I say it's time to BAN this white devil vegetable plant before the situation gets out of control !
Next thing you know, cauliflower dealers will be popping up on every corner, killing each other over street prices and territorial disputes.
Sooner or later the organized crime cartels will catch on and begin smuggling this "white gold" in from foreign countries using miami vice boats, underground tunnels and submarines !!!
Society will crumble as mad cauliflower craving zombies target restaurants and old ladies shopping bags in a desperate plight to steal one of these rare gems and resell it in a dark alley downtown.
Kids will start drying it out and smoking it as it becomes more popular, thus fueling the illegal market even more.
Making it a crime to possess any cauliflower is the obvious solution. Join me in protest.

Now regarding hydroponics, has anyone noticed how fake these GMO fruits and veg have become?
Lets just take raspberries as an example, grab some of those driscoll's berries at the store
They look good, oddly huge, you don't see those in the wild, ZERO taste, ZERO nutrition. Fake food.
Take them to a university nutrition lab and ask them to tell you how good they are.
You would need to eat the whole pack to equal a few wild berries from EARTH.
This explains why some people eat alot, their body wants more quality, not quantity.