going on in the stores charging $7....because they can?
Yeah when i cook it i always find that it takes SO MUCH TIME for that stage to pass.My trick has been to fold the slices in half, get a lil bit of browning on each side (at like 6), then unfold it and cook the "inner fold" side until it browns. (at 5) and then flip it once on each side 1m each (at 4) and then turn off and let the bacon fat do the rest and its crispy and soft at the same time.

Of course that only works well if the slices are thick enough and it it has still a lil bit of hardness to it. Otherwise it tends to overcook easier..and yeah over the past 6 months or so, i've only been buying bacon when it was on sale... cause 6-7 dollars for a pack? no thanks.
Goes on sale, buy 3-4 packs, put in freezer, kthx for the next few weeks

Bullcrap... you can't cook bacon just burn it... ask anyone that was there at Christmas.... You almost ruined Christmas dinner for everyone lol
Bullcrap... you can't cook bacon just burn it... ask anyone that was there at Christmas.... You almost ruined Christmas dinner for everyone lol
i cant multi task, now that, is another problem ;)
Well for what's it worth I cook my bacon on a cookie sheet in the oven. About 20-25 mins at 400 usually does it. Then I pour the grease into a mason jar I keep in the fridge to use later.

I love hearing people that live where there's winter complain about the price of fresh produce. If it's that much of a problem than maybe you should learn how to can or freeze it to use in winter.
Well for what's it worth I cook my bacon on a cookie sheet in the oven. About 20-25 mins at 400 usually does it. Then I pour the grease into a mason jar I keep in the fridge to use later.

My grandmother cooked bacon like this. Mmmmmm..... Nice and crispy. Brings back memories.

She would also pour some of the fat into a frying pan and fry up come pre-cooked Cabbage or Kale or use it for hash browns, everything tastes better with bacon. I would love this but my wife is a vegetarian so that pretty much make me a vegetarian.

Clearly people were not worried about the on-going cholesterol problem back then, although my grandfather lived to 93 and my grandmother to 98.
I got myself an Aerogarden in the boxing day sales. It's just growing herbs right now but apparently you can grow smaller plants in it too like cherry tomatoes. Just before the growing season starts I'll use it for seed starts so I can plant right after last frost. The thing is pretty neat and just needs a water and fertiliser top up every now and then. Plants grow fast in it.
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